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Vital valentines

Tawanda Robbins knows a little card can make a big difference. Robbins is the founder of the Love in Action Project, a Charlotte, NC-based nonprofit that aids older people across the nation. February is the group’s busiest time of the year, when volunteers make valentines to send to senior communities to combat the effects of […]

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Silver lining

The man living with a traumatic brain injury thought he’d driven from New York. But as he wandered around the parking lot at the Animas, NM, Post Office on a September morning last year — disoriented, distressed, his dog Maggie by his side, no vehicle in sight — Retail Associate Mary McCarty wasn’t sure what […]

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USPS finances

The Postal Service has reported its financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2023 (Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2022). Here are some highlights: • Revenue. Operating revenue was $21.5 billion, an increase of 1 percent compared with the same quarter last fiscal year. Shipping and packages revenue increased 2.4 percent, and First-Class Mail revenue […]

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Gifted storyteller

A new Postal Service video highlights the Ernest J. Gaines stamp release. The critically acclaimed author is the 46th honoree in the Postal Service’s Black Heritage stamp series. The stamp features an oil painting of Gaines based on a 2001 photograph. USPS recently dedicated the stamp at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where Gaines […]

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Waste watchers

The Postal Service is reminding employees to follow the proper procedures for the handling, storage and disposal of used batteries. Most used batteries contain hazardous components and cannot be tossed in the trash. These batteries are typically regulated as universal waste and include inoperable batteries from mobile scanners, phones, laptops and other electronic equipment. USPS […]

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Phish eye

The Postal Service wants employees and contractors to remain vigilant against malware, malicious software specifically designed to compromise computer systems or devices. Malware can be delivered in several ways, including through websites, apps and unsolicited tech support. However, approximately 94 percent of all malware arrives as email attachments. Online criminals often target organizations with phishing […]

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Deadline nearing

Postal Service facilities that store certain quantities of hazardous chemicals must complete and submit the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Tier II form by March 1 each year. Reporting requirements apply to any location that stores threshold quantities of EPCRA-regulated chemicals, such as sulfuric acid in lead-acid and gel cell batteries, gasoline, diesel […]

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Postal pairing

A company that makes accessories for Apple and Samsung devices is offering a new collection of postal-themed designs. Troy, MI-based Affinity Bands’ line of smartwatch bands and cases for Samsung smartphones, iPhones and AirPods is available on its website. The licensed items will also be sold online by Amazon, Walmart, Target and Etsy, beginning in […]

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Slippery slope

Letter Carrier Benito Vargas was delivering mail one day last winter in a West Hartford, CT, neighborhood when he came upon an unconscious customer. The man had slipped on ice in his driveway, striking the pavement headfirst. Vargas rushed to the residence to alert the customer’s wife, who called 911, and remained on the scene […]

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Love story

A new Postal Service video highlights this year’s Love stamps. The two stamps show a puppy and a kitten, each resting their front paws on a big red heart. The release continues a series that began in 1973. The new stamps, available in panes of 20 at Post Offices and, were dedicated last month […]

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FSA deadlines

The Postal Service wants to remind employees with flexible spending accounts, or FSAs, of some important dates: • Expenses for the 2023 health care FSA (HCFSA) and the 2023 limited-expense health care FSA (LEX HCFSA) must be incurred between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023. • Expenses for the 2023 dependent care FSA (DCFSA) must […]

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Are you in the know?

Want to stay on top of the latest Postal Service news? Link mobile can help. The mobile-friendly version of the Link website offers news reports, feature stories and informational videos, including coverage of Delivering for America, the organization’s new 10-year plan. The site is particularly helpful to craft employees and others who don’t have regular […]

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Tiptop tickers

February is American Heart Month, a time to learn about the causes of cardiovascular disease and how to prevent it. The USPS Health and Wellness team encourages employees to use the month to learn more about living a heart-healthy lifestyle and to address the risks for developing coronary disease. The three most common risk factors […]

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Package deal

The Postal Service has revised package shipping labels to include two new barcodes. The labels now incorporate two-dimensional Intelligent Mail matrix barcodes, which are similar to QR codes. They appear on shipping labels above and below the one-dimensional Intelligent Mail package barcode and contain the same tracking number. “Some packages from mailers — usually clothing, […]

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Weekend warrior

Linsey Goodale, a city carrier assistant, was making deliveries on a Saturday morning last fall in Kingman, KS, when she spotted smoke billowing from an apartment at a 20-unit complex. She immediately called 911 and rushed from unit to unit, banging on doors and windows to alert residents, many of whom were sleeping. Firefighters soon […]

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Something’s phishy

The Postal Service wants employees and contractors to learn the basic skills necessary to identify phishing lures in a sea of office emails. Phishing emails are often sent by an unknown external entity, composed with poor grammar, contain attachments or include an urgent request that you to click on an embedded link. However, as phishing […]

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Voice for the oppressed

The Postal Service celebrated the stamp release honoring author Ernest J. Gaines at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette on Jan. 23. “Dr. Gaines brought worldwide attention to generations of men and women who asserted their human dignity in the face of racial oppression and violence,” said Donald Lee Moak, a member of the USPS […]

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Rabbit redux

The Postal Service has released a video to highlight its newest Lunar New Year stamp, Year of the Rabbit. The stamp shows a stylized mask of a rabbit’s face, which is covered with meaningful symbols. USPS dedicated Year of the Rabbit this month in San Francisco. The stamp is available in panes of 20 at […]

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Better, faster, greener

The Postal Service is seeking nominations for the 2023 USPS Sustainability Excellence Awards. The program, which includes the PMG Sustainability Excellence Award, recognizes efforts to create a more sustainable workplace and protect the environment. Nominees can include employees or teams who have improved the Postal Service’s environmental stewardship throughout fiscal year 2022 (Oct. 1, 2021-Sept. […]

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Natural wonders

The Postal Service will release two stamps, Florida Everglades and Great Smoky Mountains, on Jan. 22. The denominations are $9.65 for Florida Everglades and $28.75 for Great Smoky Mountains. The stamps were designed for use on Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express flat-rate envelopes. Artist Dan Cosgrove created the digital illustrations for both stamps, working […]

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Keeping track

The USPS Logistics team has installed new barcodes on nearly 95 percent of the Postal Service’s fleet of owned and leased trailers and box trucks. The new 99V barcodes use two-dimensional data matrices, which are also known as QR codes, and are replacing traditional barcodes. The barcodes, when scanned, provide a vehicle identification number and […]

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To remember

President Joe Biden has ordered U.S. flags flown at half-staff to honor the victims of last week’s mass shooting in Monterey Park, CA. Flags should be flown at half-staff until Jan. 26 at sunset. To fly the flag at half-staff, hoist the flag to the peak for an instant and then lower it to the […]

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Blaze battler

Letter Carrier Willie Shannon was delivering mail one day last summer in a Sacramento, CA, neighborhood when he spotted a balcony on fire. Shannon sprang into action, calling 911 while knocking on doors at the four-unit apartment building to let customers know there was an emergency. The Postal Service employee then used a garden hose […]

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Roundtable reminder

The Postal Service will hold a veterans roundtable discussion Sunday, Jan. 22, for employees who are in or have served in the military. The virtual event, which takes place at 1 p.m. EST, is hosted by the USPS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team. Several topics — including the Wounded Warriors Leave Act, suicide awareness and […]

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FEHB and Medicare

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn about the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program and Medicare. The session, “Medicare and FEHB,” will be held Jan. 26 at 2 p.m. EST. Representatives from GEHA, a not-for-profit provider of health plans for federal employees, will conduct the webinar and explain how Medicare […]

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Hare do

The Postal Service dedicated the latest stamp in its Lunar New Year series, Year of the Rabbit, at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco on Jan. 12. “This is an important celebration for many Asian people, with an estimated 1.5 billion people around the world marking this special occasion,” said Derek Kan, a member […]

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Houston, we have a problem

Customer Services Manager Renee Butler was recently on duty in Houston when an older customer came into the Post Office to seek help. The man, who has Alzheimer’s disease, said he was lost and needed assistance to get home. Butler immediately offered the customer water and a place to sit while she called 911. Responding […]

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Jump start

The Postal Service has rolled out new resources and tools to help employees resolve technology issues without IT support. These include: • Network outage dashboard. Network connectivity outages — outage effects, facility downtimes and county power outages — have been added to the Operations Automated Weather Alert & Realtime Events dashboard to help managers make […]

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Network notes

The latest Delivering for America postcard is on its way to Postal Service employees’ homes. This card touts USPS efforts to transform its delivery network, which include reducing reliance on third-party carriers, adding new mobile delivery devices and package processing machines, and introducing sorting and delivery centers. Also, a part of the mailing is a […]

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