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Keeping afloat

The Postal Service is continuing to move mail in the Midwest and South despite major flooding and storms this week. Several Post Offices in Illinois and Missouri have suspended operations due to heavy rains and bloated rivers that flooded homes, businesses and streets. When Eureka, MO, Post Office employees arrived at work May 2, the […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. A new stamp with thermochromic ink commemorates which astrological event? a) Partial lunar eclipse b) Partial solar eclipse c) Total lunar eclipse d) Total solar eclipse 2. Entrepreneurs are […]

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Sharon Nesbitt, Hookerton, NC

Postmaster Sharon Nesbitt was helping customers recently at the Hookerton, NC, Post Office when she encountered a man who appeared to be in distress. She asked him if he was OK and he replied that he had “a funny feeling.” Nesbitt, a former emergency responder, checked his pulse and found it to be irregular. She […]

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Celebrating differences

USPS held events throughout April to mark Celebrate Diversity Month, an annual effort to help employees from all walks of life gain a deeper understanding of each other. “We celebrate those cultural differences that make us stronger and lead to a more inclusive environment,” PMG Megan J. Brennan said at a Multicultural Awareness Day event […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: Chief Sustainability Officer Tom Day suggests employees work with their local (blank) to help USPS reduce its environmental impact. a) Human Resources office b) Lean […]

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Total Eclipse of the Sun

The Postal Service will soon release a first-of-its-kind stamp that changes when you touch it. The Total Eclipse of the Sun stamp will be issued June 20 to commemorate the eclipse that will occur in the United States Aug. 21. The stamp will show an eclipse that transforms into an image of the moon from the […]

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Need to know

Take it with you. The Postal Bulletin’s latest edition highlights Premium Forwarding Service Residential, which allows customers to forward mail temporarily to another address for as long as one year. The April 27 issue also includes a report on recent changes to customer experience surveys and a fraud alert listing invalid USPS corporate account numbers. […]

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Sherri Beaulieu, Rockland, ME

Letter Carrier Sherri Beaulieu was recently delivering mail in Rockland, ME, when she spotted a toddler heading toward busy Main Street. She yelled at the boy to stop, which he did long enough for her to run to him and scoop him up while stopping traffic. The postal employee then located the boy’s home. He […]

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‘We’re making progress’

You hear a lot about sustainability, but do you know why it’s important? To help mark Earth Day, Chief Sustainability Officer Tom Day recently sat down with Link to discuss his team’s work and why it’s essential to the Postal Service’s future. Let’s start with the basics. What does sustainability mean from a postal point […]

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Redelivery, redesigned

The Postal Service is testing a new form to alert customers when a package delivery wasn’t completed on the first try. The redesigned We ReDeliver for You! form (PS Form 3849) shows who the item is from, when and why the delivery was missed, and how long the package will be held for redelivery. The […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. What heroic act did Omaha, NE, Letter Carrier Noreen Mintken perform? a) Performed CPR on a customer b) Saved a dog hit by a car c) Assisted a woman […]

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Benefits of planning

Postal Service employees can participate in a series of webinars this spring about making the most of their benefits and the advantages of retirement planning. Here’s the schedule: Thursday, April 27, from 2-3 p.m. EST: Midcareer checklist Thursday, May 25, from 2-3 p.m. EST: Countdown to retirement Thursday, June 1, from 2-3 p.m. EST: Maximizing […]

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Noreen Mintken, Omaha, NE

A postal employee recently heard a noise that sounded like a car backfiring — but the boom turned out to be something much more serious. After Letter Carrier Noreen Mintken heard the loud noise, two kids ran around the corner near the area where she was delivering mail. “They have a gun! They’re shooting!” the […]

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Chicks ahoy!

Employees at the Angola, LA, Post Office recently had a special Easter hunt — but not for eggs. After Kristin Hooper and her two children, 8-year-old Gracie and 10-year-old Austin, came to the Post Office to pick up some baby chicks, they learned the fragile package had not yet arrived. Frantic, Hooper told employees she […]

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Competition welcome

USPS is hosting a competition from April 15-May 12 to see which Premium Post Office Box locations can open the most PO Boxes. Premium PO Box locations were formerly known as Move to Competitive (MTC) sites. To qualify, offices must first open a minimum number of boxes based on the office’s size. Winning offices will […]

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Need to know

Bites and bits. If you haven’t been reading Link this week (shame on you!), the National Dog Bite Prevention Week stories you missed include: • Highlights from the kickoff event in Los Angeles, where USPS shared safety initiatives to protect employees and offered tips to pet owners • A new public service video that shows […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: (Blank) District Manager Angela Curtis will represent USPS in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan Fellows Program. a) Atlanta b) Baltimore c) Cleveland d) Denver […]

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John Zeis, Pittsburgh

Whenever checks came in the mail for a 93-year-old customer in Pittsburgh, Letter Carrier John Zeis made it a point to knock on her door and hand them to her. When the woman didn’t answer on one such occasion recently, it worried him. He became more concerned on the next delivery day when the mail […]

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Safety first

The number of Postal Service employees attacked by dogs last year reached 6,755 — more than 200 higher than the year before, USPS announced April 6. “Even good dogs have bad days,” Safety Manager Linda DeCarlo told reporters in Los Angeles, where 80 employees were attacked in 2016 — more than any other city. DeCarlo […]

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Postal perceptions

Postal Service employees will see changes in several customer experience surveys beginning this month. To better identify what matters most to its customers, USPS is standardizing the first three questions in the following surveys: Retail point of sale Delivery Customer Care Center Business Services Network Enterprise customer care Business Mail Entry Unit One of […]

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National rollout

The Postal Service is slated to complete Informed Delivery’s national rollout by mid-April. Informed Delivery is a free, optional feature that provides residential consumers with digital previews of their incoming mail. Users receive images of the outside of their household’s letter-sized mailpieces before they arrive in their physical mailboxes. These images can be viewed via […]

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Keeping you in check

Seven out of 10 workers say finances are their most common cause of stress, according to the American Psychology Association. Financial Literacy Month, which is held every April, provides a reminder to practice responsible budgeting and planning for the future if you’re not already doing so. To help you achieve these goals, the USPS Wellness […]

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