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Hollywood squares

The red carpet at this weekend’s Oscars ceremony isn’t the only place to see Hollywood glitterati. You’ll also find film stars on stamps, including the long-running Legends of Hollywood series. Two recent additions, the Ingrid Bergman and Charlton Heston stamps, are available at and some Post Offices. The newest Legends of Hollywood stamp, Shirley […]

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Before you click

When you use a computer or mobile device on the Postal Service’s computer network, always watch out for phishing scams and malware. Phishing occurs when scammers send emails that appear to be from reputable institutions, such as banks or businesses, to convince you to reveal personal information online. Malicious software, also known as malware, describes […]

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Voices of change

If you want to improve your workplace, you must make your voice heard. This is one of the central principles of the Postal Pulse, the all-employee survey now being conducted in USPS workplaces. The survey provides employees at all levels with an opportunity to share observations about their work environments. This feedback helps the organization […]

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Heroes’ corner

Bountiful, UT, Letter Carrier Sean Anderson was delivering mail recently when he approached a house and smelled a strong gas odor. Anderson tried to contact the homeowner and neighbors but received no response, so he called the utility company and continued making deliveries. After Anderson completed his route, he returned to the area and noticed […]

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Primary targets

The 2016 elections could create opportunities for scammers to steal personal and credit card information from unsuspecting voters, a recent report warns. As candidates campaign for votes and financial contributions, scammers will use phishing, malware and other online tricks to steal voters’ information, according to the study by cybersecurity firm Raytheon Websense. To avoid online […]

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The Postal Service has issued a $1.20 Global rate stamp highlighting the earth’s only natural satellite: the moon. The Global: The Moon stamps are round and feature a detailed photograph of the moon. The stamps are sold on a sheet accented by a line of trees silhouetted against a night sky. Global stamps can be […]

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Duplicate W-2s

Employees who need a duplicate W-2 form can use PostalEASE to print or request a reprint. Employees also can request a duplicate form by calling the employee self-service line at 877-477-3273 and selecting option 1. The Accounting site has additional information. […]

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Erin Dunkley, Minerva, NY

When a customer at the Minerva, NY, Post Office became disoriented recently, Retail Associate Erin Dunkley called the man’s wife, who took him to a hospital. The man was treated for an injury he suffered earlier in the day. The man’s wife expressed gratitude for Dunkley’s help. […]

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Good standing

“The Inspectors” has again received accolades for its portrayal of Postal Inspectors solving mail crimes. The TV show was recently nominated for the Cynopsis Social Good Awards in the scripted episode, integrated promotional campaign and kids’ awareness campaign categories. A public service announcement featuring “The Inspectors” cast also received a nomination. The finalists are a […]

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Great shakes

Before she became a rock star, Brittany Howard had a different gig: She delivered mail. Howard is lead singer and guitarist for Alabama Shakes, the group that won Grammy Awards this week for best alternative album, best rock performance and best rock song. Howard, 28, previously worked as a rural carrier assistant in Athens, AL. […]

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Postal Bulletin

The Postal Bulletin’s latest issue highlights National Consumer Protection Week, which will occur March 6-12. The annual campaign provides information, materials and services to help consumers protect themselves and their loved ones from scams and other fraudulent behaviors. The Feb. 18 Postal Bulletin also has information on the two CyberSafe at USPS training courses available […]

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Go Western

Greg Graves has been appointed acting vice president for Western Area. He will succeed Drew Aliperto, who recently announced plans to retire after more than 40 years of federal service. In his new role, Graves will oversee the nation’s largest geographic postal region. The area includes more than 100,000 employees who serve 49 million customers […]

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Running mates

The Postal Service is joining forces with a top political journal to promote mail’s ability to effectively identify, persuade and motivate voters. USPS and Campaigns & Elections are working with political committees, consultants and other professionals to demonstrate how to best use direct mail in campaigns. “Working with Campaigns & Elections will help the Postal Service effectively […]

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Flags update

Flags should be flown at half-staff until sunset Feb. 20, the day of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s interment. President Obama issued the order last week. To fly the flag at half-staff, hoist the flag to the peak for an instant and then lower it to the half-staff position. The flag should be raised to the […]

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Postal Pulse opens

USPS will begin conducting the next Postal Pulse survey Tuesday, Feb. 16. All employees are strongly encouraged to participate in the survey, which takes about 3-5 minutes to complete. The deadline is Friday, March 11. The 13 questions are designed to help managers and supervisors improve USPS workplace environments. “All employees have a role to […]

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Harvey’s hero

Mark Pizzo isn’t just a hero to the Postal Service. The Rock Hill, SC, letter carrier who recently saved a 7-year-old girl from a dog attack was honored this week by TV talk show host Steve Harvey. Pizzo appeared in a “Harvey’s Hero” segment along with Kayden White, the girl he rescued, and her mother, […]

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What’s your number?

Do you know your blood pressure? What about your body mass index (BMI)? Knowing what’s happening inside your body is important to managing your overall health. The Postal Service urges employees to get regular health screenings, which include blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar level checks. These checkups can help you and your doctor determine […]

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Step forward

The Postal Service will accept applications for the EAS Leadership Development (ELD) program through Monday, Feb. 22, at 11:59 p.m. CST. The program helps field employees develop leadership competencies and prepare for future managerial positions. Area and district employees who are Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS) levels 16 or above are encouraged to apply. The […]

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Understanding Zika

USPS is offering employees tips to protect themselves from the Zika virus, which has been spreading throughout the Caribbean, including the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The virus is transmitted through mosquito bites. Symptoms include fever, joint pain, muscle aches, rash and conjunctivitis. Most people will not experience symptoms. Most individuals who contract the […]

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