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Getting the word out

The Postal Service used Informed Delivery last week to provide subscribers with helpful information about the coronavirus pandemic. Informed Delivery is a free notification feature that allows consumers to receive digital images of their incoming mail. Users can see the images in a digest emailed to them or through an online dashboard. On March 14, […]

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Travel limitations

The Postal Service is limiting all business-related travel. USPS leaders will only approve travel requests that are critical to the organization’s mission, require the traveler’s physical presence and cannot be postponed. The policy took effect March 17 and will last until May 11, although it could be extended. The Postal Service instituted the policy following […]

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World of difference

The Postal Service wants employees to remember the differences between Election Mail and Political Mail. Election Mail refers to mail that allows individuals to participate in the voting process, such as ballots for domestic or international delivery. Political Mail falls into two different categories: Political Campaign Mail and Political Message Mail. Political Campaign Mail is […]

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Cover story

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: Approximately (blank) USPS employees are covered by the organization’s new contract with the American Postal Workers Union. a) 100,000 b) 200,000 c) 300,000 d) 400,000 2. True […]

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Remember Maine

The dedication ceremony for the Maine Statehood Forever stamp, scheduled for March 15, has been delayed. The stamp was released on that date as planned, and customers can purchase it at Post Offices and The Maine Bicentennial Commission, the host of the dedication ceremony, postponed its Statehood Day ceremony amid concerns about large gatherings […]

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Travel update

Due to the spread of COVID-19, the disease associated with the coronavirus pandemic, the Postal Service is requiring advanced written approval for business travel for all officers, executives and non-bargaining employees. This precautionary measure, which took effect last week, is consistent with recent guidance from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. USPS is encouraging employees […]

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Scan and deliver

Laura Tapia understands the importance of scanning to Postal Service customers — and to the organization itself. Scanning data allows customers to track their mail and packages, which helps USPS deliver excellent service, boost consumer loyalty and drive revenue. “The customer needs to know where and when we will deliver the parcel. That’s why scanning […]

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Remove and discard

The Postal Service is again reminding employees about the proper handling of mail transport equipment (MTE) tags and labels. The labels identify the destination for each mail container, which means a misplaced label can send the mail to the wrong destination. Employees are responsible for removing all labels and tags from sacks, trays and tubs […]

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Less distress

Letter Carrier Terry Hackelton was recently delivering mail in a Clarendon, AR, neighborhood on a hot day when he spotted a customer in distress. The woman, who is her 80s, had fallen in her backyard and tried unsuccessfully for a half-hour to flag down other passersby. Hackelton, who is also a trained first responder with […]

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Sneak peeks

Every few months, Postal Service employees receive an Area Update newsletter in their mailboxes. It will soon arrive in their inboxes, too. Beginning this month, employees who subscribe to Informed Delivery will receive a digital preview of the latest Area Update before it arrives in the mail. The preview, which will appear in Informed Delivery […]

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Cremated remains update

The Postal Service has introduced a kit to ship cremated remains for pets and other animals. Two versions of the Cremated Remains Animal Kit — which must be shipped through Priority Mail Express — are available: • The first version of the kit includes a roll of Priority Mail Express adhesive tape. • The kit’s […]

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Precious Love

The Made of Hearts stamp dedication ceremony is highlighted in a new Postal Service video. The event was held Jan. 23 at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. “It is my hope that this stamp makes us pause and think about how precious love is,” USPS Chief Operating Officer David E. Williams says in […]

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Census and sensibility

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. How many census-related mailpieces will USPS accept, process and deliver during the six-week period that begins March 12? a) 509 million b) 590 million c) 905 million d) 950 million 2. […]

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Coronavirus update

In a special “Business Focus” video released this week, Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan updates employees on the new coronavirus. The virus, also known as COVID-19, was identified late last year in Wuhan, China, and has been spreading around the world, including the United States. “The Postal Service is taking this health threat seriously, but […]

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Board update

President Trump has nominated Donald Lee Moak, a Florida resident, to be a member of the USPS Board of Governors. Moak, formerly president of the Air Line Pilots Association, is founder and chief executive officer of the Moak Group, a public affairs firm. The nomination will be for the remainder of a seven-year term expiring […]

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In the know

Rosemarie Bruno prides herself on helping customers find the right USPS product or service to meet their needs. The Oakton, VA, retail associate handles a variety of transactions, so she’s become an expert on topics like the Priority Mail delivery process, how to obtain package insurance and the cost of adding Signature Confirmation. “It’s important […]

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Inside information

The Postal Service wants employees to be in the know about its role in the 2020 decennial census. The organization has introduced a Census 2020 Blue page that has stand-up talks and posters covering transportation, processing and delivery and retail operations. A list of USPS census points of contacts for headquarters and each area is […]

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Help is here

The Postal Service wants employees to remember that counseling and other services are available through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The program aims to help employees overcome life challenges that can affect their health, family or job performance. EAP is voluntary, confidential and free. Services include: • Face-to-face counseling. Clinicians are available to talk in […]

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Teresa Navarette, San Diego

After reading “‘We stood our ground,’” the article about how USPS worker Gail Etienne-Stripling helped integrate the New Orleans public school system as a child during the 1960s, all I can say is, “Wow!” It’s truly an amazing story about how she paved the way for others. […]

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Need a lift!

City Carrier Assistant Sara Mikoulinskii was recently delivering mail in a Neenah, WI, neighborhood when a customer approached her for help. The woman said she needed to drive her granddaughter to a nearby hospital, because the girl was having a seizure, and getting her into the car seat was proving difficult alone. Mikoulinskii was able […]

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Well played

Arnold Palmer was hailed as both a great American and a great golfer during the March 4 dedication ceremony for the stamp in his honor. Palmer (1929-2016) rose to sports prominence in the 1950s and ’60s, expanding golf’s appeal through his athletic prowess and magnetic personality. “Mr. Palmer was a transformative figure in the game […]

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Suggestion box

A Minnesota TV news anchor recently met a woman who has faithfully sent her fan mail for four years. In 2016, KARE, the NBC station in Minneapolis, asked viewers to share their feedback on a new news segment. One viewer chose the U.S. Mail to express her opinion, sending a letter to Rena Sarigianopoulos, a […]

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Light it up

Daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 8, at 2 a.m. In areas where the change is observed, most people will “spring forward” and set their clocks ahead one hour Saturday, March 7, at bedtime. Clocks will turn back Sunday, Nov. 1, at 2 a.m. […]

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Right on time

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Which USPS tool helps business customers ensure their mailings are delivered at the right time? a) Informed Facility b) Informed Mobility c) Informed Visibility d) None of the above 2. True […]

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Mail the vote

Rockville, a Maryland city of about 68,000 residents near Washington, DC, made history last year when it became the state’s first jurisdiction to hold an election entirely by mail. Based on the results, it might not be the last. More than 12,000 voters cast ballots in the election for mayor and city council — up […]

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All together

Leeann Theriault knows there’s safety in numbers. In her role as Appalachian District manager, Theriault oversees hundreds of employees. She wants each of them to work together to stay safe on the job. “Safety is a team effort,” Theriault says. USPS wants all managers and supervisors to follow this approach. Last fall, Appalachian’s team approach […]

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Is this for real?

The Postal Inspection Service wants USPS employees and customers to protect themselves from government impersonator scams. During National Consumer Protection Week, which began March 1, the law enforcement agency is urging employees and customers to beware of scammers who pretend to represent the Social Security Administration, the Internal Revenue Service and other agencies. Often, victims […]

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Hidden connections

What do today’s smart TVs, fitness equipment and home security systems all have in common? They can all connect to the internet. This technology, known as the “internet of things,” refers to everyday devices that have an online connection — which makes them vulnerable to targeting by hackers. Often, these devices are overlooked for security […]

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Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month, which encourages the study and celebration of the vital role of women in American history. The annual commemoration traces its roots to the early 1980s. It began as a weeklong celebration in 1982, then expanded to a full month five years later. The Postal Service has more than 289,000 female […]

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