Public holds Postal Service in high esteem, poll shows
Archives: News
On the rise
Peak season brings surge in holiday orders
Happy home
‘Hugging dogs’ adopted by USPS employee
‘Heart of the Holidays’
USPS ready to serve businesses, video shows
Decisions, decisions
Online tool helps assess health plans
For their information
USPS honors two individuals for handling FOIA requests
Shipping in style
Collaboration with USPS drives startup’s growth
One of their own
‘The Inspectors’ investigate assault on carrier
Felices fiestas
Spanish-language USPS holiday TV ad debuts
Treasure trunk
Lost letters are valuable historical find
Lean in
Postal Service’s Lean Six Sigma certifications surging
Scanning scorecard
New area and district scanning leaders emerge
Dynamic deliveries
Technique helping USPS grow package business
Nest big thing
USPS, online boutique team for speedy service
Heroes’ corner
South Carolina employee administers CPR
Future fleet
VMF managers meet to discuss strategies
Special delivery
Holiday mailing to arrive at every residential address
Open options
New video explains Self Plus One enrollment type
Empowering employees
USPS offers new education discounts
Billions and billions
Customer Connect marks major milestone
Promise to keep
Baltimore District managers take pledge for safety
‘Dear Mr. You’
Book examines importance of letter writing
In remembrance
Flags should be flown at half-staff through sunset Nov. 19
Getting started
Holiday shoppers already making purchases, survey says
Self awareness
New enrollment type available during open season
Bound by honor
USPS salutes veterans at events across nation
Social stars
Updates offered on two carriers who gained online fame
Postal Bulletin
New issue features open season information
Know your data
Tips offered for different types of information
In the pink
Southern Area leads nation in breast cancer stamp sales