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‘I’ve been fortunate’

Raymond German Jr. says the secret to his 58-year postal career is simple: USPS has been good to him. German, a mail processing clerk at the Suburban Maryland Processing and Distribution Center in Gaithersburg, began his career in 1961, following two years with the U.S. Navy. USPS leaders and colleagues recently gathered at the facility […]

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Carrier care

Letter Carrier Jeffrey Willis was recently delivering mail in an Alliance, OH, neighborhood when he encountered an older customer, Duane Zorger, who was in medical distress outside his residence. Willis called 911 and remained on the scene until emergency responders arrived and took Zorger to a hospital, where he was evaluated for a potential stroke. […]

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Total packages

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Approximately how many packages per day does USPS expect to deliver through the remainder of this year? a) 8 million b) 8.5 million c) 20.5 million d) 28 million […]

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Easy does it

Do you need help figuring out which health care, dental and vision plan is best for you during open season? If so, you can use Checkbook’s Guide to Health Plans on the Open Season LiteBlue page to compare available options. Once you’re ready to make a change, use PostalEASE to enroll in the Federal Employees […]

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Going the extra mile

Do you know a Postal Service employee who is going the extra mile for customers during this year’s peak delivery season? If so, USPS wants to hear from you. The organization is collecting stories and photos of employees who do whatever it takes to get the job done during the holidays. These materials will be published […]

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USPS finances

The Postal Service has reported its financial results for fiscal 2019 (Oct. 1, 2018-Sept. 30, 2019). Here are some highlights: • Revenue. Operating revenue was $71.1 billion, up 0.7 percent from the previous fiscal year. The increase was driven largely by price changes and continued growth in shipping and packages, where revenue increased 6.1 percent. […]

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Calming presence

Letter Carrier Scott Wirtz was recently delivering mail in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, when he encountered an older couple in crisis at their residence. One of the customers was incapacitated after a fall, and the other was unable to render aid. Wirtz immediately called 911 and calmed the couple. Paramedics soon arrived to provide further assistance. […]

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Shop around

USPS doesn’t just serve every community in the United States. The Postal Service is part of every community, too. The organization manages more than 31,000 Post Offices in the United States. This means USPS has the nation’s largest retail network — bigger than McDonald’s, Starbucks and Walmart combined, domestically. Customers know they can go to […]

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Health ledger

To mark the start of this year’s open season benefits enrollment period, here are five facts about health care in the United States collected by the Online Medical Care information website. 1. American health care is expensive. The United States spent $3.3 trillion — or $10,348 per person — on medical care in 2016, according […]

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Need to know

The Postal Service wants employees to know about some important changes concerning the open season benefits enrollment period that began this week. Here’s a rundown: • The U.S. Office of Personnel Management recently announced that the average total premiums for individuals enrolled in plans under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB) will increase 4 […]

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Safety Leadership and Vision Awards

The Postal Service recently honored five districts and one area with its first annual Safety Leadership and Vision Awards. During a ceremony Oct. 31 at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC, awards were presented to representatives from Appalachian, Greater Boston, Northern New England, Northern Virginia and Westchester districts and Northeast Area. The awards honor districts and […]

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Traffic stop

Letter Carrier Andres Rendon was recently delivering mail in an Orangevale, CA, neighborhood when he spotted a 20-month-old boy wandering into a busy street, unnoticed by his grandparents nearby. Rendon leapt into action and safely stopped traffic in both directions. The toddler’s caregivers soon realized what was happening and retrieved him. “Quick thinking by Andres […]

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Ready to deliver

The Postal Service will deliver more than 28 million packages per day from Dec. 16-21, and the organization will average 20.5 million packages per day through the rest of the year, new projections show. USPS anticipates it will deliver 800 million packages between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day — more than any other shipper, according […]

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New look

Closer inspection. The Postal Inspection Service has redesigned its website to make it easier for consumers to find crime prevention tips and to learn about the agency. The site offers information on avoiding common types of crime — including mail and identify theft, lottery scams and phishing — as well as guidelines on reporting suspicious […]

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Colorful greetings

A new Postal Service video features highlights from the dedication ceremony for the Winter Berries stamps. The Sept. 17 event was held at the Tulsa Botanic Gardens in Oklahoma. The stamps feature highly detailed botanical portraits of winterberry (Ilex verticillata), juniper berry (Juniperus communis), beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) and soapberry (Sapindus saponaria) plants. “Soon enough, those […]

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Heroic proportions

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: Approximately (blank) military veterans are employed by the Postal Service. a) 1,000 b) 10,000 c) 100,000 d) 1 million 2. What USPS service allows small-business […]

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Perilous path

Letter Carrier Matthew Toldness was on the job recently near the Wausau, WI, Post Office when he spotted a 5-year-old girl attempting to cross a busy street by herself. Toldness approached the child and guided her to safety, then walked her to the Post Office. The girl told officials she was upset over being ignored […]

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Flying high

November is National Aviation History Month. To mark the occasion, here are eight facts about the evolution of flight in the United States. 1. The Wright brothers were almost beaten to the punch. American astrophysicist and aviation pioneer Samuel Pierpont Langley worked on his “aerodome” flying machine for years and even received $50,000 in research […]

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Power to the people

USPS wants to ensure its employees have everything they need to deliver excellent customer service. This is why the organization has made engaging, equipping and empowering employees a core strategy. To achieve these goals, the Postal Service is making improvements at every level. For example, in recent years, USPS has expanded its focus on professional […]

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‘Bringing the Holidays Home’

The Postal Service’s new holiday television commercials began airing Nov. 4. The commercials show USPS employees delivering holiday mail and packages to customers across the nation, including those living in a snowy, mountainous region; a city; a rural farming community; and a desert area. The ads, which feature the classic Christmas tune “Home for the […]

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‘I still remember the fear’

Veterans Day has deep meaning for members of the military and their families. For Jessie Harris, a USPS custodian at the Westchester, NY, Processing and Distribution Center and an Army veteran, Nov. 11 is a day to reflect on one of the most harrowing experiences of his life: the four-and-a-half months he spent as a […]

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He’s got you, babe

Acting Customer Services Supervisor Stephen Arena Sr. was recently conducting a route inspection in Framingham, MA, when a crisis erupted: A customer came running from her home, screaming that her baby was choking. As the woman called 911, Arena rushed to the scene. The Postal Service employee performed the Heimlich maneuver on the customer’s child, […]

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Native American Heritage Month

November is Native American Heritage Month, which honors the cultures, histories, traditions and contributions of American Indians and Alaska Natives. USPS employs about 4,000 individuals who identify themselves as American Indian or Alaska Native. The American Indian and Alaska Native population in the United States is approximately 6.8 million, according to U.S. Census data. The […]

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Kudos to carriers

A Postal Service employee from Iowa who braved a house fire to rescue his Postmaster’s mother has received the top hero of the year award from the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC). “I just feel it’s something anyone would do,” said Sumner, IA, Letter Carrier Austin Rentz, who was recognized Oct. 30 as the […]

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Fall back

Fall back. Daylight saving time will end Sunday, Nov. 3, at 2 a.m. In areas where the change is observed, most people will “fall back” and set their clocks back one hour at bedtime Nov. 2. Standard time will be in effect until March 8, 2020, when daylight saving time will resume. Hazardous materials. The […]

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