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Reliable source

The Postal Service is one of the nation’s greatest strengths, according to a recent New York Times column. The essay by Turkish-born writer Zeynep Tufekci praises the Postal Service’s role in facilitating innovation in the United States. “Much of our modern economy thrives here because you can order things online and expect them to be […]

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Staying resolute

Postal Service employees can learn how to manage their health and wellbeing through a series of new webinars. The sessions will focus on understanding and improving your health. Topics will include daily health strategies, monitoring personal health numbers and wellness programs available through insurance plans. The webinar series is part of the Postal Service’s efforts […]

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David Kann, Guttenberg, IA

Guttenberg, IA, Rural Carrier David Kann was delivering mail recently when he noticed an unattended pile of leaves burning in front of a house. Winds had swept some of the burning leaves onto the building. Kann notified the homeowner, and together they put out the fire. […]

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Be it resolved

Many people begin each year resolving to quit smoking, lose weight or start a hobby. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers “life coaching” to help you achieve these kinds of goals. “Life coaching is not counseling. It’s a non-clinical approach that can help you maximize your personal and professional potential,” said EAP Administrator Deborah Atkins. […]

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Vital connections

Business customers help USPS strengthen service, Consumer and Industry Affairs VP Jim Nemec says in his latest “Point of View” video. “The mailing industry gives us feedback critical to improving the Postal Service’s performances,” Nemec says. USPS regularly meets with industry leaders in a range of venues, says Industry Engagement and Outreach Manager Judy de […]

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Lean feat

Postal Service employees in two districts were recently honored for their efforts to create more orderly workplaces. In Capital Metro Area, Greensboro District employees reduced average letter automation changeover time by 73 percent, while employees in Great Lakes Area’s Chicago District decreased wait-time-in-line at Post Offices. Both districts received awards through the Lean Innovation Challenge, […]

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Live long and postal

“Star Trek” fans are “beaming” about the Postal Service’s plans to issue stamps this year to honor the classic TV show’s 50th anniversary. The four stamps, which USPS announced last month, feature images inspired by the 1966-69 series. For example, one stamp shows a USS Enterprise crewman inside a transporter, while another depicts the ship […]

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Really big show

The Postal Service showcased its latest innovations at the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. My — which allows customers to track packages, manage deliveries and receive text and email alerts for incoming parcels — was highlighted along with the Postal Service’s augmented reality mobile app. Other digital services showcased included Every Door […]

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Heroes’ corner

The day began like any other. Thomas Lannon, a North Platte, NE, highway contract driver, recently began his route when he spotted something unusual on the side of the road. It was dark outside, and Lannon initially thought he saw a deer. As he got closer, he realized it was a woman frantically waving for […]

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Lost signal

Sprint will drop service to Postal Service smartphones Feb. 28. Employees with USPS-issued Sprint phones must switch to another approved carrier — such as AT&T, Verizon or T-Mobile — before service is cut. The process for switching is now underway. Employees will be contacted by their local IT teams to make carrier change requests. Additional information […]

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Scanning scorecard

The national scanning score was 96.59 percent for the week ending Jan. 1, up slightly from one week earlier. Western (96.99 percent) led the areas. Great Lakes (96.65 percent) took second place and Northeast (96.55 percent) finished third. Among the districts, Arkansas (97.71 percent) finished first for the second consecutive week. Western New York  (97.63 […]

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Faster action

USPS has improved its “mystery shopper” program to simplify the evaluation process and help Post Offices address customer service issues as soon as they occur. The program — officially known as the Retail Customer Experience (RCE) — sends independently contracted mystery shoppers to Post Offices to evaluate customer service. Shoppers then document their experiences by […]

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Tools of engagement

The Postal Service wants to hear your ideas to strengthen employee engagement — and it’s giving you several ways to share your suggestions. Employee engagement describes employees’ involvement, enthusiasm and positive contributions to the organization. Beginning Jan. 5, USPS will introduce three channels for employees who want to share recommendations to improve engagement: • Telephone. Call 844-303-6424 […]

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Equal opportunities

All employees must complete the Postal Service’s anti-discrimination training course by Thursday, June 30. The Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act (No FEAR Act) course helps employees recognize unlawful harassment in federal workplaces. This mandatory course, which is available in the Learning Management System (LMS) for all career and non-career employees, takes about […]

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Bad connection

Buy something online and pick it up at the store. Seems simple enough, right? Many shoppers, however, found “click-and-collect” services — otherwise known as in-store pickups — to be more frustrating than helpful during the holidays. Customers often encountered long lines and cancelled orders, the Washington Post reported recently. According to one study, 60 percent […]

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Safe keeping

Postal Service employees who work with sensitive information should protect it from unauthorized access, the CyberSafe at USPS team advises. Sensitive information includes printed and digital proprietary documents and other material. To keep sensitive printed material secure: Cross-shred or appropriately dispose of documents that are no longer needed. Store sensitive documents in a locked cabinet […]

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Holidays delivered

USPS employees in several cities spent part of Christmas Day ensuring customers received their last-minute packages. “I get a sense of pride delivering on Christmas Day,” said Detroit Ramp Clerk Jim Burdine. “It’s something we do special [for our customers].” Detroit Parcel Post Clerk Carole Blount, who sorted Priority Mail packages Dec. 25, said working […]

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