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End of the run

A Chicago retail associate retired late last month after more than a half-century as a postal employee. Alfredo Jacinto became a holiday seasonal worker in 1966, although his career didn’t officially begin until he became a Parcel Post distribution clerk at the Chicago Post Office the following spring. In 1982, he became a retail associate […]

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What’s in the box?

Toolbox update. The Postal Communicator’s Toolbox has new content. The additions include fact sheets and talking points about USPS finances, recent stamp releases and videos from the National Postal Forum. The Toolbox is a Blue page that managers can use to help them discuss the organization with employees, customers and others. Corporate Communications manages the […]

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POTUS postage

To help mark the release of the stamp honoring George H.W. Bush, the nation’s 41st commander in chief, here are six facts about presidential stamps. 1. Presidential stamps are now issued after death. Since 1945, presidents have been memorialized on stamps usually within a year of their death and often on their date of birth. […]

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Safe at last

Letter Carrier Kristin Davis was recently making deliveries in Opp, AL, when she grew worried about a customer whose mail was piling up. Knowing that the woman normally retrieved her mail daily, Davis knocked on the front door but got not answer. The Postal Service employee contacted local police, who soon checked on the customer […]

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Sew touching

A onetime city carrier assistant in Minden, NE, recently received a special tribute to his military service from two former USPS colleagues. Dustin Schutt became a city carrier assistant about three years ago. In mid-2018, he put his career on hold as he prepared to depart for Kuwait with the Army National Guard. Schutt was […]

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Scanning snapshot

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.92 percent during the week ending June 28, up from one week earlier. Western (98.13 percent) led the areas, while Dakotas (99.24 percent) topped the districts. Scanning allows customers to track their packages and mail, and it helps USPS improve efficiency and network management. To see […]

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On point

Employees at a Post Office in the Atlanta area recently used a customer appreciation event to underscore the importance of point-of-sale surveys. The surveys, which appear at the bottom of customers’ receipts, provide USPS with useful data that helps the organization measure satisfaction, a key driver of revenue growth. During the customer appreciation day at […]

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‘Street’ sense

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. USPS recently held a symposium in Washington, DC, for what kind of customers? a) Catalog publishers b) Major retailers c) Nonprofit executives d) Small-business owners 2. Which USPS department […]

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Smoke! Alarm!

City Carrier Assistant Dayton Ngo was recently delivering mail to a four-unit apartment building in Scottsville, NY, when he encountered a life-threatening emergency. At the main entrance, Ngo found the hallway filled with smoke, so he immediately rushed to pound on all the apartment doors to ensure that everyone in the building knew of the […]

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Labor talks

The Postal Service began negotiations this week on new labor contracts with two unions that represent USPS employees. Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan and the Postal Service’s bargaining representatives met with leaders of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) and the National Postal Mail Handlers Union (NPMHU) at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC. Negotiations […]

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Double switch

Stephen Bostwick thought he was randomly selected to throw out the first pitch at a recent Baltimore Orioles’ home game — until he realized the catcher was his deployed son, Addam. Bostwick, the Waterford, PA, Postmaster, planned to attend the Father’s Day baseball game with Addam, an Army specialist stationed at Fort Meade, MD, who […]

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Natural beauty

A new Postal Service video features highlights from the recent dedication of the Wild and Scenic Rivers stamp pane in Bend, OR. The 12-pane stamp honors the National Wild and Scenic River System, which was established by a law passed by Congress in 1968 to safeguard certain rivers designated as wild, scenic or recreational. Tim […]

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Good form

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Where should you go to make changes to your Form W-4? a) ePayroll b) Internal Revenue Source website c) Office of Personal Management website d) PostalEASE 2. USPS wants […]

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Subzero hero

Rural Carrier Tara Hanson was delivering a package to a residence in Big Lake, MN, on a January day when she encountered a boy outside in subzero temperatures. Hanson expressed concern for the lad, who was inadequately dressed for the weather, and he told her he had locked himself out while home alone. The Postal […]

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Growing businesses

The Postal Service wants to help small-business owners find better ways to contact customers and grow their companies, USPS leaders told entrepreneurs at a symposium last week. The event, held in Washington, DC, allowed small-business owners to learn about the latest postal products and services to help them better target and reach consumers. “At the […]

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Post postal

The Postal Service recently reminded employees of the rules surrounding seeking employment with an outside organization. But what about the rules on seeking a job with another employer after you’ve left USPS? Under federal law, former postal employees aren’t prohibited from accepting a job with any particular employer. However, if you take a job with […]

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Local pride

The recent dedication ceremony for the Post Office Murals stamp pane is highlighted in a new USPS video. The event took place at the Piggott, AR, Post Office, home to “Air Mail,” one of five Post Office murals featured on the 10-stamp pane. “If you haven’t been in this Post Office today, go take a […]

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Turning back time

To help mark the recent release of the USS Missouri stamp, here are five facts about the World War II-era battleship. 1. The USS Missouri had a long-term connection to President Harry Truman. The battleship was launched on Jan. 29, 1944, and was christened by Margaret Truman, daughter of Missouri Sen. Harry S. Truman, who […]

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Being there

Carrier Technician Ferrared Robinson was recently delivering mail in Lincoln Park, MI, when he spotted a customer who had fallen inside her home and couldn’t get up. Robinson immediately called 911 and comforted the woman until emergency responders arrived. The customer later contacted the Lincoln Park Post Office. “She was very thankful for Ferrared being […]

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Price changes

Several price changes will take effect Sunday, June 23. There will be dimensional weight changes that will affect Parcel Select, Priority Mail and Priority Mail Express. Mailers will be required to provide dimensions when a parcel measures over 1 cubic foot for Priority Mail Express; Priority Mail (all zones); and Parcel Select (all zones and […]

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Welcome to the neighborhood

If you want to know how to get to Sesame Street, visit your local Post Office. USPS will release stamps honoring the influential children’s series on Saturday, June 22. The stamps will help mark the 50th anniversary of the show, which debuted in 1969 and forever changed children’s television through its combination of educational and entertainment […]

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Are you informed?

Informed Delivery reminder. Employees can sign up for Informed Delivery, a free feature that provides users with digital previews of their incoming mail, at Increasing the number of subscribers will help USPS attract businesses that want to add interactive content to Informed Delivery emails, which will extend the “life” of the businesses’ mailpieces, keep mail relevant […]

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‘Mo’ better clues

Here’s Link’s latest “News Quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. When was the USS Missouri, aka “Mighty Mo,” the subject of a new stamp, commissioned? a) 1941 b) 1942 c) 1943 d) 1944 2. What telephone etiquette advice does […]

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Hearing, aiding

Rural Carrier Tracey Swain was delivering a package in Rochelle, GA, on a cold, wet day last December when she heard a customer screaming for help. Swain rushed to aid the woman, who had fallen outside behind her home and dislocated her shoulder. The Postal Service employee phoned the customer’s nephew, who soon arrived to […]

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Proud history

To help mark Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month, here are five facts about the annual commemoration. 1. LGBT Pride Month traces its roots to the Stonewall uprising. In the early hours of June 28, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a tavern in New York City’s Greenwich Village that catered to gay […]

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