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Serving the nation

In his latest video message, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy praises employees for helping USPS deliver throughout the coronavirus pandemic. “The credit belongs to the women and men of the Postal Service for being dedicated to our mission in a time of crisis in every community in America. Thank you for your service to the nation,” […]

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Travel planning

The Postal Service is reminding employees to recommend the USPS Hold Mail service to customers who plan to travel away from home this summer. The service allows the organization to hold customers’ mail at a postal facility for a minimum of three days up to a maximum of 30 days. After that, the customers’ regular […]

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Preparing for change

The Human Resources leadership team will hold a virtual job fair from July 20-22. These will be interactive sessions where employees can ask questions about the various positions available. The fair will allow Postal Service employees to explore career opportunities in the department as USPS realigns itself to achieve the goals of the new Delivering […]

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‘I can’t die’

Letter Carrier Richard Henderson was delivering mail last winter in Canton, OH, when he thought he heard a car backfire. Henderson turned around and saw a vehicle speeding off as a man ran toward him. “Please call 911!” he yelled. “I’ve been shot!” The Postal Service employee immediately took off his sweater as the man […]

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Little wheels

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. What is the suggested retail price for the new USPS delivery vehicle ride-on toy for kids? a) $269 b) $279 c) $289 d) $299 2. True or false: USPS employees who […]

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Mark your calendars

The Postal Service will soon move eTravel from eAccess to ARIS, the organization’s new platform for accessing USPS digital resources. Requests for access to eTravel will no longer be accepted through eAccess after Tuesday, July 20, at 9 a.m. EDT. Beginning Monday, July 26, at 9 a.m. EDT, employees can make new requests for eTravel […]

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Broadway rhythm

The Postal Service dedicated its Tap Dance stamps July 10 during a ceremony in New York City’s famed Times Square. “Today, we are celebrating the American art form of tap dance with these vibrant stamps in the heart of Times Square as the Postal Service recognizes one of our nation’s greatest contributions to the world […]

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Don’t wait

The Postal Service wants employees to know that when a suspicious cybersecurity incident occurs, time is of the essence. Cybersecurity incidents — which include phishing emails, hacked devices and lost or stolen equipment — compromise USPS information resources. Before the situation spirals out of control, the CyberSafe at USPS team advises employees to do the […]

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I spy

The Postal Service will release Mystery Message, new stamps designed to put customers’ sleuthing skills to the test, on July 14. The 20-stamp pane features bright colors and interesting shapes that spell out a difficult-to-discern message. While the colorful patterns on the stamps appear seemingly random, they were carefully placed to spell out a message […]

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Hands on

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn about the anatomy of the hand and arm, including information about carpal tunnel syndrome and its causes, prevention and treatment. The session, “Ergonomics for a Healthier You,” will be held Tuesday, July 20, at noon EDT. Representatives from Blue Cross Blue Shield and the […]

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Mild goose chase

Geese used to congregate around the Cincinnati Network Distribution Center the way crows congregated around Tippi Hedren in “The Birds.” Besides dive-bombing workers entering or exiting, the geese were leaving calling cards everywhere, requiring 200-plus hours of pressure-washing at a cost of more than $10,000 a year in overtime and chemical repellents. John Pittl, a […]

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Austin takes action

Wallkill, NY, Rural Carrier Austin Heller was recently delivering mail when he witnessed a collision that left a vehicle in flames. While 911 was called, Heller — who is also a volunteer firefighter — stopped and rushed to aid the victims in the car on fire. The Postal Service employee rescued two children buckled in […]

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“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. According to research, how much water should you drink every 20 minutes to protect yourself in hot weather? a) 4 ounces b) 6 ounces c) 8 ounces d) 10 ounces 2. […]

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Ask Ben

The Postal Service has launched Ask Ben, an automated bot that can help employees troubleshoot issues with USPS-issued devices and online accounts. Named after Benjamin Franklin, the first Postmaster General, Ask Ben appears as a purple-colored chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the IT Self Help welcome page. When employees click on the […]

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Keep on truckin’

Gene Robbins loves being on the road. “You’re on your own most of the time and need to make decisions on your own,” he said. Robbins, who works out of Madison, is one of several Wisconsin-based USPS tractor-trailer operators (TTOs). TTOs drive 18-wheel, semitractor-trailers and other trucks to haul mail, equipment and other materials between […]

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NY state of shock

Letter Carrier Cory Chapman was recently making deliveries in a Buffalo, NY, neighborhood when a customer yelled for help at her residence. Chapman rushed to aid the woman, who was going into diabetic shock and quickly weakening. She asked him to get a neighbor across the street, which the Postal Service employee promptly did, and […]

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Spirit of innovation

The Postal Service will mark its 50th anniversary as an independent agency on July 1. The organization traces its origins to 1775, when the Second Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin Postmaster General of the United Colonies, predecessor to the United States. In the 19th century, the Post Office became an executive department, then transitioned to […]

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What’s eating you?

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn how to use mindfulness to curb emotional eating. The session, “Managing Stress Eating,” will be held Thursday, July 8, at noon EDT. Emily Massi, a nutritionist for the Giant supermarket chain, will conduct the webinar and help participants distinguish between hunger and coping with […]

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Point of origin

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Where will Oshkosh Defense build the Postal Service’s next-generation delivery vehicles? a) Daleville, AL b) Oshkosh, WI c) Quantico, VA d) Spartanburg, SC 2. What was Chief Retail and Delivery Officer […]

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Roll call

The Postal Service is reemphasizing the importance of good work attendance in a new informational campaign. The campaign centers on this message: While it is vitally important for employees to stay home when they are ill, it is equally important — for the organization’s success — to have employees report on time for their assigned […]

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FSA reminder

The Postal Service is reminding employees about recent changes to the Federal Flexible Spending Account program that have created new options for participants. The program, also known as FSAFEDS, allows employees to make pretax payroll contributions to cover their family’s health, dental, vision and day care expenses, saving approximately 30 percent on out-of-pocket costs. Recently […]

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Hot tips

The Postal Service wants employees to protect themselves from heat-related illnesses as summertime temperatures start to heat up. You should hydrate before, during and after work, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Research shows you should drink at least 8 ounces of water every 20 minutes. On warm days, wear light-colored, loose-fitting and breathable clothing […]

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Darin maneuver

Letter Carrier Darin Chew was recently delivering mail in a Sun City, AZ, neighborhood when he heard a customer screaming for help outside her home. Chew rushed to check on the woman, who had just called 911 after finding her husband collapsed in their driveway while putting air in the tires of their car before […]

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Improving service

USPS has steadily improved its service performance in recent months, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy reports in his latest all-employee video message. The organization is achieving close to or better than 90 percent on-time delivery in First-Class Mail and Marketing Mail, and greater than 90 percent for first-class packages and Priority Mail. “This is the result […]

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Happy campers

School is out and summer camp is in for many children, which means families will soon find themselves brushing up on the art of letter writing. Because a major attraction of sleepaway camp is the opportunity to power down from electronics and screen time, the U.S. Mail will be the main method many campers use […]

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Places in the art

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Which Florida city hosted the dedication of Emilio Sanchez stamps? a) Jacksonville b) Miami c) Orlando d) Tampa 2. Which children’s book features an illustration of Brooklyn, NY, Letter Carrier Maricruz […]

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Good morning, starshine

The Postal Service dedicated its Sun Science stamps June 18 during a ceremony that celebrated the ongoing exploration of Earth’s nearest star. “We hope these amazing stamps will help generate the same sense of wonder and curiosity about our star that inspired our ancestors and the scientists at NASA to want to better understand the […]

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