Mary Dando, Indianapolis
I loved “Love by mail,” the article about the journalist who used postcards to woo the woman he would eventually marry. It was a huge endorsement for mailing postcards to those we care about. […]
I loved “Love by mail,” the article about the journalist who used postcards to woo the woman he would eventually marry. It was a huge endorsement for mailing postcards to those we care about. […]
Rural Carrier Tracey Swain was delivering a package in Rochelle, GA, on a cold, wet day last December when she heard a customer screaming for help. Swain rushed to aid the woman, who had fallen outside behind her home and dislocated her shoulder. The Postal Service employee phoned the customer’s nephew, who soon arrived to […]
To help mark Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month, here are five facts about the annual commemoration. 1. LGBT Pride Month traces its roots to the Stonewall uprising. In the early hours of June 28, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a tavern in New York City’s Greenwich Village that catered to gay […]
The Minneapolis Main Post Office recently gave tours to thousands of customers through a citywide program to give the public behind-the-scenes access to unique venues. The office provided 12 public tours during a two-day period. About 3,000 people took the tours, and some groups had as many as 300 participants. The tours were part of […]
The Postal Service is making progress toward its goal of generating 20,000 sales leads from employees in June, which the organization has designated as #LEADtheWay Month. USPS offers five programs that allow employees to submit leads: Customer Connect (for letter carriers), Clerks Care (for distribution and machine clerks and retail associates), Mail Handlers (for mail […]
The IRS is encouraging Postal Service and other employees to review their 2019 federal income tax withholding. According to the IRS, withholding changes made last year as a result of the new tax law may have a different effect if left in place for all of 2019. The IRS offers an online withholding calculator that […]
Thanks for acknowledging LGBT Pride Month, and for highlighting LGBT-related stamps. I am a member of the LGBT community, and this coverage means a lot to me. […]
Carrier Technician Celedonio Flores was delivering mail on a January day in Lincoln Park, MI, when he encountered a customer during a moment of crisis. The man was chasing suspects he said had just robbed his home. As the customer yelled for help, Flores called 911. The Postal Service employee stayed with the man and […]
The U.S. Navy’s last battleship was honored this week by the Postal Service on the 75th anniversary of her commissioning during World War II. USS Missouri (BB-63) made history when she hosted high-ranking military officials from the United States, the Allied powers, and the Empire of Japan in a surrender ceremony that ended World War […]
The Postal Service wants you to remember that it’s easier than ever to provide the organization with your current contact information. USPS requires you to keep your mailing address and other information up to date so you can receive communications about payroll, health benefits, tax changes and other important topics. You can use the new […]
Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. True or false: The Alzheimer’s semipostal stamp has raised more than $860,000 for research since its release in 2017. a) True b) False 2. Capt. Judson West of the […]
Letter Carrier Jabari Hardiman was recently making deliveries at an apartment complex in Sylvania, OH, when he encountered an older customer in distress. The woman had fallen and suffered a broken arm. Hardiman immediately called 911 and comforted her until emergency responders arrived. The woman is recovering from the incident. […]
Heartfelt thanks to all veterans, especially those who went on to postal careers, who participated in D-Day in 1944. Your bravery, courage and devotion to duty during those perilous times are appreciated. […]
To help mark the release of the new Ellsworth Kelly stamps, here are five facts about the pioneering abstract artist. 1. Kelly’s interest in art was piqued by birds. Kelly, who was born in New York in 1923, had his passion for color and form awakened by bird watching and the detailed avian portraits painted […]
The Postal Service will release a stamp honoring former President George H.W. Bush on Wednesday, June 12. Bush, who served as the 41st president from 1989-1993, died last fall at age 94. During his term in office, he guided the United States and its allies to a peaceful end to the Cold War, helped reunify […]
The latest episode of “Engage” showcases the Postal Inspection Service’s efforts to foster positive, productive workplaces within its Charlotte, NC, division. The division has received significant recognition in recent years, including Certified Engagement Team status and an Engagement Leader of the Year Award for Postal Police Capt. Judson West, the division manager. “When I am […]
The Postal Service has been named one of the nation’s best employers in a survey of 50,000 U.S. workers. Forbes magazine partnered with market researcher Statista to identify the organizations in each state and Washington, DC, that employees most favored and would likely recommend to others. USPS ranked second on the list behind the U.S. […]
Letter Carrier Kelly Elliott was recently delivering mail in Morehead City, NC, when she spotted a customer, Ida Spada, who had fallen outside her home. Elliott rushed to check on Spada, called 911 and comforted her until emergency responders arrived. Spada later mailed a card to the local Post Office to thank Elliott for her […]
I love Link’s “On the Job” column. It gives insight into other employees and their reasons for working for the Postal Service. […]
Jeff Gordinier sees postcards as a way to keep in deeper touch with loved ones. He should know. Gordinier, a journalist and author, used postcards to woo the woman he would eventually marry, a story he recalls in a recent essay for the Real Simple lifestyle site. “On any given evening, after coming back from […]
USPS is urging employees to complete the Postal Pulse survey before the Friday, June 14, deadline. The survey, which began last month, allows employees to share observations about their workplace environments. This feedback helps USPS make changes and improvements. It takes about 5 minutes to complete the survey, which has 13 questions and a comment […]
FOIA award honorees. The Postal Service recently honored three individuals for their efforts to respond to Freedom of Information Act requests: Joan Kucmierowski, a Bronx, NY, retail management analyst Nishtha Mehta, a Raleigh, NC, remote data support services contractor Karyn Rahming, Sacramento District’s consumer and industry contact manager Each employee received a Chief FOIA Officer’s […]
Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: The Postal Service’s tentative agreement with the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association covers approximately (blank) employees. a) 131,000 b) 132,000 c) 133,000 d) 134,000 2. […]
Lyubomir Padezhki, the Mason, TN, custodian highlighted in “Dream come true,” is an asset to the Postal Service. […]
Letter Carrier Jillian Guerrero was recently delivering mail in Geneva, NY, when she was approached by a customer in distress. The woman, who was sweating profusely and shaking, said she was having a heart attack and needed help. Guerrero immediately called 911 and rendered first aid to the customer, who said she was in extreme […]
Ellsworth Kelly was hailed as a pioneer of abstraction at the dedication ceremony last week for the new stamps honoring him. Kelly (1923-2015) rendered precise shapes in bold, flat colors and developed a distinctive style of painting that reduced real elements to their most essential forms. During his 70-year career, he also created sculptures and […]
The USPS Sales team is challenging employees to submit sales leads in June, which is #LEADtheWay Month. Sales wants employees to generate 20,000 leads this month, up from 18,800 leads during June 2018. So far this fiscal year, the employee leads programs have generated $600 million in estimated annualized revenue. “Employee leads are vital because […]
If your summer plans include traveling abroad on the Postal Service’s behalf, remember that you — in your role as a USPS employee or contractor — are the first line of defense in protecting the organization against malicious acts. You can help by leaving your Postal Service-issued electronic devices — including laptops, iPads and smartphones […]
To help mark Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month in June, here are five facts about Alzheimer’s disease. 1. Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging. Alzheimer’s, the most common form of dementia, is a progressive, irreversible neurological disorder. Symptoms can include memory loss, impairment of judgment, disorientation, personality change, difficulty in learning and […]
Blockton, IA, Rural Carrier David Loutzenhiser was recently making a delivery for a customer who — despite being in poor health — normally greets him daily at the mailbox. Loutzenhiser was concerned that the man was nowhere to be seen, so he knocked on his front door to check on him. The customer yelled for […]