The Postmaster General Heroes’ Program seeks nominations

The Postmaster General Heroes’ Program seeks nominations
This carrier raced to alert condo residents to a fire
An employee helped prevent an outdoor fire from spreading
An employee aided a motorist who escaped a shooting spree
Two employees rushed to aid a co-worker who collapsed
These employees took action when a fire threatened their office
This employee urged her co-worker to go to a hospital. Doing so may have saved his life
This rural carrier saved a driver and her passenger from a vehicle fire
These two employees worked together to aid a co-worker in distress
This carrier tended to an injured customer — and put away her groceries, too
This rural carrier heard her name being called by a customer who had fallen in his yard
A letter carrier helped a customer in distress after a fall
This carrier found a 3-year-old wandering in the cold
A retail associate saved a customer from losing more money in a fake sweepstakes
This letter carrier prevented a customer with dementia from getting lost
This postal inspector helped students and drivers after a fiery car-bus collision
A carrier alerted a sleeping customer to a house fire
An employee helped a couple in need on a highway
An employee responded to a customer’s medical emergency
This postmaster performed CPR on a customer who collapsed
A carrier helped free a customer pinned by a scooter
A carrier’s observation during a fire helped prevent a bigger catastrophe
An employee aided a customer in need of medical assistance
A carrier saved a customer’s canines from a house fire
An employee performed CPR on a pedestrian struck by a car
This carrier caught a collapsing customer
Employee helps woman after stroke