Vanessa Sampson, Aurora, CO
Branching out
Employee’s ornaments displayed at White House
Need to know
Scanning, holiday hours and more
Holiday road
Vehicles popular with carriers, customers
‘Any amount helps’
Employees promote benefits of charitable giving
Raschelle Parker, Pittsburgh
Melissa Ende, Buffalo, NY
Link Extra
Sneak preview
USPS offers peek at select 2018 stamps
Lights, camera, Christmas!
Behind-the-scenes worker appears in TV spot
Write brothers
WWII letters chronicle one family’s story
Making the mark
The list: 5 holiday mail offerings from USPS
Thomas Kinn, Waterloo, IA; Franz Ibarra, Sacramento, CA
Catrina Jordan, Jacksonville, FL
Peak mentality
To deliver the holidays, every contribution counts
Safe travels
Protect your information during the holidays
Hallmark of history
Video features museum stamp
Need to know
A fond farewell, new data and more
Stephanie Schuelke, Jackson, WI
Daniel Grubic, Glenshaw, PA
Returning the favor
Employees thankful for CFC
Safe route
Inspectors offer holiday tips
Closing soon
Open season benefits period ends Dec. 11
Need to know
Pioneers, publications and more
Terry Dion, Calverton, NY
Nancy Kuszpa, Botsford, CT
Delivering the holidays
PMG discusses peak period in interviews
Class act
Community to name school after Postmaster
Need to know
Open season, U.S. Mail lunchboxes and more
News quiz
How well do you remember what you read?
Paul Callahan, Lorain, OH