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Site inspections

The Postal Service wants to remind employees to comply with all federal, state and local environmental regulations — and to cooperate fully with the agents of these groups. Detailed directions on handling inspector visits are available on Blue. Contact one of the organization’s two environmental implementation regional managers if: • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) […]

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Kitchen crisis

Shawn Jones, a rural carrier, was recently delivering mail in Moodus, CT, when she heard an older customer yelling for help. Jones saw the woman lying on the kitchen floor, found the door locked and immediately called 911. The Postal Service employee remained on the scene until emergency responders arrived and took the customer to […]

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Special request

A sales lead from a customer services supervisor in California has resulted in a shipping deal worth almost $1.5 million for the Postal Service. Adriana Gayosso, who works at the Santa Fe Springs Post Office, received a call from a customer asking for a special package pickup. She arranged for the pickup and then found […]

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Bennu or bust

The Postal Service has announced it is adding a Forever stamp to its 2023 lineup to honor a NASA mission to study and map the asteroid Bennu. According to the mission website, Bennu was chosen from the roughly 7,000 “near-Earth” asteroids because of its proximity, carbon-rich composition and relatively large size. It is also considered […]

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He’s not playing

City Carrier Assistant Dominique Brooks was delivering mail one day last December when she came upon a barefoot 4-year-old boy wandering alone, clad only in pajamas. Brooks immediately called 911 and her supervisor, then sheltered the child in her postal vehicle until emergency responders arrived. A neighbor told police that the lad, who had signs […]

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Labor deal

The National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) membership has ratified a new three-year labor contract with the Postal Service. The contract covers more than 55,000 employees represented by the union. Highlights of the agreement include annual general wage increases, semiannual cost of living adjustments, continued operational flexibility through use of an expanded mail handler assistant […]

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‘Leaf-free’ salads

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar on “leaf-free” salads for easy, stretchable meals filled with protein and fiber. The session, “Cook Once, Eat All Week,” will be held Tuesday, March 21, at noon EDT. Representatives from the Wellness team and GEHA, a not-for-profit provider of health plans for federal employees, will explore […]

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Climbing the ranks

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service leadership ranks: • Joshua B. Dean, the Dallas Network Distribution Center’s manager, was named to a special assignment in Processing and Maintenance Operations. Trenton C. Barnes, Southwest Division’s operations support manager, was named the Dallas center’s acting plant manager. • Anthony A. Impronto was […]

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Architectural icons

The Postal Service celebrated new Forever stamps commemorating the nation’s historic railroad stations on March 9 in Cincinnati. “We are fortunate to be in this awe-inspiring building, the Cincinnati Union Terminal, one of the five incredible train stations to be featured in the stamp series we are dedicating today,” said Dan Tangherlini, a member of […]

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Rescue Crewe

Denise Dabney, a rural carrier, was recently delivering mail in Crewe, VA, when she spotted smoke billowing from a residence. Dabney, who also serves the community as a volunteer emergency responder, immediately called 911 and assisted neighbors in rescuing three customers from the home. Firefighters soon arrived to battle the blaze. “Due to Denise’s quick […]

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‘Natural conversation’

Sales leads from a complaints and inquiry clerk in Virginia have resulted in shipping deals worth a combined $34,500 for the Postal Service. Shane Swann, who works at the Virginia District Consumer Affairs Office in Richmond, stopped by a local business to pick up some shirts she had ordered. Swann struck up a conversation with […]

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Nobel author

The Postal Service celebrated the stamp release honoring literary giant Toni Morrison at Princeton University in New Jersey on March 7. Morrison (1931-2019) was the rare author who achieved both critical and commercial success. Some of her best-known novels include “The Bluest Eye,” “Song of Solomon” and “Beloved,” which explored the diverse voices and multifaceted […]

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Time well spent

Letter Carrier Joseph Redemann was recently delivering mail in a Minneapolis neighborhood when he saw a 5-year-old child wandering alone. Redemann stopped to check on the boy, who said he was lost. The Postal Service employee spent 10 minutes helping the lad find his parents, who were out looking for him. His father said his […]

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Instant replay

The Postal Service has released a video to highlight its new Women’s Soccer stamp. The Forever stamp celebrates the advances and achievements of women’s soccer in the United States. USPS dedicated Women’s Soccer on Feb. 16 in Orlando, FL. The stamp is available in panes of 20 at Post Offices and […]

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High achievers

Here’s a look at Postal Service employees who received appointments or recognition recently: • Gi Gi L. Griffin-Earnest, director of the National Center for Employee Development in Norman, OK, was named national training acting director. • Ganna B. Khaydurova, a facilities contract specialist, was named WestPac Area’s acting facilities customer relations manager. • Martin R. […]

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Easy targets

The Postal Service wants employees to be aware of elder fraud, to help protect seniors from being targeted by scammers. Elder fraud robs seniors of billions of dollars annually, with more than 8.68 million incidents of theft occurring every year. According to the Justice Department’s Office for Victims of Crime, the most common scams are: […]

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Where there’s a Wilbourn

Judith Wilbourn, a rural carrier in Okemah, OK, was recently making deliveries when she grew concerned about a customer whose mail was piling up unusually. Wilbourn alerted the woman’s neighbors, who soon checked on her and found her stranded in her yard, where she’d fallen several days earlier. They ensured she received the care she […]

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Fur babies

Online criminals don’t need to know much to figure out the passwords to personal online accounts. If you are a pet owner, sometimes all they need is your pet’s name. Approximately 48 million Americans own dogs, while nearly 32 million own cats, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. Studies show pet owners usually love […]

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A better deal

A sales lead from a rural carrier in Texas has resulted in a shipping deal worth more than $73,000 for the Postal Service. Mireya Hernandez, who works at the East Frisco Carrier Annex, helped a customer who was looking to reduce shipping costs. Hernandez took the customer’s information and submitted a lead. Joseph Fandozzi Buggs, […]

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Cheatin’ hearts

In observance of National Consumer Protection Week, which is March 5-11, the Postal Inspection Service is taking aim at those who steal more than hearts: romance scammers. With loneliness epidemic in the United States, these predators have an enormous pool of potential victims to prey on. Older people are particularly susceptible to their empty promises. […]

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Let’s be Frank

Letter Carrier Frank Dicostanzo Jr. was delivering mail on a rainy fall day last year in Manchester, NH, when he spotted a toddler wandering alone and barefoot less than a block from a busy road and a pond. Dicostanzo immediately stopped to check on the boy, called 911 and stayed with him until emergency responders […]

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High achievers

Here’s a look at Postal Service employees who received appointments or recognition recently: • Karen F. Key, shipping and commerce product management director, retired Jan. 31 after 37 years with USPS. • Tammie Turner, Texas 3 District’s human resources manager, was named acting diversity, equity and inclusion director. • Michelle A. Windmueller was named labor […]

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Women’s History Month

The Postal Service will observe Women’s History Month in March. The commemoration was first observed nationally as “Women’s History Week” in March 1980. The designated week was chosen to coincide with International Women’s Day on March 8, a global event that has been observed since 1911. In 1987, Congress designated all of March as Women’s […]

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Escape plan

The Postal Service is reminding employees that their USPS-issued smartphones will be placed in quarantine if they don’t keep the operating system up to date. Outdated operating systems pose a security risk that exposes smartphones and the postal network to hackers and other malicious actors. Employees must keep their USPS-issued smartphones current with the latest […]

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Giving Moore

Letter Carrier Jeffrey Moore was recently delivering mail in a Mill Valley, CA, neighborhood when he came upon a customer who had fallen outside a residence. The man’s wife asked Moore for help, so he assisted her in safely getting him up and inside the couple’s home. The Postal Service employee then called 911 and […]

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‘Friendly question’

A sales lead from a retail associate in Connecticut has resulted in an advertising deal worth $1,900 for the Postal Service. Elizabeth Ulloa, who works at the Botsford Post Office, served a customer who wanted to buy a large number of stamps. a quick question resulted in Ulloa learning that the woman wanted them for […]

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Get a ‘Move’ on

The Postal Service has released its latest TV commercial, which stars the organization’s network of vehicles, facilities and employees, showcased with a catchy, familiar tune. The spot, “Orchestrated Delivery,” opens with the sound of postal vehicles’ engines starting and emphasizes that USPS likes to move it — to deliver to business and residential customers. “We’re […]

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Ground control

Mark Dorsett, a city carrier assistant, was recently delivering mail in a Genoa, IL, neighborhood when he spotted a customer lying on the ground outside a residence. Dorsett rushed to check on the man, who was unconscious and bleeding. The Postal Service employee immediately called 911 and comforted the man as he came to. Emergency […]

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Rising to the top

Here’s a look at Postal Service employees who received appointments or recognition recently: • Bonnie M. Badilla, senior budget development analyst, was named Western Region’s finance and budget executive manager. • John A. Darden was named Midwest Division director. He previously served as Southwest Division director. William A. Rodriguez, Gulf Atlantic Division’s operations support manager, […]

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Deadline nears

The deadline for nominations for the 2023 USPS Sustainability Excellence Awards is March 3. The program, which includes the PMG Sustainability Excellence Award, recognizes efforts to create a more sustainable workplace and protect the environment. Nominees can include employees or teams who have improved the Postal Service’s environmental stewardship throughout fiscal year 2022 (Oct. 1, […]

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