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William Rubero Jr., Eatontown, NJ; Christopher Wrubel and Jenna Piatt, Plymouth, PA

Postal Service employees in New Jersey and Pennsylvania were there for customers at crucial moments recently. Eatontown, NJ, Carrier Technician William Rubero Jr. was delivering mail when he encountered a man who had collapsed on the walkway outside his home. Rubero stayed with him until he came to and helped him up. The customer later […]

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‘Collaborating to deliver’

USPS continues to invest in new capabilities to strengthen the value of mail in the digital world, PMG Megan J. Brennan told National Postal Forum attendees May 22 in Baltimore. “The growth of the mailing and shipping industry relies on our unrivaled network and rich data platform,” Brennan said. “We are at the convergence of physical […]

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Leading the way

Kelly Dobbins makes sure his employees know what’s expected of them. The Trenton, GA, Postmaster talks to employees daily, ensuring each one understands how he or she contributes to the team. “We’re in constant communication,” he says. Managers like Dobbins are helping USPS improve its workplace culture, according to Employee Engagement Executive Director Kelvin Williams. […]

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One with nature

The Postal Service will release a stamp May 23 to honor Henry David Thoreau, hailed as the founding father of the environmental movement. Thoreau (1817-1862) was a philosopher and naturalist who expressed criticisms of materialism and preached the virtues of living a simple life. His pivotal work, “Walden,” written in 1854, chronicled his experience living […]

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Carolyn Snyder, Hornell, NY; Sandra Penick, Brooklyn, NY; Crystal Trout, Rochester, NY

Several Postal Service employees in New York recently helped protect customers from fraud and foul weather. A woman in Hornell, NY, contacted Retail Associate Carolyn Snyder for help after falling victim to a scam targeting older people. Snyder contacted the processing plant to intercept the $9,500 bank check the woman had mailed, and ensured the […]

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Honor thy children

Wayne Able’s life changed in 2012 when he came across a news photo of a Marine standing guard outside the Indiana hospital room of a sick child. “That story inspired me,” he recalled. “I knew then that I needed to do something to let sick children know that they are not alone.” The Alton, IL, […]

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Need to know

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.8 percent during the week ending May 12, up from one week earlier. Dakotas (99.16 percent) topped the districts, while Western (98.17 percent) led the areas. To see the latest results, go to the Enterprise Analytics site and select “Scanning” on the left hand side, and then “DES […]

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WPA Posters

A new Postal Service video features highlights from the WPA Posters stamp dedication earlier this year in Hyde Park, NY. “The artists of the WPA gave purpose to design. They enriched the public life of the nation,” PMG Megan J. Brennan says in the 1-minute, 25-second video. The WPA, also known as the Work Projects […]

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Cody Horsley, Nashville, TN; Jerell Stanford, Cedar Grove, NJ; Thomas Brazeal, Bellevue, NE

Postal Service employees helped customers and a co-worker in several recent emergencies. Maintenance Mechanic Cody Horsley came to the aid of a contract truck driver who suffered a seizure at the Nashville, TN, Processing and Distribution Center, performing CPR until emergency responders arrived. “This assistance helped to save the driver’s life,” Maintenance Operations Supervisor Christopher […]

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Taking pride

Raul Tiznado takes pride in delivering packages with care. The Sylmar, CA, letter carrier says careful deliveries benefit both residential customers who receive parcels and business customers that send them. “We don’t want to lose either customer,” Tiznado says. “If a residential customer isn’t happy with the way their package arrives, they could complain to […]

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Hot spot

The Postal Service’s latest TV commercial began airing May 15. The 30-second spot, which is called “People,” shows a letter carrier picking up packages at several businesses and delivering mail to customers. “This is a story about mail and packages. And it’s also a story about people — people who rely on us every day to […]

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Need to know

Postbox passion. If you think Link is passionate about collection boxes, wait until you meet Peter Willis. In a recent BBC TV report, the U.K. resident shows off his extensive knowledge of postboxes, the British equivalent of blue collection boxes. Willis and other postbox enthusiasts survey and photograph the boxes and record their locations, histories […]

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Joshua Lopez, Cypress, CA; Elaine Hudson, Hendersonville, NC; Eric Haney, Huber Heights, OH

Several customers hurt in recent falls got the help they needed from alert Postal Service employees. City Carrier Assistant Joshua Lopez heard a cry for help while delivering mail in Cypress, CA. He discovered that a woman was stranded in her garage after falling, striking her head and becoming wedged between a washing machine and […]

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At your service

Lisa Johnson understands the value of great customer service. The Madison, WI, retail associate says she strives each day to deliver good first impressions — a guiding principle of the #PostalProud initiative. “I always greet customers with a smile,” Johnson says. “I want them to feel important, even if they’re buying just one stamp.” Retail […]

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Share scare

A new phishing scam is targeting Google Docs users to gain access to their accounts. Hackers impersonate someone the user knows and requests permission to share documents using Google Docs. The emails link to a bogus Google Docs page, where unwitting users log in and grant the sender access to their account. Once access is […]

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Need to know

Guess what? A recent stamp that features a nostalgic sweet treat is slated to be a clue on the “Jeopardy!” episode that is scheduled to air Tuesday, May 9. Think you know which stamp will be featured? Tune in to find out, and use the hashtag #Jeopardy! to spread the news on social media. Check […]

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Timothy Shockley, Macon, MO

Letter Carrier Timothy Shockley was delivering mail in Macon, MO, when he came upon a woman lying in the street, complaining of back and head pain. The owner of a nearby business recognized her and contacted her husband while Shockley called 911. He stayed on the scene until emergency responders arrived. […]

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‘I love what I do’

Emory Townsend has been delivering mail on his highway contract route out of Somerset, CO, for almost 60 years. His route takes him over the river and through the woods — and over a few mountain passes, too. Townsend’s route runs two days a week. It’s 100 miles serving about 30 customers on large ranches […]

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Certified success

More than 460 teams across the nation have earned “certified engaged team” status from USPS after demonstrating, through the Postal Pulse employee survey, their success in creating positive workplace environments. The survey measures engagement, including whether team managers regularly conduct one-on-one meetings with employees to set expectations, recognize their performance and explain how each employee […]

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Older Americans Month

May is Older Americans Month, which is held each year to celebrate older adults. This year’s theme is “Age Out Loud.” The goal is “to give aging a new voice — one that reflects what today’s older adults have to say,” according to the Administration for Community Living, the federal agency that organizes Older Americans […]

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