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Special occasion

The Postal Service has released its first newly designed Happy Birthday stamp in almost two decades. The Forever stamp is meant to give invitations, envelopes and cards an additional touch of good cheer. The stamp features the word “happy” prominently in capital letters, with each of the five letters inspired by a different party decoration, […]

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Social intelligence

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. How many official social media accounts does USPS have? a) Two b) Four c) Six d) Eight 2. How many customers have signed up for Informed Delivery using the ID Enroll […]

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Intensive intervention

Hampden, ME, Rural Carrier Elmer Wing was recently making deliveries in a nearby town, Newburgh, when he grew concerned about a customer whose mail was piling up. Wing noticed that the man’s car was in the driveway and the porch light was on during the day, so he contacted the local Post Office to recommend […]

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Sticking around

Remember the sticker craze of the 1980s? It’s back. Collecting stickers has seen a revival during the coronavirus pandemic — except this time, companies are using the mail to satisfy collectors’ cravings. “At the beginning of the pandemic, people at home were feeling generally nostalgic for items sparking happiness — like stickers from their childhood […]

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Cholesterol management

September is National Cholesterol Education Month, a time to learn more about cholesterol and how it affects your health. Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance found in the body and animal food products, including meat, seafood, dairy and eggs. Lifestyle behaviors, family history and health conditions, such as diabetes and obesity, can adversely affect cholesterol […]

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Haul for one

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Which of these facilities is not participating in the USPS pilot program to fill tractor-trailer operator positions? a) Brooklyn, NY, Processing and Distribution Center b) Carol Stream, IL, Processing and Distribution […]

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Ethics focus

In a video message, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy discusses the importance of ethics awareness. He highlights the organization’s Blue page, which has information for postal workers; the ethics section on; and the new ethics app for smartphones that can be downloaded through the USPS app store. “It is because of our focus on ethics […]

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CISO shift

Christopher A. Nielsen, the Postal Service’s chief information security officer and vice president, has accepted an appointment as inspector in charge of the Postal Inspection Service’s Analytics and Cyber Group. Since joining the USPS Corporate Information Security Office in 2018, Nielsen has led several initiatives that bolstered the organization’s cybersecurity. He improved awareness and training […]

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The Postal Service is reminding employees and contractors that they’re prohibited from speaking on behalf of the organization on websites, blogs and other forms of social media without permission. Under the organization’s policy, employees must receive written permission from the USPS social media and legal teams and the appropriate vice president before establishing online accounts […]

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Plants, meet plate

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn easy ways to add more fruits and vegetables to your day in the most delicious way. The session, “Get More Plants on Your Plate,” will be held Thursday, Sept. 2, at noon EDT. Jillian Griffith, a nutritionist for the Giant supermarket chain, will conduct […]

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In remembrance

President Joe Biden has ordered U.S. flags flown at half-staff to honor U.S. service members and other victims of the Aug. 26 terrorist attack in Kabul, Afghanistan. Flags should be flown at half-staff until Aug. 30 at sunset. To fly the flag at half-staff, hoist the flag to the peak for an instant and then […]

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Friends till the end

Postmaster Relief Amy Barber was recently on duty in Scotland, GA, when she grew concerned about a customer, Karen Murphy, whose Post Office Box was filling up. Barber requested a wellness check, and Murphy was found unconscious at home, in dire need of medical attention. The gravely ill customer was rushed to a hospital, and […]

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Dependent coverage

The Postal Service is reminding employees about an important deadline involving the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management is requiring all federal agencies to verify eligible family members who are enrolled in the program, also known as FEHB, by Aug. 31. To comply with this regulation, USPS employees who are […]

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Power up

The Postal Service’s ACE computers will receive software updates this month that will improve security, functionality and compatibility with Office 365 products and other programs. The updates will occur in three phases: • BIOS update, which will consist of a set of computer instructions that control input and output; • Driver update, which involves a […]

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Gone with the wind

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. When does hurricane season end? a) Sept. 15 b) Oct. 31 c) Nov. 1 d) Nov. 30 2. True or false: Bronze2021, the new Analytics University certification program, uses BlueTube videos […]

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Made in the shade

Employees at the Anaheim, CA, Processing and Distribution Center were thrilled last year when USPS chose the facility for solar panel installation. “How did we get so lucky?” Maintenance Manager Frank Garcia remembers thinking. One asset in the site’s favor, he later found out, was the facility’s new roof. Alas, Murphy’s Law prevailed. The panels’ […]

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Less is more

The Postal Service is reminding managers and supervisors to protect USPS computer systems and resources by proactively approving, denying, suspending or terminating user privileges through eAccess. Access should not be granted to the organization’s systems or resources unless it’s absolutely necessary. Grant as few privileges as possible to limit user access and protect postal technology. […]

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Peak season checklist

The Postal Service wants its retail locations to start preparing now for the busy peak delivery season before it kicks into high gear this fall. Retail locations should use the next few weeks to get lobby areas in order by, for instance, running diagnostics on all self-service kiosk customer display units and other equipment to […]

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Ounce of prevention

With summer temperatures starting to rise, the Postal Service wants employees to recognize symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, two types of heat-related illnesses. Heat exhaustion symptoms include cool, moist skin; heavy sweating; headache; nausea or vomiting; dizziness; light-headedness; weakness; thirst; irritability; and a fast heartbeat. Here are first-aid guidelines for people who experience […]

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Strength in numbers

Postmaster James Tee and Letter Carrier Joseph Hayes were on duty one afternoon recently at the Parlin, NJ, Post Office when they heard screams for help in the parking lot. Tee and Hayes rushed outside and saw that a woman had been struck by a customer’s vehicle, leaving her pinned beneath it and gravely injured. […]

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Gone country

Gregory Huff was excited when the Postal Service released its Western Wear stamps last month. “I bought them because they will remind me of my love for line dancing every time I use them,” said Huff, a general clerk at the USPS Vehicle Maintenance Facility in Edison, NJ. Huff discovered line dancing in 2011, when […]

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Gift ethics

The Postal Service is reminding employees of the rules when it comes to giving and receiving gifts. Gifts between employees Generally, a supervisor cannot accept a gift from a subordinate, but there are exceptions. • For a regularly occurring event, such as a birthday: Gifts, other than cash, that have a value of $10 or […]

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Revenue review

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: The Postal Service reported (blank) in total operating revenue during its most recent quarterly financial report. a) $1.85 billion b) $18.5 billion c) $185 billion d) None […]

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Bronze age

The Postal Service is offering new training to help employees use data and fresh thinking to overcome obstacles in their work. The courses, available through the Analytics University educational platform, are part of Bronze2021, a curriculum that offers certifications in processing, logistics, and retail and delivery. The format focuses on how to use operational, analytics-driven […]

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Making the move

The Postal Service is moving the ACE Web Conferencing Zoom meeting scheduler request process from eAccess to ARIS, the organization’s new platform for requesting access to USPS digital resources. Starting Aug. 30, employees who want access to become a Zoom meeting scheduler must submit requests through the ARIS website. Search for “ACE Web Conferencing — […]

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Glory for Missouri

Missouri Statehood, the Postal Service’s latest stamp, was dedicated Aug. 10 on the steps of the Capitol in Jefferson City. The stamp features two bucolic images from Bollinger Mill State Historic Site: Bollinger’s Mill and Burfordville Covered Bridge. The two were described as “treasured structures” by Peter Pastre, the USPS government relations and public policy […]

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Postal property

The Postal Service is reminding employees that they may not use USPS property for any unauthorized purpose. Misusing USPS property violates the standards of ethical conduct for employees of the executive branch, which applies to all postal employees. Here are some examples of USPS property misuse: • Postal-issued cellphones. Don’t use them for outside business […]

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Hurricane high season

The Postal Service wants to remind workers that the high season for hurricanes is here. Hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, with most storms forming after Aug. 1. The storms can cause high winds, heavy rain, flooding and other dangerous conditions, with coastal areas most affected. Disasters don’t wait, so take time […]

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