Dorinda Criddell, Dayton, OH
Finch in a pinch
Research reach
Clerk’s tip leads to $390,000 deal
Bard of the bayou
Ernest J. Gaines to be honored with stamp
Change delayed
Updated label, forms not yet available
Blaze battler
Roundtable reminder
Virtual discussion for veterans is Jan. 22
FEHB and Medicare
Webinar to be held Jan. 26
Hare do
USPS dedicates Year of Rabbit stamp
Scanning snapshot
Numbers check
Webinar to be held Jan. 25
Pet project
Puppy, kitten star on new Love stamps
New prices
Changes to take effect this month
Thanks a lot!
Three in one
Wellness webinars to be held Jan. 24
On the Move
New gigs
Executive, manager news
Winter threats
Tips to avoid frostbite, hypothermia
Service update
USPS eliminating legacy codes, revising forms
Protecting LiteBlue
Multifactor authentication now required
Nutrition hacks
Webinar to be held Jan. 23
’23 stamp updates
More release dates, locales announced
Houston, we have a problem
Jump start
New resources to help resolve tech issues
Network notes
Employees receive 10-year plan info
A gilded route
MN carrier happy to take the high road
Scanning snapshot
Career advancement
Webinar on education is Jan. 18
Hoppy new year
Rabbit stamp is latest in lunar lineup
Winter storage
De-icing, anti-skidding products reminder
Salvador saves the day