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Heart of Dixie

To help mark the release of the Alabama Statehood Forever stamp this week, here are five facts about the state known as the “Heart of Dixie.” 1. Alabama pioneered two holidays. The first Mardi Gras in America was not held in New Orleans, but rather in Mobile, AL, reportedly in 1702. Alabama was also the […]

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Prince’s knight

Rural Carrier Bradley Cook was recently delivering mail in an Edmond, OK, neighborhood when he encountered a family in distress: Paul and Olivia Makanya were scrambling to save the life of their 2-year-old son, Prince, who had fallen into their swimming pool and wasn’t breathing. Cook immediately called 911 and helped Paul perform CPR on […]

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Cactus Flowers

Post Offices across the nation will soon be blooming with Cactus Flowers. The organization’s newest stamps celebrate the beauty of cacti, flowering perennial succulents that are abundant in the Southwest and other parts of the world. Most cacti grow very slowly and are tough, adaptable and low maintenance. Cactus flowers are often large and flamboyant, […]

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All about the Benjamins

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. True or false: Last week, USPS reported total revenue was $21.2 billion during fiscal 2019’s first quarter (Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2018), while total operating expenses were $19.7 billion. a) […]

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Deadline reminder

The Postal Service is reminding facility managers and others about the federal reporting requirements for storing hazardous and toxic chemicals. USPS locations that store certain quantities of hazardous and toxic chemicals must complete and submit the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Tier II Form by March 1. The form must be submitted to […]

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‘A selfless act’

Sterling Harris was on the job last fall when an unusual address caught his eye. The envelope was made out to Mrs. Brent Taylor at “Home of an American War Hero” in North Ogden, a small city in Utah. As soon as he saw the address, Harris, a distribution clerk at Ben Lomond Station, knew […]

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Finish line

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the federal government’s annual workplace charity drive, ends Friday, Feb. 22. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management extended the CFC, originally slated to end Jan. 11, to help federal workers affected by the recent government shutdown. Postal Service employees can submit a paper pledge form to a CFC keyworker or […]

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Call to duty

Reminder: The Postal Inspection Service is accepting applications for Postal Police officers through Thursday, Feb. 14. Only USPS career employees can apply to this announcement, which the Inspection Service posted last week. Postal Police officers patrol USPS premises to prevent loss or damage to mail and postal assets. Officers also respond to emergencies and other […]

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Share your view

What did you think of Link’s story about Ronald Murphy Jr., the Tacoma, WA, letter carrier who became a viral video star after he was caught on camera delivering a package with care? How about the recent report about Informed Delivery reaching its latest milestone: 15 million users? Did you pick up any helpful hints […]

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Love lines

To help get you in the mood for romance this week, here are five thing about Valentine’s Day you may not have known. 1. “Vinegar Valentines” insulted their recipients. During the Victorian Era, those wishing to deride would-be suitors, neighbors or other acquaintances might anonymously send them insulting cards. These cards, also known as penny […]

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After the fall

Letter Carrier Amy Bezerra was recently making deliveries in Broomfield, CO, when she grew worried about an older customer, John Zahller, whose mail had piled up over several days. When Bezerra knocked on Zahller’s door and got no answer, she checked with a neighbor, who tried unsuccessfully to reach him by phone. Bezerra returned to […]

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Keep it clean

Keeping USPS facilities clean can be tough, but for many custodians, it’s a job they take great pride in. “I keep the customer area clean and walkways and sidewalks shoveled and salted so customers can make their way safely to mail packages,” said Chris Boerman, who maintains the Newark, NY, Post Office. “I assist the […]

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On duty

Are you interested in securing USPS facilities and protecting employees and other people on postal property? The Postal Inspection Service will accept applications for Postal Police officers from Friday, Feb. 8, through Thursday, Feb. 14. Only USPS career employees can apply to this announcement. Postal Police officers patrol USPS premises to prevent loss or damage […]

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Happy new year

A new Postal Service video features highlights from the recent Celebrating Lunar New Year stamp dedication ceremony. The stamp honors the Year of the Boar, which began Feb. 5. “As you add this beautiful stamp to your collection or use it to mail your letters and packages, it is our sincere wish that the Year […]

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Information, please

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. True or false: Employees who violate the federal conflicts of interest law may face criminal prosecution as well as disciplinary action by the Postal Service. a) True b) False 2. […]

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Imminent risk

Letter Carrier Mary Smith was recently delivering mail in a Marion, OH, neighborhood when she detected the odor of gas at an older customer’s residence. Smith knocked on the woman’s door and urged her to contact the gas company. Several days later, the customer told Smith that utility workers had discovered gas leaking from the […]

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Sweet 15

Informed Delivery has 15 million subscribers, a new milestone. The free feature offers multiple benefits for consumers, allowing them to preview their incoming mail and manage their packages from computers, tablets and other mobile devices. Businesses can add interactive content to the Informed Delivery emails that subscribers receive. Subscribers can click this content and be […]

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Making history

The Link team would like to speak to USPS employees who have connections to the Negro Motorist Green Book, the travel guide that postal worker Victor Green founded in the 1930s. The guide, which was published regularly until 1966, listed businesses that would welcome African-American travelers. The publication inspired “Green Book,” a top contender during […]

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Proud heritage

To help mark the start of African-American History Month, here are five things to know about the national observance. 1. Carter G. Woodson pioneered the precursor to African-American History Month. In the early 1900s, Woodson, a son of former slaves and a Harvard University-educated historian, became concerned that the contributions of black people were overlooked […]

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NPF VIP. Ramela Younekian, Sierra Coastal District’s marketing manager, is the first employee to receive a complimentary registration to this year’s National Postal Forum (NPF). Younekian earned the registration after recruiting five new business customers to attend the event, which will be held in Indianapolis from May 5-8. This is the fourth consecutive year Younekian […]

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Safe and secure

USPS is seeking nominees for the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which honors employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. The program, which will mark its 16th year in 2019, is based on a simple idea: Postal Service employees know the habits of their customers and the rhythms of their communities, and are […]

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Mountain of mail

Duane Sherman received mail from around the world for his recent birthday. The Fullerton, CA, resident, who served in World War II and received a Purple Heart, is legally blind. As Sherman’s 96th birthday approached last month, his daughter, Sue Morse, made a Facebook post to request cards for her dad, who only received bills […]

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Happy feet

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. In her latest “Business Focus” video, Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan reported USPS delivered how many packages between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day? a) 940 million b) 945 million […]

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Muddy buddy

City Carrier Assistant Daniel Virgilio was delivering mail at a Danbury, CT, apartment complex on a rainy day last fall when he a spotted a customer facedown on muddy ground. Virgilio rushed to the woman’s aid and found that she was neither responsive nor breathing. The Postal Service employee called 911 and followed the dispatcher’s […]

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