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Show me the data

The Postal Service recently introduced a dashboard to enhance service performance for Priority Mail Open and Distribute (PMOD) shipments. The Received at Opening Unit (RAOU) dashboard uses the Informed Visibility platform to deliver greater insight to serve high-value customers, particularly pharmaceutical companies that rely on USPS to send medication — a need that has grown […]

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Transportation strategy

Peter Routsolias has joined the Postal Service as transportation strategy vice president, a position established during the organization’s structural realignment in August. Routsolias leads the strategic design of the USPS transportation network and the development of improvements for plants and delivery sortation operations. Routsolias, who has more than 25 years in international logistics and operations, […]

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First comes Love

The Postal Service will release its first stamp of 2021 — the latest entry in the popular Love series — Thursday, Jan. 14. This year’s design is a group of graphic hearts and simple shapes in bold colors arrayed playfully around the word “love” on a dark blue background. Bailey Sullivan created the art and […]

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Scanning snapshot

A snapshot of Postal Service scanning data shows the national rating was 95.18 percent during the week ending Jan. 8, down 1.14 percent from one week earlier. The data was collected Jan. 13. Western Pacific led the four areas with a rating of 96.65 percent, while Atlantic ranked last with a 93.59 percent rating. Among […]

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Deborah Mobley, Washington, DC

Today’s employees can certainly learn something about loyalty and dedication from Columbus, OH, Mail Expeditor Joseph Clark, who was profiled recently in Link. Clark, like so many other postal workers with 30-plus years of employment, exemplifies how true job satisfaction can be measured in quality and not quantity. […]

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Warning signs

The Postal Service is advising employees who feel ill to follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance and stay home, especially if they are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. According to the CDC, people with COVID-19 have a wide variety of symptoms, ranging from mild to […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. A snapshot of Postal Service scanning data shows the national rating was 94.69 percent during the week ending Jan. 1, down 0.8 percent from one week earlier. The data was collected Jan. 6. Western Pacific led the four areas with a rating of 96.35 percent, down 0.53 percent from a week ago, while […]

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For the record

As more Postal Service business is being conducted remotely, the USPS Law Department is reminding employees to take care with Zoom recordings, emails and voicemail messages. All three forms of communications are considered to be electronic records and can be subject to public information requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and litigation-related requests. […]

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Fighting back

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn how to deal with inflammation, which is a sign that your body is fighting harmful conditions. The session, “Fighting Inflammation Naturally,” will be held Monday, Jan. 11, at noon EST. Coletta Meyer, a health and wellness manager for GEHA, a not-for-profit provider of health […]

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Keeping pace

More than 300 Postal Service employees recently completed Arizona/New Mexico District’s Tortoise and Hare Fitness Challenge, an annual effort to promote health and wellness. The 36-week initiative aims to educate participants on a variety of topics, including maintaining good blood pressure, weight management and increasing physical mobility. The program is part of the Postal Service’s […]

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Courageous countdown: No. 1

Link is looking back at the year in “Heroes’ Corner” with a countdown of the five most-viewed articles. Coming in at No. 1 is “Bomb, away!” — the story of Dion Carotenuto. The Coatesville, PA, letter carrier was delivering mail when he spotted an undetonated pipe bomb on the ground near a school-bus stop. Carotenuto […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. A snapshot of Postal Service scanning data shows the national rating was 92.71 percent during the week ending Dec. 25, down 1.98 percent from one week earlier. The data was collected Dec. 30. Western-Pacific led the four areas with a rating of 95.82 percent, followed by Southern (93.31 percent), Central (92.46 percent) and […]

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Autumn achievements

The Postal Service was as busy as ever as 2020 drew to a close. More than 155 million people voted in the general election in the fall, including many whose ballots were accepted, processed and delivered by USPS employees. “I want to thank you for your commitment to our mission of service and for bringing […]

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Photos finish

Link published more than a few memorable images this year. Here’s another look at some of the best photos, including shots from delivery routes, postal facilities and stamp dedication ceremonies. Select each thumbnail to see a larger version of the image. Share your feedback at Your comments could be included in the “Mailbag” column. […]

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About time

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. True or false: The price of a Forever stamp increased from 55 cents to 56 cents in 2020. a) True b) False 2. How much operating revenue did the Postal Service […]

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Courageous countdown: No. 3

Link is looking back at the year in “Heroes’ Corner” with a countdown of the five most-viewed articles. Coming in at No. 3 is “Fraud freeze,” the story of Troy Wiseman. The Idaho Falls, ID, retail associate grew concerned about an older customer who wanted to send two money orders totaling $900 with blank “pay […]

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Spring strength

The Postal Service demonstrated its indispensability during the spring as the coronavirus pandemic upended daily life across the United States. Employees offered a lifeline to people who were quarantined at home, ensuring uninterrupted deliveries of medicine, supplies, checks and other essential mail and packages. “People are depending on us,” said Joseph Kittles, a mail handler […]

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Walking the walk

The eyes of the nation turned this year to USPS employees, including several who captured attention for their steadfast service during the coronavirus pandemic. Cincinnati Letter Carrier Kyle West, aka Mailman Kyle, left notes with his phone number at hundreds of homes on his route, offering help. He was honored in May by President Donald […]

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Postal patronage

If you think mail was old news this year, you weren’t paying attention. Customers captured headlines throughout 2020 for their Postal Service patronage, underscoring the enduring appeal of the U.S. Mail. Sheldon Yellen, chief executive officer of Belfor Holdings, a Michigan-based disaster-relief corporation, continued his annual practice of mailing personalized birthday cards to every employee […]

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Performance enhancers

This year, Postal Service employees offered tips for one another through Link’s “Best Practices” column. Here’s some of their best advice: Remember that customers are counting on you. “Many people — especially older customers who live alone — look forward to their daily mail delivery.” — Gordonsville, VA, Rural Carrier Tyler Balint Share information.“Sometimes customers […]

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Courageous countdown: No. 5

Link is looking back at the year in “Heroes’ Corner” with a countdown of the five most-viewed articles. Coming in at No. 5 is “Door to floor,” the story of Joseph Kepling. When the Napoleon, OH, letter carrier grew concerned about an 87-year-old customer whose front door was open with a dead kitten nearby, he […]

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Holiday bells

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy rang the opening bell at the Nasdaq stock exchange during a virtual ceremony Dec. 23. In brief remarks, DeJoy discussed the Postal Service’s vital role in the nation’s economy, including its service to the public throughout the coronavirus pandemic. He also highlighted the organization’s holiday efforts, including USPS Operation Santa, the […]

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Home stretch

The Postal Service has entered peak season’s home stretch, with employees working hard to accept, process and deliver the nation’s holiday mail and packages. This is always the organization’s busiest time of year, but 2020 has presented unique challenges. Among them: Coronavirus cases are surging, which has created employee shortages for USPS and other shippers […]

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Candid camera

Security camera systems are a popular feature for homeowners and can be a useful tool in helping to safeguard your mail. In a new holiday public service announcement, the Postal Inspection Service says if you have a home security camera, make sure it captures activity at your front door and mailbox. If you catch mail […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. A snapshot of Postal Service scanning data shows the national rating was 91 percent during the week ending Dec. 18, down 4.28 percent from one week earlier. The data was collected Dec. 23. Western-Pacific led the four areas with a rating of 94.53 percent, followed by Southern (91.88 percent), Central (89.69 percent) and […]

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Positive light

Postal Service employees are giving two thumbs up for “Dear Santa,” a new documentary about the USPS Operation Santa program. The film, released in select theaters and through video-on-demand on Dec. 4, simultaneously showcases the spirit of giving and postal pride. “‘Dear Santa’ will make you feel good, which is what we need right now,” […]

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Here and there

The Postal Service has upgraded Informed Delivery to better serve customers who have more than one address. The free feature allows users to digitally preview their mail and manage incoming packages from their computers, smartphones and other devices. Until recently, customers with more than one address had to create separate Informed Delivery accounts for each […]

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Sharing your talent

The Postal Service is encouraging all employees to complete their HEROProfile, an online space where they can showcase their talents and learn more about their colleagues. HEROProfile, part of the HERO system, allows employees to present a consolidated view of their professional information that managers and supervisors can use to review employees’ skills, talents and […]

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Travel check

The Postal Service’s limit on business-related travel has been extended until at least March 22, 2021. Under the policy, only trips that are deemed critical to the organization’s business, require the traveler’s physical presence and cannot be postponed are permitted. The policy recognizes that under limited circumstances, travel will be necessary to maintain the efficiency […]

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