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Engendering improvement

The Postal Inspection Service has signed on to the 30×30 Initiative, a nationwide effort to advance gender equity in law enforcement. The initiative aims to increase the number of women in police recruitment classes to 30 percent by 2030. Currently, women represent only 12 percent of sworn officers and 3 percent of police leadership nationwide. […]

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Setting the scene

Retail Associate Felicia Harpp-Cordell was on duty at the Warrensburg, NY, Post Office when she received a text message alerting her to an accident in front of the building. Harpp-Cordell went outside and found a crowd gathering around a boy who had been hit by a car while he was riding his bicycle. She also […]

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Climbing the ranks

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service leadership ranks: • Rozlyn E. Edwards-Erwin, who works in workforce operations planning for Georgia District, was named Southern Area’s acting facilities customer relations manager. • Kernersville, NC, Postmaster Shane E. Johnston was named Atlantic Area’s acting facilities customer relations manager. • Dapo O. Oladeji […]

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Casting call

The Postal Service is inviting employees to audition for this year’s holiday advertising campaign. Employees who are selected to participate could be featured in a variety of ads, including TV commercials. The audition process is open to all employees. No prior experience is required. The USPS Employee Casting website has instructions on creating and submitting […]

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Are you in the know?

Want to stay on top of the latest Postal Service news? Link mobile can help. The mobile-friendly version of the Link website offers news reports, feature stories and informational videos, including coverage of Delivering for America, the organization’s 10-year plan. The site is particularly helpful to craft employees and others who don’t have regular access […]

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Customer awareness

A sales lead from a letter carrier in Pennsylvania has resulted in a shipping deal worth $59,000 in new revenue for the Postal Service. Scott Barr, who works at Lebanon Post Office, was asked by a representative of a company along his route about how USPS could help them. Barr used his mobile delivery device […]

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Postcard collection

The Postal Service’s Delivering for America employee postcards can now be downloaded from LiteBlue. The 5-by-3.25-inch cards explain the organization’s 10-year plan to achieve financial stability and service excellence. Each card addresses a different topic and features information that employees can reference when discussing the plan with co-workers and customers. The first of these cards […]

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Where he needed to be

A customer at home in Oak Ridge, TN, had recently retrieved his mail from Letter Carrier William Brough when their usual exchange of pleasantries outside took a tragic turn: As they parted ways, the man collapsed. Brough rushed back to the customer’s side and found him unconscious with no pulse. The Postal Service employee immediately […]

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High achievers

Here’s a look at Postal Service employees who received appointments or recognition recently: • Roy L. Sanderson was named Western Region’s Network Operations Control Center team lead. He previously served as the Las Vegas Processing and Distribution Center’s distribution operations manager. • Jon T. Stratton, technical analysis, accounting and finance executive manager, retired July 7 […]

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Vintage vice

More than 70 years before Project Safe Delivery and its focus on arrow key access and other postal theft-deterrent measures, a “Dragnet” episode from radio’s golden age shows that mail fraud isn’t a new problem. In “The Big Mailman,” a based-on-a-true-story episode that originally aired in 1951, Sgt. Joe Friday, played by Jack Webb, and […]

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More time with mom

Letter Carrier Charles Markee II was recently conversing with an older customer on his route in Medina, NY, when he grew concerned that she seemed disoriented. Markee soon called 911, and when a police officer checked on the woman, it was determined she needed medical attention at a hospital, where she subsequently died. Several weeks […]

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Labor update

The mediation period for collective bargaining between the Postal Service and the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) will end on July 19. The organizations will continue negotiations as they move to the next phase of the collective bargaining process and will continue to follow the current agreement until a new contract is reached. NALC […]

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On the lookout

A sales lead from a business service network representative in California has resulted in a shipping deal worth nearly $489,000 in new revenue for the Postal Service. Debra Bailey, who works at the California 5 District office in Los Angeles, received a call from a customer who was interested in shipping with USPS. After getting […]

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On solid ground

The Postal Service’s latest Delivering for America postcard focuses on the organization’s new shipping offering. USPS Ground Advantage provides a simple, reliable and more affordable way for customers to ship packages in 2-5 business days across the contiguous United States. The card includes a QR code directing employees to an online Delivering for America quiz […]

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New gigs

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service leadership ranks: • Angela R. Dyer, commerce and marketing technology services director, was named acting commerce applications senior director. • Leonetta J. Jackson, human resources technology services director, was named acting retail and delivery applications senior director. • Louisville, KY, Postmaster Shoca Moore was […]

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Good impressions

Postal employees can participate in an upcoming webinar on how to create an effective professional “brand.” The session, “Rock Your Professional Brand,” will be held Tuesday, July 18, at 9:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Pacific time. Presented by the University of Phoenix, the webinar will help participants identify the components of an effective brand and […]

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Pride on display

Oxford Pennant launched a line of official Postal Service-themed products on July 6. The Buffalo, NY-based company designs and manufactures custom and vintage-looking wool felt pennants, flags and banners. “Oxford Pennant’s latest line is postal employee-focused and pays homage to our hardworking employees,” said Amity Kirby, the Postal Service’s licensing manager. “The offerings are a […]

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Inside edition

City Carrier Assistant Ryan Costa was recently making deliveries in a Worcester, MA, neighborhood when he heard a customer yell for help inside a residence. Costa entered the man’s home and found him in a state of paralysis on the floor, where he’d been stranded for 10 hours. The Postal Service employee immediately called 911 […]

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A sales lead from a city carrier assistant in Connecticut has resulted in a shipping deal worth almost $71,000 in new revenue for the Postal Service. Jeffrey Harris, who works at the Washington Street Station in Hartford, was handling a large pickup of packages when the customer told him he was looking to reduce shipping […]

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Sibling revelry

Angelica and David Gonzalez share a bond as siblings and newly appointed postmasters. They were recently sworn in by Dr. Joshua Colin, the Postal Service’s chief retail and delivery officer, at a meeting in Potomac, MD. Taking the oath together was a surprise for both. “I thought we were just there for a midyear review. […]

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‘Highly valued by all’

Shelley Ponton, a rural carrier in Ashkum, IL, was recently making deliveries when she grew concerned about an older customer whose mail was piling up unusually. Ponton asked Postmaster Julia Holohan to alert authorities about the woman, who lived alone and had no family members except a brother 75 miles away. Emergency responders found the […]

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‘Eyes and ears’

A sales lead from a letter carrier in Florida has resulted in a shipping deal worth almost $78,000 in new revenue for the Postal Service. Micah Thomas, who works at the College Park Post Office in Orlando, noticed a customer was using package pickup through “He approached the customer and explained the benefits of […]

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Applications open

A scholarship to nurture and support new Postal Service leaders is accepting applications. The Centralized Funding for Development Scholarship is designed to financially support nonbargaining employees who seek to enroll in training, individual college courses, degree programs or professional certifications to hone their leadership skills. The application window is July 1-31. The scholarship is funded […]

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Wood does customer a solid

Rural Carrier Tana Wood was recently delivering mail on an icy day in Frazee, MN, when she spotted an older customer lying on the ground outside a residence. Wood rushed to check on the woman, who had slipped when exiting her vehicle and had spent a half-hour crawling to a visible area in hopes of […]

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High achievers

Here’s a look at Postal Service employees who received appointments or recognition recently: • Trellis J. Maddalena, consumer affairs manager for Texas 1 District, received a Chief FOIA Officer’s Award for her efforts to help USPS respond to Freedom of Information Act requests. • John P. McLucas, the Retail and Delivery Operations Command Center director, […]

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Watchful eye

The Postal Inspection Service plays an important role in the electoral process — even during off years. On its website, the organization outlines its efforts to protect the integrity of election-related mail as it moves through the postal network. These efforts include: • Designating inspectors in each USPS district to coordinate Election Mail security; • […]

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Baby get back!

Neal Sisbarro, a rural carrier in Hutto, TX, was recently delivering mail when he spotted an unattended toddler running down the middle of a street. Sisbarro guided the girl out of harm’s way and started looking for her residence. He noticed a front door ajar a block away and knocked on it. The mother answered, […]

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Lead leader

A sales lead from a postmaster in Washington state has resulted in a shipping deal worth more than $517,000 in new revenue for the Postal Service. Carl Berringer, who works at the Chehalis Post Office, saw that a customer was shipping with a competitor, so he submitted a lead. USPS sales team members followed up […]

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