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Home alone

Letter Carrier Ofelia McCown was delivering mail on a fall day in Floydada, TX, when she encountered a crisis at the home of an older customer who lives alone. As McCown approached the man’s porch, she found him sitting down with a blood-soaked towel wrapped around his arm, which he had seriously injured while operating […]

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Rural Reach Day

The Postal Service will celebrate its lead-sharing program for rural carriers by designating Friday, Jan. 24, as Rural Reach Day. Across the nation, USPS districts will hold events to thank rural carriers for contributing to the program, which has generated more than $640 million in estimated annualized revenue since it began in 2008. “On Rural […]

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‘One of a kind’

Tony Fortik always smiles when he hears a customer say the Weiser, ID, Post Office is the “best-looking Post Office I’ve seen.” Located in western Idaho, the 84-year-old brick building is on the National Register of Historic Places. Fortik, a USPS building maintenance custodian, has proudly maintained the office since 1991. “Inside, outside, painting, landscaping, […]

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New employee discount

Employee discount. USPS employees can receive a discount on training from Pryor Learning Solutions to enhance their skills and aid their self-development. Employees can pay $99 to receive 12 months of unlimited access to Pryor’s more than 7,000 free instructor-led seminars and 4,500 online courses that can be accessed 24/7 from a computer or mobile […]

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In the cards

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Approximately how many personalized birthday cards does Belfor Holdings CEO Sheldon Yellen mail to employees each year? a) 92 b) 920 c) 9,200 d) 92,000 2. How many letters were “adopted” […]

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Hasty helper

Rural Carrier Associate Karen Grubs was recently delivering mail in Elizabethtown, KY, when she saw a minivan veer off the road and crash into a tree. Grubs immediately parked her vehicle and rushed to the scene. The Postal Service employee checked on the driver and called 911. Emergency responders soon arrived to provide further assistance. […]

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During the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) last week, the Postal Service showcased the many ways the organization can help customers with shipping. The Las Vegas event drew more than 170,000 attendees, including many potential customers who ship products and handle returns. The Postal Service’s 80-by-60-foot booth contained monitors that played videos about what USPS can […]

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Sharing knowledge

The Postal Service has a new ally in its efforts to combat ransomware, malware, phishing and other cyberthreats. The U.S. Marines. Last month, the USPS Corporate Information Office’s Cybersecurity Operations Center in Morrisville, NC, opened its doors to the Marine Corps for a facility tour, presentations and discussion about future opportunities for collaboration. The Marines […]

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Dedicated deliveries

Like all Postal Service employees, letter carriers make important contributions to the organization’s business. Letter carriers deliver mail and packages to homes, businesses and other customers. These employees also collect mailpieces, obtain signatures and answer customers’ questions about postal products and services. The USPS workforce includes about 633,000 employees, including 166,300 letter carriers and 42,100 […]

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Edge of the world

Here are five things to know about West Texas’s Big Bend region, which will be featured on a Priority Mail stamp slated for release Saturday, Jan. 18. 1. Big Bend derives its name from its location along the Rio Grande River. The area “turns” along the river, thus creating a big bend and a natural […]

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Door to floor

Letter Carrier Joseph Kepling was delivering mail last July at a residence in Napoleon, OH, when he grew concerned about an 87-year-old customer whose front door was open with a dead kitten nearby. Realizing he hadn’t recently seen the woman, who was known for regularly riding her bicycle around the neighborhood, Kepling alerted his supervisor. […]

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Write to vote

If USPS is the original social network, then postcards might be considered the first tweets. And just as today’s activists use Twitter to promote their favorite causes, advocates for women voting — called suffragists — used postcards to make their case more than a century ago. “Suffrage was the first movement that was able to […]

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Proud to protect

The latest #PostalProud video shines a spotlight on a postal inspector. “Carroll’s Story” features co-workers and family members praising Carroll Harris, a husband and father of three sons who is based at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC. “Carroll brings an impressive level of energy to everything he does and just sheer passion, not only for […]

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Free for all

Did you know the Postal Service offers free self-development training to all employees? This program allows employees to learn something new, grow personally, improve their skills and, in some cases, prepare for professional certifications. More than 3,200 courses are available, including offerings at the beginner, intermediate and advanced proficiency levels. All courses are voluntary and […]

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Exceeding expectations

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. By how much did USPS employees surpass the organization’s goal for Combined Federal Campaign donations last year? a) 2 percent b) 3.8 percent c) 8.3 percent d) 20 percent 2. How […]

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First responder

Michael Bond, a custodian at the Baltimore Processing and Distribution Center, was on the job one day last March when a colleague suffered a heart attack and collapsed. Bond was the first person on the scene and rushed to his co-worker’s aid — comforting him and keeping him conscious while 911 was called. Paramedics soon […]

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Derest Brown, Dallas

I loved reading “Front and center,” the article about Brad Albright, the Grand Rapids, MI, Vehicle Maintenance Facility tool and parts clerk who recently received a medal of recognition 29 years after he served in the military during Desert Storm. The story brought tears to my eyes. […]

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Cyberthreat warning

USPS is requiring employees, contractors and others to demonstrate increased cybersecurity vigilance amid escalating tensions in the Middle East. Email spearphishing campaigns targeting U.S. government agencies are intensifying, the Postal Service Corporate Information Security Office reports. Cyberthreat actors are aggressively attempting to steal sensitive information, including account credentials and financial data, using targeted campaigns. This […]

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Righting wrongs

The latest episode of the USPS video series “Engage” highlights a postal plant where supervisors and employees have learned to work better together. The Dominick V. Daniels Processing and Distribution Center in Kearny, NJ, faced a morale problem when Jacqueline Thomas became plant manager in 2017. “When I first got here, people didn’t want to […]

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Bridge to the future

If you work for the Postal Service, chances are you’ve heard a lot about Informed Delivery in recent years. That’s because the free feature is an important part of the organization’s future. Informed Delivery bridges digital and physical communications by allowing consumers to digitally preview their incoming mail and manage their packages from computers, smartphones […]

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Featured creature

To help prepare for this week’s release of Year of the Rat, the first stamp in the latest Lunar New Year series, here are five facts about the creatures and their role in the holiday. 1. The rat is the first of the 12 zodiac animal signs associated with the Chinese lunar calendar. Many ancient […]

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Front and center

A USPS employee who served in the military during Desert Storm recently received a medal of recognition that was 29 years overdue — thanks to his postal supervisor, who worked behind the scenes to ensure the oversight was corrected. Brad Albright, a tool and parts clerk at the Grand Rapids, MI, Vehicle Maintenance Facility, was […]

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New beginning

The new year will bring stamp releases, annual events and other Postal Service activities you should know about. USPS has announced several planned stamp releases for 2020, beginning with Year of the Rat, the first stamp in the latest Lunar New Year series, on Jan. 11. Other releases include Big Bend, a new Priority Mail […]

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Life insurance changes

It’s now easier for Postal Service employees to sign up for life insurance or make changes to their coverage. USPS has added a Federal Employee Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) module to PostalEASE that’s similar to the platform’s health insurance, tax and banking modules. The new module allows current employees to reduce their current FEGLI elections, […]

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Always improving

The nation’s postal system has a long history of embracing new technology and processes in its never-ending quest to better serve customers. These efforts have included the creation of the ZIP Code, which revolutionized the way mail is sorted and delivered in the 1960s, and Intelligent Mail barcodes and Intelligent Mail package barcodes, two more […]

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Taking a stand

The year-long Montgomery Bus Boycott began 64 years ago this month. Here are seven facts about the protest and how it shaped the civil rights movement. 1. Discriminatory laws were at the heart of the boycott. African Americans in Montgomery, AL, were required by city ordinance to sit in a separate section on city buses […]

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Courageous countdown: No. 2

Link is looking back at the year in “Heroes’ Corner” with a countdown of the five most-viewed articles. Coming in at No. 2 is “‘He is my son,’” the story of Meredith Taylor. The Kenna, WV, retail associate and her husband took in teenager Jason Thomas, who had been secretly living on his high school […]

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