Boston P&DC tops remittance mail survey

Boston P&DC tops remittance mail survey
Ethical conduct standards apply year-round
Sites offer resources for employees, customers
New extended capacity vehicles being deployed
USPS takes ‘customer-obsessed’ approach, site reports
’Tis the season to watch out for online scams
Test your knowledge of selecting benefits
Team established to improve, streamline inefficiencies
‘POV’ highlights customer focus, package delivery
Employees express enthusiasm for new initiative
CBS News highlights South Dakota carrier’s dedication
Time’s running out to update your health coverage
New initiative discussed in video
Flags should be flown at half-staff through sunset Dec. 7
Hatch Act updates affect postal employees
OIG delivers latest six-month report to Congress
Florida employee helps injured woman
Top area, district standings see changes
USPS using Charlie Brown trucks during holidays
New safety video helps employees prepare for elements
ABC brings together USPS veteran, customer
Multiple holiday stamps available at Post Offices, online
Post Office holiday hours announced
Post Office customer service ranks highly in poll
Merchants face same-day shipping challenges
Open season site offers information, other resources
California employee rescues customer who fell in garage
USPS issues two books for stamp fans
New initiative to emphasize USPS principles
Rachael Ray, USPS team to surprise teacher