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Telephone courtesy

Answer the phone within three rings, offer a friendly greeting, provide assistance and always end calls by thanking customers for using the Postal Service. Remember to keep necessary reference material close to the phone to better serve customers. […]

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Homework help

The CyberSafe at USPS team reminds employees who telework and use Postal Service laptops and mobile devices to follow these tips to keep the equipment safe and secure: Don’t allow family members or friends to use your laptop and mobile devices. Before leaving your laptop unattended, simultaneously press the Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys to […]

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Heroes’ corner

Danville, CA, Letter Carrier Ler Vang was delivering mail recently when he saw a motorcyclist swerve, lose control and crash. Vang safely parked his LLV and rushed to help the motorcyclist. The victim was breathing heavily and unable to speak. Vang called 911 and followed the dispatcher’s instructions. He stayed with the victim until emergency […]

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Switch on

Postal Service employees can choose Self Plus One health coverage during a special enrollment period from Feb. 1-29. Self Plus One is a Federal Employee Health Benefits enrollment type, similar to Self and Family and Self Only. Self Plus One covers you and one eligible dependent such as a spouse, a son or daughter younger […]

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Unbeaten paths

The Postal Service is reminding customers to clear ice and snow from walkways during winter weather. The importance of winter safety is underscored in a recent TV news report that shows Syracuse, NY, Letter Carrier Matthew Bregande cautiously making his way along a seven-mile, snow-covered route. The segment shows Bregande assessing a home’s snow-covered steps […]

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Terrell Brown, Tampa, FL

Tampa, FL, Letter Carrier Terrell Brown was delivering mail recently when he saw a man lying in front of a house. The man was bleeding after falling off a ladder and injuring his head. Brown took the man inside, called 911 and stayed until emergency responders arrived. […]

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Life support

Three Postal Service employees were honored last week for saving a co-worker’s life. Springfield, MA, Network Distribution Center mail handlers Leonard Giannetti, Samantha Glazebrook and Amy DeLuca used an automated external defibrillator and performed CPR when Tractor Trailer Operator Michael Lussier fell ill last year. The trio, who are members of the facility’s medical emergency […]

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Scanning scorecard

The national scanning score was 97 percent during the week ending Jan. 15, up from one week earlier. Western (97.49 percent) remained in first place among the areas. Great Lakes (97.03 percent) climbed three spots to take second and Eastern (97.01 percent) finished third. Among the districts, Arkansas (98.26 percent) maintained its hold on first […]

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It’s snowtime

Customers aren’t the only ones who appreciate Postal Service employees who brave the elements each winter. The Weather Channel loves them too. In a Jan. 19 segment, the cable network profiles Hamburg, NY, Letter Carrier Charlene Pfister, showing how she navigates snow banks, high winds and icy sidewalks to make her deliveries. “I always pack […]

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Safety counts

The Postal Service is introducing an award to honor leaders and groups that help create and maintain safe workplaces. The Postmaster General Safety Excellence Award will recognize managers, safety professionals and safety teams at USPS facilities across the nation. “This award will provide a new look at how the Postal Service values employee safety,” said […]

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Package power

Shippers delivered 1.5 billion packages during the holidays — which works out to five parcels per person in the United States, a new study has found. The shipping surge was driven by a 20 percent increase in online sales, according to the research by commercial real estate giant CBRE Group. “Yes, Virginia, consumers showed up […]

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In the know

USPS is continuing to help customers find answers to their mailing and shipping questions. The latest videos in the Postal Service’s “How To: Shipping Tips” series address topics such as wedding announcements, holding mail, military mail and returning merchandise through USPS. The series also includes videos that debuted last year during peak season. The new […]

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Pride and joy

For many employees, working for the Postal Service is a source of pride. Marsing, ID, Retail Associate Clerk Deanna Eliason remembers how much the mail meant to her when she was growing up on military bases in other countries. “That’s the way we kept in contact with people. To get a letter from the states […]

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Happy returns

USPS is waiving fees for businesses that use the Merchandise Return Service (MRS) to process returns from their customers. The annual permit and account maintenance fees will be waived for MRS users that ship both returns and one outbound package per year. Manual weighing and rating of MRS parcels also have been streamlined to simplify […]

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STI courses

Strategic Training Initiatives (STI) are mandatory courses assigned to employees based on their position. When an STI course appears under the mandatory tab in their Learning Management System portal, employees should promptly take the course before the completion date. […]

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Training time

Two CyberSafe at USPS training courses are now available to help employees protect themselves online. These courses are part of the Strategic Training Initiative, which aims to boost employees’ knowledge on the most important topics in the Postal Service. The courses: CyberSafe 101: Passwords and Phishing (course number 10024251) is required for all employees with active ACE […]

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Heroes’ corner

St. Paul, MN, City Carrier Assistant Kirsten Levisen Lloyd was delivering mail to a home recently when she noticed the woman who answered the door needed help: Her lips were blue and she was choking. Lloyd began to perform the Heimlich maneuver. After five tries, the object became dislodged. Lloyd stayed with the customer to […]

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Scanning scorecard

The national scanning score was 96.9 percent during the week ending Jan. 8, up from one week earlier. The area and district scanning standings also experienced changes. Western (97.27 percent) once again finished first among the areas. Eastern (96.98 percent) moved up two spots to take second, while Southern (96.97 percent) climbed four spots to […]

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