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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. When driving powered industrial vehicles, what does Miami Mail Handler Brittany Henry say to never do? a) Honk the horn b) Look both ways c) Use the vehicle’s mirrors […]

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Ole Olson, Sandpoint, ID

A Postal Service employee’s drive home from work in Sandpoint, ID, took a dramatic detour one day last winter when he stopped to aid a man who was seriously injured in an automobile accident. Retail Associate Ole Olson saw that a Jeep had apparently slid off the icy road and plunged down a 30-foot embankment […]

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Tickled pink

The Postal Service recently came to the rescue of a Missouri couple who needed a package for a special party. Colten and Chelsea Harris ordered two baseballs — one filled with pink chalk and the other with blue — from a Florida business that helps expectant parents find unique ways to reveal the gender of […]

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Helping hands

Brittany Henry always puts safety first. Henry, a mail handler at the Miami International Service Center, prepares, processes and moves mail — and she has to practice safety in different ways on the job. “On machines, I make sure my hair’s tied back and I have proper gear,” says Henry, a five-year postal employee. “When […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. How old is Pearl Harbor survivor Raymond Chavez, who the Postal Service recently honored? a) 100 years b) 101 years c) 105 years d) 110 years 2. How many […]

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Gerald Patrick, Lexington, KY

A postal customer in Lexington, KY, recently lost her home — but not her life — in a fire detected by an alert employee. Carrier Technician Gerald Patrick was delivering mail when he noticed smoke billowing from a house. As he got closer, he saw that flames were quickly engulfing it. When Patrick rushed to […]

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Winning connections

USPS honored several employees at this year’s National Postal Forum (NPF) in Baltimore. Six employees were recognized for their work with Business Connect, a program that encourages Postmasters and station managers to initiate discussions with customers about USPS products and services. The honorees, all Postmasters, are: Tasha Gilliam (Fairplay, SC) Brittany Hable (Belle Plaine, MN) […]

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NPF honorees

The Postal Service has presented United Health Group (UHG) with its Partnership for Growth Award, an annual honor that recognizes industry contributors who use the mail to drive innovation and growth. UHG received the award this week at the National Postal Forum in Baltimore. “Congratulations to United Health Group on winning this award,” said PMG […]

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Box by the sea

When Max Raizada learned USPS had an opportunity to honor the oldest known Pearl Harbor survivor, the PO Box program manager jumped at the chance. Raymond Chavez was working on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, when Japanese fighter planes attacked. To mark the survivor’s recent 105th birthday, the Spirit […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. USPS has ranked among the top 25 government agencies for supplier diversity and inclusiveness for how many consecutive years? a) Six b) 16 c) 17 d) 18 2. What […]

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Mara Ralls, Marsing, ID

Harsh winter storms in Marsing, ID, made navigating the countryside a challenge for Rural Carrier Mara Ralls and local residents, many of whom were stuck at home at times with several feet of snow in their driveways. Ralls encountered one such customer while delivering mail earlier this year: an older man at the end of […]

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High marks

For the sixth year in a row, the Postal Service has been recognized as the top government agency for promoting diversity and inclusiveness in business opportunities in the United States. “We are honored that the Postal Service has again been selected as the country’s top government agency for multicultural business opportunities,” said Supply Management VP […]

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‘Fed for a Day’

A New Jersey postal inspector recently helped a sick child realize his dream of becoming a police officer, if only for a day. Trent Powers, a 3-year-old Spotswood, NJ, boy, has Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a fatal illness. After James Buthorn, the inspector-in-charge of the Postal Inspection Service’s Newark Division, heard about Trent, he tapped into […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Which May holiday does NOT require USPS facilities to fly flags at half-staff or fly the POW-MIA flag? a) Amnesty International Day b) Armed Forces Day c) Peace Officers […]

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Rex Romesburg, Dodge City, KS

A morning break at the Dodge City, KS, Post Office recently took a life-threatening turn for an employee who began choking while eating breakfast. Letter Carrier Rex Romesburg was on his way to the break room when he heard another co-worker call out for help. Romesburg rushed to the choking employee and performed the Heimlich […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Postal operations were temporarily suspended in Missouri and several other states last week due to severe storms. Which of these states wasn’t affected? a) Arkansas b) Kansas c) Michigan […]

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Fridays with Etta

Postal Service customers count on employees to treat them with courtesy — but employees who work near Etta Hitner can count on her to return the favor. Every Friday morning, Hitner makes important calls to almost a dozen Post Offices near her Nashwauk, MN, home. “I just call and tell them to have a good […]

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Need to know

The Postal Service is reminding managers and employees about flag requirements for three holidays this month: • Peace Officers Memorial Day, which honors police officers who lost their lives in the line of duty, is Monday, May 15. USPS facilities are required to fly the flag at half-staff this day. To fly the flag at […]

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Kevin Boese, Great Bend, KS

Kevin Boese, a statistical programs supervisor for Central Plains District, recently came to the aid of a car accident victim whose vehicle had rolled over near tiny Otis, KS. The postal employee climbed through rough terrain to reach the woman, who was bleeding profusely, then called 911 and stayed with her until emergency responders arrived. […]

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Reaching the goal

Ramela Younekian was thrilled when she heard USPS is giving employees more time to recruit business customers for this year’s National Postal Forum (NPF). Younekian, marketing manager for Pacific Area’s Sierra Coastal District, and her team had already registered several business customers to attend the NPF. Now that the deadline has been extended until May […]

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