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Kevin can’t wait

Jenison, MI, Rural Carrier Kevin Galligan was making deliveries one day in February when he grew concerned about a customer who hadn’t picked up her mail as usual. After getting no answer at the woman’s door, Galligan spotted her lying on the floor in the garage. The customer, who has multiple sclerosis, had been stranded […]

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Ahead of her time

The Postal Service released a stamp earlier this year to honor Ursula K. Le Guin. Here are four facts about the author, the 33rd honoree in the Literary Arts series. 1. Le Guin’s work was shaped by her many interests. Born in Berkeley, CA, in 1929, Ursula Kroeber Le Guin was deeply interested in Native […]

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High achievers

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service leadership ranks: • Brooklyn, NY, Postmaster Eddie L. Banner was named acting Bronx, NY, Postmaster. Jamaica, NY, Postmaster John J. Tortorice was named acting Brooklyn Postmaster. • Barbara Batin, a 35-year USPS employee, was named manager of the Remote Encoding Center in Salt Lake […]

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Casting call update

The Postal Service has extended the deadline for employees to audition for this year’s holiday-themed advertising campaign. The new deadline is Sept. 15 at 5 p.m. EDT. Employees who are chosen to participate could be featured in different types of holiday ads, including TV commercials. The audition is open to all employees. No prior acting […]

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Bigger, better, same cost

Mailers spoke, USPS listened. On July 28, the Postal Regulatory Commission approved an increase in the maximum size limit for postcards that fall under the Commercial Presorted or Automation First-Class Mail postage rate. The new limit took effect Aug. 29. The move is a response to business mailers who sought more room to share information […]

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Here to help

National Suicide Prevention Week, an annual observance that highlights the importance of mental health care and early intervention, is Sept. 5-11. The week includes World Suicide Prevention Day, which is always held Sept. 10 and aims to bring attention to global efforts to prevent suicides. To help raise awareness, the USPS Employee Assistance Program (EAP) […]

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Off limits

The Postal Service is reminding employees that they may not receive compensation from a source other than the government for teaching, speaking or writing about their official duties. An employee’s official duties are involved if: • The invitation is extended because of the employee’s USPS position rather than the employee’s subject matter expertise; • The […]

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Goodwill payoff

A lead from a Texas employee has resulted in a shipping deal worth more than $132,000 for the Postal Service. Irma Danner, a retail associate at the Grand Prairie Main Post Office, talked with a business customer who was looking for a cost-effective way to ship products. Danner submitted a lead through Clerks Care, a […]

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Sweet charity

On Sept. 1, the Combined Federal Campaign, the federal government’s annual workplace charity drive, kicked off its 60th year of giving. All Postal Service workers, contractors and retirees can participate. Also known as the CFC, the campaign allows individuals to contribute to thousands of charitable organizations, here and around the globe. Pledges are accepted online, […]

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Solid Wood

Alisha Wood, a parcel post distribution machine clerk at the Wichita, KS, Processing and Distribution Center, has been pitching in on her own time to help out a co-worker who is recovering from a stroke. Wood takes the man, who lives alone, to medical appointments and assists with grocery shopping and other household needs. While […]

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Deep shadows

The Postal Service released stamps earlier this year to honor Emilio Sanchez. Here are four facts about the pioneering artist. 1. Sanchez’s art was shaped by his Cuban heritage. Sanchez was born in Camaguey, Cuba’s third-largest city, in 1921. In his early 20s, he moved to New York City, where he began his artistic training […]

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Bigger files

The Postal Service is transitioning to a new file-sharing platform that will allow ACE computer users to upload and share larger files. SharePoint Online External Large File Sharing, also known as ELFS, features unlimited size restrictions and real-time editing capabilities for users who want to share large presentations, photos and videos with people outside the […]

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ID Enroll gets update

An update to ID Enroll — an application that allows Postal Service workers to enroll customers in Informed Delivery right from USPS-issued smartphones — is now available for download. The organization tweaked the app to be compatible with new standards on the Android and iOS platforms. Almost 65,000 customers have signed up for Informed Delivery […]

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Invisible man

Letter Carrier Pamela Race was recently delivering mail in Geneva, NY, when she saw an alarming sight: A car with no visible driver coasted toward her before slamming into a utility pole guard wire. Race stopped and rushed to the vehicle, where she found an unresponsive man in the driver’s seat. The Postal Service employee […]

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Aiming for the heart

The puzzle facing the Hawaii District safety team was this: How to make the Postal Service’s message of safety really hit home? “We have safety data coming out of our ears,” said Pania Heimuli, the district’s acting human resources manager. The “head” part was clearly taken care of. What they needed was for workers to […]

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Sweet deal

A letter carrier’s conversations with a business customer on his route have resulted in a shipping deal worth more than $62,600 for the Postal Service. While delivering during the coronavirus pandemic, William “Bill” Weiss, of Jeannette, PA, frequently talked with employees of a candymaking business. He learned that the company was seeing exponential growth in […]

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Off balance

Vertigo is not just the title of a classic Alfred Hitchcock thriller. It’s also a series of debilitating symptoms that can make it difficult for individuals to perform everyday tasks. In the Hitchcock movie, a detective is unable to effectively do his job because vertigo leaves him feeling off balance and dizzy. In real life, […]

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Heather the helper

Rural Carrier Heather Fletcher was recently delivering mail in Hanoverton, OH, when she spotted a house on fire. Fletcher immediately stopped, called 911 and ran to the house to make sure residents got out of harm’s way. Firefighters soon arrived to battle the blaze. No injuries were reported. […]

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The road ahead

The Postal Service is seeking new ways to fill tractor-trailer operator positions. The organization will soon begin a pilot program to add more of these employees, who play an important role in transporting mail from processing and distribution centers to other facilities in the postal network. The pilot will be geared toward existing motor vehicle […]

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The wild blue yonder

Every year, the week containing Aug. 19 — Orville Wright’s birthday — is celebrated as National Aviation Week. Here are five facts about aviation landmarks and pioneers and their postal connections: 1. The most famous stamp in philately is an airmail goof. A 1918 stamp featured the image of a Curtiss JN-4 or Jenny, the […]

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New gigs

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service leadership ranks: • Rachel A. Danielsen, organization design director at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC, was named acting succession and internal talent executive manager. Dana C. Cotman, benefits and wellness executive manager, was named acting organization design director. • Manhattan Postmaster Marcellina R. Del […]

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Matter of trust

USPS is reminding employees that the sanctity of the mail is central to its mission as a government service and to its brand as a business. This means that mail must always be delivered as addressed and as promised, and never be opened, stolen, damaged, discarded or delayed. When employees violate the sanctity of mail: […]

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Race against time

City Carrier Assistant Holly Kleve was recently on duty in a Cresco, IA, neighborhood when she spotted flames shooting out of a garage at a residence. Kleve immediately stopped, called 911 and pounded on the front door of the home. Firefighters soon arrived to battle the blaze, which destroyed the garage and damaged several vehicles […]

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The right stuff

The Postal Service will hold its first Ethics Awareness Week from Aug. 16-22, aiming to educate employees about the importance of conducting themselves with integrity. In a new video message to kick off the week, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy notes that USPS is consistently ranked as one of the nation’s most trusted public institutions. “This public […]

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Know your benefits

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn about Medicare and how the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program works with Blue Cross Blue Shield. The session, “Medicare, FEHB and Blue Cross Blue Shield,” will be held Friday, Aug. 20, at noon EDT. Christel Bull, a federal account manager for CareFirst Blue […]

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Connect and serve

A Postal Service employee’s outreach to a business customer has led to a shipping deal worth more than $313,700 for USPS. After talking with an Amish-owned greenhouse business, Fredericksburg, OH, Postmaster Monica Trapp submitted a lead through Business Connect. This program allows Postmasters, managers and customer services supervisors to initiate discussions with business people about […]

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Show me the stamp

The Postal Service released its Missouri Statehood stamp Aug. 10. The stamp marks the bicentennial of the Show-Me State’s admission to the Union in 1821. An image of Bollinger’s Mill and the Burfordville covered bridge, two Civil War-era structures that are part of a state historic site, is featured. Greg Breeding designed the stamp, using […]

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Be here now

Postal Service employees can participate in an Aug. 12 webinar on mindfulness, along with a series of “Mindful Monday” sessions during the summer. Here are five facts about this ancient practice: 1. Mindfulness is a technique, not a religion. While its roots can be traced to Hinduism and Buddhism, mindfulness is secular in application — […]

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Climbing the ranks

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service’s leadership ranks: • Keith L. Harris, transportation contracts manager in Memphis, TN, was named the Surface Transportation Category Management Center’s acting director. • Roshonda J. Jackson was named product acceptance executive manager in San Antonio. She previously served as Great Lakes Area’s lead business […]

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Treacherous tumble

Rural Carrier Shelby Moats was delivering mail in Malvern, OH, one day in January when she spotted an older customer on the ground at the bottom of a hill near his residence. Moats rushed to check on the man, who had fallen and was shivering in frigid temperatures with multiple injuries, including a head wound. […]

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