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Restoring honor

Letter Carrier Clarence Hollowell was delivering mail as usual to a cemetery in Wilson, NC, about a year ago when several headstones caught his eye. “I saw how dirty and dingy they were,” Hollowell said. On closer inspection, he realized the headstones marked the burial sites of military veterans. Their condition upset Hollowell, an Army […]

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Up to scratch

When you care enough to scent the very best, the Postal Service has you covered. Frozen Treats, the first scratch-and-sniff stamps in the organization’s history, were dedicated June 20 in Austin, TX, where they received a warm reception. Scratch that. The reception was cool — in the best sense. USPS held the event at the […]

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Jovanka Glover, Crowley, LA

Letter Carrier Jovanka Glover was recently delivering mail to a house in Crowley, LA, when she was alarmed by the sight of smoke pouring from the door slot. Glover instantly became worried that residents Antoinette and Leonard Pete could be in jeopardy, so she banged on the door while calling 911. Firefighters soon arrived and […]

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Restructuring proposal

The Postal Service has issued a statement regarding a Trump administration proposal to reorganize some federal agencies. The proposal, part of a report the administration released June 21, recommends restructuring and possibly privatizing USPS. “The consistent position of the Postal Service has been that our flawed business model is the root cause of our financial […]

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What’s your view?

If you haven’t completed your Postal Pulse employee survey, you still have time. The deadline is Friday, June 22, at 11:59 p.m. EDT. The survey, which began last month, is a tool in the Postal Service’s efforts to improve its workplaces. It takes about 5 minutes to complete the survey, which has 13 questions and […]

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Need to know

Keep it moving. The Postal Service is reminding retail associates and other employees to distribute the latest edition of the USPS Mover’s Guide. The current guide shows dates of April 1-June 30 in the lower left-hand corner. This is the version employees should distribute through the end of this month. After June 30, employees should […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Since the revised PS Form 3849 was rolled out in January, approximately how many times has it been used for redelivery requests? a) 1.7 million b) 2.2 million c) […]

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Karie Priddy, Caneyville, KY, and Kathy Miller, Bee Springs, KY

Retail Associate Karie Priddy was on the job recently in Caneyville, KY, when a man purchased a high-value money order using a debit card. Nothing seemed unusual at first — but within minutes, another man came into the Post Office to make a similar purchase with the same card. Priddy alerted Postmaster Renee Rich, who […]

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All ‘Work’

USPS highlights the many ways it serves customers in “Put the Network to Work,” a new video on YouTube. Featuring fast-cut editing and a driving music score, the 1-minute, 24-second segment quickly encapsulates the reach of the Postal Service’s network of more than 150 million daily delivery points. Scenes also show USPS using technology to […]

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Centennial celebration

Isaac “Ike” Fabela is feeling grateful these days, and not just because he recently turned 100. The World War II veteran and Montrose, MI, resident asked for 100 cards from other veterans for his birthday. He has received more than 75,000 mailpieces so far, with no end in sight. “We have to take a truck […]

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Reaching out

A USPS employee has formed a group to provide professional development, networking and other opportunities for Asian-American employees. Postal Employees Asian American Association Committed and Engaged (PEAAACE) is based in Western Area, although organizers want to start chapters across the United States. “The group will support, motivate, provide networking opportunities and encourage its members. In […]

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Hero and a scholar

To mark the debut of “Soldier, Secretary, Icon,” the National Postal Museum’s new exhibit on Alexander Hamilton, here are five facts you may not know about our $10 Founding Father. 1. He was an immigrant. Hamilton was born on the Caribbean island of Nevis and immigrated to New York City in his teens to attend […]

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Faster help

Jay Ladin spends each workday helping employees use TACS, the Postal Service’s time and attendance collection system. Ladin, a senior TACS agent in Eagan, MN, was concerned that it took three clicks to navigate to the TACS Help Desk page from the Blue site. “I was surprised at how many in the field had no […]

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Career fulfillment

Louise Beale’s family thinks spending a half-century with the same employer is unusual. She tells them that they don’t know the Postal Service. Beale, a Kansas City, MO, order entry supervisor, recently celebrated 50 years of postal employment — 48 of them in Stamp Services. She began her career in 1968 as a clerk at […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Why is USPS emphasizing the importance of delivering excellent customer experiences? a) To boost customer satisfaction b) To drive loyalty c) To grow revenue d) All of the above […]

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On a mission

A small team keeps the mail moving on one U.S. military base in Afghanistan, but its members have a big effect on morale. The four Army soldiers work on Forward Operating Base Fenty, which is located near Jalalabad Airport in eastern Afghanistan. Their job: to ensure their fellow soldiers and other people on the base […]

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Labor update

USPS and the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association (NRLCA) have agreed to extend contract negotiations on a new collective bargaining agreement. The Postal Service’s contract with the NRLCA expired May 20 at midnight. USPS and the NRLCA have mutually decided to extend negotiations. The NRLCA represents approximately 129,000 rural letter carriers nationwide. […]

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Evelyn Pisani, Wheat Ridge, CO

Letter Carrier Evelyn Pisani was recently delivering mail at a Wheat Ridge, CO, apartment complex when she discovered an older customer who’d slipped on ice in the parking lot while carrying groceries. Pisani called 911 for the woman, who had suffered a broken shoulder, and comforted her until emergency responders arrived. The Postal Service employee […]

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Need to know

Flag notice. President Trump has ordered U.S. flags flown at half-staff to honor the victims of the May 18 mass shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas. Flags should be flown at half-staff until sunset Tuesday, May 22. To fly the flag at half-staff, hoist the flag to the peak for an instant and then lower it to […]

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Exceeding expectations

Tremecia Wilson believes each time she serves a customer, she has an opportunity to help USPS build loyalty. Wilson, a complaints and inquiry clerk based in Capital Metro Area’s Mid-Carolinas District, works with customers each day, helping to locate their missing packages, fix change-of-address form errors and handle other matters. “I try to make a […]

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Delivering the goods

I’m a letter carrier at the Curseen-Morris Processing and Distribution Center in Washington, DC. I deliver mail along a 10-building business route in the city. I’ve been with the Postal Service for 33 years — all of them as a letter carrier, and all of them at the same facility. My report time is 7 […]

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Encouraging words

An Air Force member in Florida is using handwritten letters to encourage people who are experiencing difficult times. Alise Williams, an airman first class stationed at Tyndall Air Force Base, operates Letters for Life, a nonprofit organization that sends uplifting notes to people who request them. Individuals can submit their name and address and receive […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: USPS reported total revenue was $17.5 billion during fiscal 2018’s second quarter, up (blank) compared to the same period one year earlier. a) 0.4 percent […]

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Timothy Thibault, Torrington, CT

Torrington, CT, Letter Carrier Timothy Thibault was recently concerned that a customer hadn’t picked up the previous day’s mail. Thibault knew that the customer’s car was in the garage, but when the Postal Service employee knocked on the front and back doors, there was no response — not even a bark from the man’s dog. […]

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Need to feed

USPS employees collected thousands of pounds of food for people in need during the May 12 Stamp Out Hunger drive, even if the weather wasn’t ideal in some spots. Despite cold, dreary conditions in the Midwest and near-record heat in the East, spirits remained high. “The rain doesn’t stop us from delivering mail and it […]

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‘Always busy’

Most mornings, the first semi-trucks arrive at 8 to drop off the mail at Camp Foster, a Marine Corps base in Okinawa, Japan. Sgt. Montonio Kenan prefers to say the trucks deliver morale. “Postal to me is a morale booster,” Kenan recently told DVIDS, a military news site. “I have deployed and have seen how Marines […]

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