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Bank on it

Next time you check your financials online, keep in mind that hackers can steal your money and personal information if you’re not careful. The CyberSafe at USPS team is offering these tips for safeguarding your accounts: Alert your bank of your upcoming travel plans and set a maximum daily withdrawal limit for your account. Use […]

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Luis Cortes, Estero, FL

Rural Carrier Luis Cortes recently had Certified Mail for a customer in Estero, FL. When he knocked on the woman’s door and she told him to come in, he was surprised to find her on the floor. She told him she’d fallen three days earlier. He immediately called 911. While waiting for emergency responders to […]

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‘Sculptures in the air’

The Postal Service has released a 1-minute video showing highlights from the recent Robert Panara stamp dedication in Rochester, NY. Panara, a pioneer in the field of deaf studies, became the 16th entry in the Distinguished Americans stamp series last month. “Robert was famous for his ability to establish immediate rapport with his students through his […]

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Need to know

For your information. The Postal Service recently honored five employees for their efforts to respond to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests: Gary Desmond, a Suncoast District consumer and industry contact manager Kimberly Herbst, a St. Louis tort claim examiner and adjudicator supervisor Pamela Langley, a Detroit District consumer and industry contact acting manager Yvette […]

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Russell Markle, Boise, ID

When Letter Carrier Russell Markle was delivering mail recently in Boise, ID, and spotted smoke coming from a house, he wanted to be sure of two things: that firefighters were on the way, and that the recently widowed customer who lived there alone was safe. After he called 911, Markle went to the woman’s door […]

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Connecting America

The following message is from PMG Megan J. Brennan: This coming week, May 7-13, is Public Service Recognition Week. Across the United States, cities, counties, states, federal agencies and service organizations are joining together to honor public servants and connect Americans with their government. Public Service Recognition Week has been celebrated the first full week […]

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Sustainable success

The Postal Service reduced facility energy usage per square foot by 4.1 percent from 2015-2016, the recently published Annual Sustainability Report shows. USPS also reduced scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions — which include emissions from Postal Service-owned vehicles, facilities and indirect sources such as electricity and steam — by 19.3 percent from 2008 […]

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Need to know

Dream home. Coy Hill, a flat-sorting machine clerk in Jackson, MS, recently won a home through a fundraising promotion for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. The 3,100-square-foot, four-bedroom, four-bathroom home is located in a gated community with a clubhouse, tennis courts and other amenities. The home’s estimated value is $487,000. “I never […]

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Minette Hess, Mount Vernon, OH

The cries of “Help me! Help me!” were faint but distinct as Rural Carrier Minette Hess recently delivered mail to a home in Mount Vernon, OH. She looked around and saw customer Brian Boggs pinned beneath an SUV in his driveway. He had been working on the vehicle when it slipped out of gear and […]

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Golden discovery

Dean Ball believed his wedding ring was gone for good. Ten years ago, the Abilene, TX, resident lost the $1,400 gold ring — a gift from his wife. “I thought I lost it on a job somewhere,” Ball said. Recently, Ball watched his letter carrier, Hector Piazza, walk across Ball’s front lawn to deliver his […]

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Small Business Week

More than 800 Post Offices across the nation will hold events to mark National Small Business Week, which is April 30-May 6. The events will include workshops and other activities where entrepreneurs will learn how USPS can help them grow their businesses. “No business is too small to benefit from USPS products and services,” said […]

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What’s in store

Luxury apartment dwellers aren’t that excited about workout rooms, internet cafes and swimming pools anymore. Instead, renters want facilities where they can store and retrieve packages, according to a new study by the University of Houston. These services could prove attractive as more consumers skip malls and department stores to shop online and package deliveries […]

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Josue Ramirez, Waipahu, HI

Letter Carrier Josue Ramirez had just driven past a customer while delivering mail recently in Waipahu, HI, when he sensed trouble. The woman was walking her bichon frise, and he noticed two stray pit bulls heading their way. Glancing in his rearview mirror, he saw the pit bulls about to attack. The postal employee stopped, […]

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USPS has released Delicioso, a booklet of 20 stamps that celebrate the influence of Central American, South American, Mexican and Caribbean foods and flavors on American cuisine. The stamps feature six dishes from an array of Latin American culinary traditions that have found new life and variations in the United States. The dishes are tamales, […]

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Blue spruce

Greater Indiana District is sprucing up one of the Postal Service’s most recognizable symbols — its blue collection boxes. Employees recently inspected boxes throughout the district and identified about 500 that need to be restored or replaced. “The seasons are hard on them, leaving faded paint and rust over time,” said Indianapolis Maintenance Operations Manager […]

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Stamp Out Hunger

The Postal Service wants managers and employees to begin preparations for this year’s Stamp Out Hunger food drive. In a recent memo, Chief Operating Officer David Williams asked area vice presidents to ensure they have the necessary operational, staffing and transportation plans in place for the annual campaign, which will be held Saturday, May 13. […]

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David Martin, Moorhead, MN

A postal customer in Moorhead, MN, recently became trapped in his garage while working on his car. Letter Carrier David Martin was the first person to respond to the man’s cries for help. He discovered that the customer had gotten entangled in an electrical cord, fallen and knocked over a large board that had pinned […]

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Pacific pride

Pacific Area VP Dean Granholm will retire May 3 after more than 35 years of federal service. Granholm was appointed Pacific Area’s vice president in 2012. Under his leadership, the area optimized delivery performance, improved customer service and introduced online tools to manage delivery units and retail facilities. “Dean has been a transformative leader,” PMG […]

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Answers, please

The Postal Service offers several resources to help employees answer consumers’ questions about Informed Delivery. Informed Delivery is an optional, free feature that provides residential consumers with digital previews of their incoming mail. What should you do if you receive questions about Informed Delivery? • If you encounter a consumer who is not signed up […]

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Bite sites

A total of 6,755 Postal Service employees were attacked by dogs in 2016, according to statistics USPS recently released to kick off National Dog Bite Prevention Week. Here are the top 10 city rankings, including the number of attacks recorded there during the year. 1. Los Angeles (80) 2. Houston (62) 3. Cleveland (60) 4. […]

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