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Nancy Croteau-Westcott, a purchase card coordinator, helped USPS reduce its number of purchase card convenience check accounts from 323 to six.

Purchasing power. The General Services Administration (GSA) recently recognized Nancy Croteau-Westcott, a purchase card coordinator in the Postal Service’s Purchasing Shared Service Center, for her efforts to help USPS save money.

During the previous fiscal year, the Postal Service had 323 purchase card convenience check accounts and issued more than 950 checks to suppliers, resulting in $5,397 in check fees.

Croteau-Westcott worked with USPS suppliers to increase the acceptance of purchase cards, which reduced the number of purchase card convenience check accounts to six.

“Nancy’s commitment to helping USPS reduce its convenience check usage has resulted in significant cost savings and better card management practices,” said Erin VanDagna, branch chief of GSA’s Center for Charge Card Management.

Croteau-Westcott, who serves as the primary agency program coordinator for the USPS Purchase Card Program, was featured in the spring edition of GSA’s SmartPay 3 News Bulletin.

Pacific press. The Postal Service recently mailed Pacific Area Update’s latest issue to employees in the area.

This edition, which is also available on Blue and LiteBlue, features articles about employee sales leads, workplace engagement programs and more.

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