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Running deep

The first time John Stokes tried to follow in his father’s footsteps as a letter carrier, things didn’t quite go according to, well, postal regulations. John, a 51-year-old USPS employee in Stillwater, OK, grew up 25 miles away in Cushing, where his dad, Perry — known as “Red” — began a five-decade career in 1959. […]

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Ravine scene

Christian Foster, a highway contract route driver in Blanding, UT, was recently transporting mail when he spotted an SUV overturned in a ravine and a man waving for help on the side of the highway. Foster stopped and learned that the man and his girlfriend had been driving in separate vehicles when she crashed, and […]

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Reliable source

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. In a new survey by the Postal Service, what percentage of respondents said they rely more on mail as a result of social distancing? a) 16.7 percent b) 33.3 percent c) […]

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‘True Blue’

USPS is offering special “True Blue” ReadyPost shipping supplies at select Post Offices, in time for Father’s Day. Customers can purchase decorative box and bubble mailer designs that can be used for gift wrapping as well as mailing. The boxes fit inside Priority Mail boxes, making an ideal shipping item with added protection. The Postal […]

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Home court

The Postal Service wants employees to know that the Hatch Act’s rules on politicking in the workplace also apply when working from home. The Hatch Act is a law that prohibits USPS and other federal employees from engaging in political activity while on duty. Under the Hatch Act, employees are “on duty” when they are […]

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Delivering info

The Postal Service has introduced a website to provide customers and employees with the latest information on the organization’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. The site, available at, explains how USPS — an essential public service during the crisis — is continuing operations while striving to protect employees and customers. Customers working from home, […]

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Flag reminders

USPS is reminding employees about special flag requirements for two holidays this month: • Peace Officers Memorial Day, which honors police officers who lost their lives in the line of duty, is Friday, May 15. Postal Service facilities are required to fly the U.S. flag at half-staff this day. When the U.S. flag is flown […]

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Show of thanks

The Postal Service has released a video for National Military Appreciation Month that recognizes military veteran employees for their contributions to the nation and USPS. “Every day, you show your true grit, stand in the gap, perform in critical roles and continue that spirit of service,” Employee Resource Management Vice President Simon Storey says in […]

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Parental guidance

If you’re a Postal Service employee who is sheltering at home with your children during the coronavirus pandemic, the organization wants you to monitor their online activity. Many schools are closed, so youngsters are probably online more than ever — either doing schoolwork or entertaining themselves, which could potentially expose them to questionable content, scammers […]

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Cleaning house

Shaniqua Sims is vigilant about keeping her workplace clean. “For the Postal Service, for my co-workers, for my customers, for my family’s sake — I’m pretty much obsessed with it,” says Sims, a custodian at the Winchester, VA, Post Office. USPS wants all workplaces to be clean and safe, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. This […]

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Sincerely, Mailman Kyle

How many journeys to the White House start with a roll of toilet paper? That’s exactly what led Cincinnati Letter Carrier Kyle West — now known to millions as “Mailman Kyle” — to the Blue Room on May 1 to receive praise from President Donald Trump during a recognition ceremony dubbed “Hard Work, Heroism and […]

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Times two

City Carrier Assistant Chyanne Fauntleroy received national attention last year for finding two missing girls in separate incidents in Vista, CA. In the first case, Fauntleroy was delivering mail when she spotted a shoeless 15-year-old autistic teen outside whose disappearance days earlier led to an 80-person search party combing the area for her. Fauntleroy immediately […]

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CDC updates

The Postal Service is sharing new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about COVID-19 symptoms. According to CDC, infected individuals have reported a wide range of symptoms, and some infected individuals have not had any symptoms. COVID-19 symptoms may appear within 2-14 days after exposure to the virus and may include […]

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Public trust

The Postal Service wants employees to know that the organization’s ethics rules continue to apply during the coronavirus pandemic. Employees should remember they are prohibited from: Using their postal positions for the private gain of themselves or other persons or entities, including their friends or relatives Using postal property or work time for personal purposes — […]

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Replenish line

USPS and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) have made a procedural change for replenishment of flags distributed through the Postal Service Burial Flag Program. One of the most powerful symbols recognizing military service, and an enduring memento treasured by many deceased veterans’ families, U.S. flags in the program will now be ordered through […]

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Common census

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. When was the first mass mailing for the U.S. census? a) 1790 b) 1960 c) 2010 d) 2020 2. True or false: Under the Hatch Act, Postal Service employees can engage […]

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Safety first

Steve Miller is keeping his distance. The Winchester, VA, letter carrier is following the Postal Service’s guidance and staying at least 6 feet away from other people as often as possible. “We do this to protect our customers as well as ourselves during this time of uncertainty,” he says. As USPS continues to serve the […]

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Connecting America

People continue to rely on cards and mail to keep in touch with family and friends and to overcome feelings of isolation during the coronavirus pandemic, a new survey by the Postal Service has found. One-third of respondents said cards and letters from family and friends lift their spirits, while 62 percent said receiving a […]

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Got leads?

The Race for a $Billion campaign has generated $602.3 million in estimated annualized revenue for the Postal Service so far. The initiative, which began last fall, aims to raise $1 billion through employee-provided sales leads before the current fiscal year ends Sept. 30. The Small Business Sales team is spearheading the campaign and producing a […]

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Greeting cards

USPS is offering a promotion on greeting cards at select Post Office locations. Customers and employees will save $1 when they purchase two Hallmark cards. A coupon, available wherever Hallmark greeting cards are sold, is required. This promotional offer cannot be combined with other offers. The promotion began April 25 and will continue through June […]

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Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and the USPS Wellness team is encouraging all Postal Service employees to take care of their mental health in these uncertain times. According to, a federal government website, mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. Our mental health affects how we think, feel and act, and […]

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Special delivery

City Carrier Assistant Jamey Miller was recently delivering mail in a Decatur, AL, neighborhood when a customer carrying her 20-month-old son ran toward him screaming for help. The woman said the baby was choking, so Miller immediately called 911 and rendered first aid. Due to the boy’s age, the USPS employee administered back blows until […]

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Trial run

The Postal Service offers several mailing promotions each year that can give business customers an opportunity to try something new. Rachel Katich, a customer relationship manager for Hudson, OH-based Jo-Ann Stores Inc., is one marketer who has done just that. A few years ago, she oversaw a campaign that combined two components: a postcard with […]

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Meeting the press

The Postal Service wants employees to follow proper procedures when interacting with the news media. If an employee is contacted by a reporter or another member of the media, the employee should refer the individual to his or her supervisor or manager. The employee can also direct the reporter to the USPS Newsroom website, which […]

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Asian Pacific American Month

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month — an annual celebration of the nation’s 22.2 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders — begins Friday, May 1. About 48,000 Postal Service employees identify as being Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. This represents approximately 7.6 percent of the USPS workforce. The organization celebrates the contributions of Asian Americans […]

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Wonder wheels

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. How many bike delivery routes are operated by the Sun City, AZ, Main Post Office? a) 25 b) 40 c) 61 d) None of the above 2. Fill in the blank: […]

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‘Paint it Pink’

USPS is offering special “Paint it Pink” ReadyPost shipping supplies at select Post Offices, in time for Mother’s Day. Customers can purchase decorative box and bubble mailer designs that can be used for gift wrapping as well as mailing. The boxes fit inside Priority Mail boxes, making an ideal shipping item with added protection. The […]

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