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Something extra

The Postal Service is testing a feature that aims to grow Informed Delivery by providing shippers with new marketing opportunities. During the test, companies that ship products with USPS will be able to provide recipients who are Informed Delivery customers with digital content related to the package. When the customer opens their Informed Delivery daily […]

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Pandemic leave FAQs

The Postal Service has updated its FAQs on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, a law that requires some employers to provide workers with emergency paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for child care. The update includes child care information that parents and caregivers will find useful for back-to-school season. The FAQs […]

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Holiday helper

Postmasters, managers and customer services supervisors will soon receive a Business Connect kit that details strategies for promoting direct mail and other USPS products and services to small businesses during the holidays. The kit, which is expected to reach recipients around Oct. 1, includes an event guide that explains how to facilitate virtual Grow Your […]

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Differently abled

National Disability Employment Awareness Month begins Oct. 1. Here are some facts you may not have known. 1. More than 40 million people in the United States have a disability. This figure represents about 12 percent of the population, according to census data. 2.The most common types of disability involve difficulties with walking or independent […]

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Out of sight

Rural Carrier Slobodanka Cadenovic was recently making deliveries in Williamstown, NJ, when she grew concerned that mail was piling up at the home of a customer who normally retrieved it daily. Cadenovic knocked on the customer’s front door but got no answer, so she checked with a neighbor — who had seen no sign of […]

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Best of all

USPS honored several postal customer councils (PCCs) this week in recognition of their creative and innovative efforts to strengthen relationships between the organization and business mailers. The PCC Leadership Award recipients were selected through a competitive process and rated on a set of criteria by an independent panel of judges. The annual awards were presented […]

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Doing for others

My name is Nate Maxwell and I’m a postal inspector assigned to the workplace violence and security team at the Postal Inspection Service’s Houston Division headquarters. I strive each day to uphold our mission to ensure the public’s trust in the mail. No two days are alike as a postal inspector. One day, I could […]

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A cup of Joe

A letter carrier’s acceptance of a cup of coffee from a business along his route has led to an almost $190,000 boost in revenue for the Postal Service. Joe Freitas of San Leandro, CA, regularly visits Proyecto Diaz Coffee while delivering the mail. The company’s owner, Fernando Diaz, often offers Freitas a cup of coffee. […]

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Pandemic protection

The Postal Service will distribute additional reusable face coverings to all employees as part of the organization’s ongoing effort to help its workers stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19 Response Command and Supply Management are distributing the new coverings, starting this week. The distribution will continue through November. The new coverings are blue and […]

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Automated tell-her

Maintenance Mechanic Patrick Edwards was recently working on sorting equipment at the Tucson, AZ, Processing and Distribution Center when he made a surprising discovery: A damaged envelope containing $1,000 in cash was caught in a gear, mere moments from destruction upon reactivation of the machine. Edwards immediately turned the envelope and cash over to the […]

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Power to the people

The Constitution of the United States was signed in September 1787. Here are some things you may not have known. 1. The Constitution is the supreme law of the United States. The original document is made up of the preamble that begins “We the people” and seven articles that took effect in 1789 and establish […]

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Staying safe

The CyberSafe at USPS team wants to help employees protect themselves during this year’s election season. Like they do during every election, scammers and cybercriminals are trying to take advantage of voters and using various tricks to obtain personally identifiable information. Often, these schemes take the form of political polls, surveys and voter registration requests […]

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Be a flu fighter

The USPS Health and Wellness team is reminding employees that the best way to stay healthy and prevent seasonal influenza is to get vaccinated every year. Getting your flu shot this season will be more important than ever. Flu vaccines don’t prevent the coronavirus, but they help to reduce flu-related illnesses, missed work and school, […]

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Payroll taxes

The Postal Service is providing employees with information about an optional deferral of payroll taxes for workers. President Donald Trump recently issued a memorandum instructing Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to allow employers to defer the collection of the employee portion of Social Security payroll tax between Sept. 1 and Dec. 31. This would not constitute […]

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Shower slipup

Covington, WA, Rural Carrier Zenaida Purganan was making deliveries in the neighboring city of Kent last Christmas Eve when she heard a customer yelling for help inside a residence. The woman indicated she’d fallen in her shower and couldn’t get up, so Purganan immediately called 911 and remained on the scene until emergency responders arrived. […]

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From the top

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy recently visited the Gulf Coast to thank employees for their work to improve service and to express his appreciation for their efforts to help customers recover from Hurricane Laura. At the North Houston Processing and Distribution Center, DeJoy discussed the Postal Service’s success at reducing late trips and delayed inventory — […]

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Million-dollar man

Juan Ayala is always on the lookout for ways to help business customers along his route. During the past two years, the Irvine, CA, letter carrier has submitted 28 sales leads through Customer Connect, a partnership between USPS and the National Association of Letter Carriers that encourages carriers to identify sales opportunities. Ayala’s leads have […]

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Welcoming challenges

My name is Rebekah Chamberlain and I’m an operations support specialist at the Hartford, CT, Processing and Distribution Center. I work on a variety of projects, but as an operations support specialist, my main goal is to ensure the plant operates efficiently and in a way that meets our customers’ needs. I’m part of a […]

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PCCs 411

National Postal Customer Council (PCC) Day is Sept. 22, but do you know what PCCs do? PCCs are local organizations that help foster a close working relationship between the Postal Service and commercial mailers, with the goal of sharing information about new and existing USPS business products, programs and services. There are 144 PCCs across […]

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The coat off his back

Letter Carrier Kenneth Bosley Jr. was delivering mail one day last winter in a Burlington, VT, neighborhood when he spotted a customer in distress. The 89-year-old woman, in slippers and without warm clothing, had been locked out of her house for a half-hour and was stranded on her porch — fearful of slipping on ice […]

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Making improvements

The Postal Service is improving its Customer 360 platform, based on feedback from employees who’ve used the system since its introduction last year. Known as C360, the system shows when, where and how often a customer has previously contacted USPS for help, and it integrates other applications to help address customers’ inquiries faster. Here’s an […]

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Travel policy extended

The Postal Service’s policy limiting business travel during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has been extended to Nov. 16. The policy affects all business trips, including in-person training. Only travel that is deemed critical to the organization’s mission and trips that cannot be postponed will be approved. Some travel will be allowed to maintain the efficiency […]

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Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar on preparing for retirement. The session, “Retirement 101,” will be held Tuesday, Sept. 22, at noon EDT. Susan Allgood, a federal plans team relationship manager for Aetna, will conduct the webinar and help participants understand Federal Employees Health Benefits program options, U.S. Office of Personnel Management […]

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Here are five facts to help mark National Hispanic Heritage Month, which began this week. 1. National Hispanic Heritage Month traces its roots to the 1960s. The month honors the history, culture and contributions of Americans whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and South America. The commemoration began in 1968 as […]

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Down to the ground

Letter Carrier Darla Dahlbacka was delivering mail in a Cedarburg, WI, neighborhood on a frigid day last December when she spotted an older customer in trouble. The woman, who had stepped outside without a coat in single-digit temperatures, tumbled off her front porch into bushes below. Dahlbacka rushed to the customer’s aid, helping her get […]

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Tracey Gray, Dayton, OH

I loved the “To the letter” article about the Eureka, IL, public library’s program to encourage young readers to become writers by sending letters. In this time of social distancing, the library’s idea was ingenious in its simplicity. […]

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Curtain call

An Ohio postal employee’s conversation with a theater employee has led to more than $300,000 in new revenue for USPS. Cleveland Retail Associate Glorietta Burks has a daughter who is a performer with Cleveland’s Playhouse Square, and Burks knew the performing arts center was struggling because of the coronavirus pandemic. She picked up the phone […]

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