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New lease on life

Rural Carrier Lisa Ann Wagner was making deliveries at a home in Kerrville, TX, when she noticed the customer’s mail starting to pile up. Wagner grew concerned because she knew the woman lived alone and had minimal contact with her neighbors and family. The Postal Service employee tried contacting the customer by phone and text, […]

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Cybersecurity training

All Postal Service employees with an ACE ID must complete the annual CyberSafe at USPS training by Sept. 26. The course, called CyberSafe Fundamentals, presents the skills and knowledge needed to follow cybersecurity policy and practices to protect the organization’s electronic information. This training is mandatory, but employees can opt out if they pass a […]

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Crisis checklist

During National Preparedness Month, the Postal Service is reminding all employees to be ready at a moment’s notice. All employees should: • Update their emergency contact information. • Review posted emergency procedures and evacuation routes. • Be familiar with the USPS National Employee Emergency Hotline: 888-EMERGNC (888-363-7462). Employees can call the hotline after an emergency […]

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National Hispanic Heritage Month

The Postal Service will observe National Hispanic Heritage Month, which is held each year from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. The commemoration honors the cultures and contributions of people of Spanish, Mexican, Central American, South American and Caribbean ancestry. Approximately 13 percent of USPS employees report Hispanic ancestry. The Postal Service has honored Hispanic peoples […]

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Front-line job fair

The Postal Service will hold its final virtual supervisory job fair on Sunday, Sept. 17. More than 10,800 employees registered for the first three fairs, held in March, May and July. The fairs are part of Focus on the Front, an initiative to fill more than 2,800 Executive and Administrative Schedule Level 17 supervisory positions […]

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Inside job

The Postal Service wants employees and contractors to know that threats to the organization’s information can come from the inside. The key to preventing these threats is to know what the risks are and how to report them. The organization works with the Postal Inspection Service and the USPS Office of Inspector General to prevent, […]

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End of an era

Netflix is ending its DVD-by-mail service at the end of the month. Now known primarily as a video streaming service and content producer, the company started in 1997 by renting DVDs by mail in red envelopes that became iconic. By 2009, the company had more than 10 million subscribers to its DVD service and was […]

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Great Scott

Letter Carrier Andre Scott was nearing the end of his route in Addison, IL, when he encountered a slumped-over driver inside a stopped vehicle at a busy intersection. Scott checked on the unresponsive man, speaking and clapping his hands to try to provoke a reaction. None came. The Postal Service employee called 911 and waved […]

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Managing stress

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar on managing stress. The session, “Stress Management 101,” will be held Sept. 13 at noon Eastern. A representative from Blue Cross Blue Shield will discuss the biology of stress and explain how to respond when it becomes overwhelming. Participants must register beforehand on the webinar website. […]

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Celebration symbol

The Postal Service will release its Piñatas! stamps on Sept. 8. A traditional Mexican party favorite, piñatas are hollow figurines filled with candy. Blindfolded players take turns striking the piñata until it breaks, scattering the treats to be gathered by the guests at the celebration. The stamp artwork features four illustrations of two traditional piñata […]

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‘Angel’ in blue

Letter Carrier Eric Ketter was delivering mail in Mount Lebanon, PA, when he spotted a man lying in the street. Jim Brophy, a disabled Vietnam War veteran, had been installing lights outside his home when he fell down his concrete front steps and rolled into the middle of the street. He couldn’t move and couldn’t […]

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Ready — or not?

September is National Preparedness Month, and the Postal Service is encouraging employees to take time to prepare for the unexpected. “Disaster professionals suggest scheduling time on your calendar to create an emergency plan,” said USPS Corporate Affairs Vice President Judy de Torok, who oversees the organization’s continuity and preparedness team. Here are some tips for […]

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Taking notes

While attending a recent Kentucky-West Virginia District career conference, Cristal Blank entered her name to win a “shadow day” with a district leader. Luck was on the Postal Service employee’s side: She later received a call from Mark Reed, acting manager of employee development, letting her know she was chosen to follow him for a […]

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FEHB webinar full

Registration for the Aug. 31 “Medicare and FEHB” webinar has filled and is now closed. A recording of the webinar, which offers early insights into the Postal Service Health Benefits Plan coming in 2025, will be posted on the Benefits and Wellness LiteBlue page after the event. The recording can be viewed on demand by […]

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Keep it clean

The Postal Service is reminding employees and contractors to use only approved business-related apps on USPS-issued mobile devices. Unapproved apps could contain malicious software and pose a cybersecurity risk to USPS. Mobile apps should only be downloaded from the USPS app store. To receive approval for a mobile app that has not been authorized, users […]

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Who’s who

The Postal Service and the U.S. Labor Department are conducting a pilot program that allows unemployment insurance claimants to confirm their identities at select Post Offices. The in-person proofing pilot is operating in four states but will soon expand to 19,000 Post Offices across the country that use Retail Systems Software, or RSS. Additionally, the […]

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New VP

Stephen M. Dearing has been named vice president and chief data and analytics officer, a new permanent position he has held on an acting basis since March. Dearing will be responsible for reporting service performance, managing enterprise data sources, leading transformational analytics and performing advanced modeling throughout the organization. He most recently served as business […]

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Medicare and FEHB

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn about Medicare and the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. The session, “Medicare and FEHB,” will be held Aug. 31 at 1 p.m. Eastern. Representatives from GEHA, a not-for-profit provider of health plans for federal employees, will conduct the webinar and explain how Medicare […]

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Wider circle

The website for Postal Service retirees now includes access to LEADing Together, the organization’s employee sales lead program. LEADing Together combines the Business Connect, Clerks Care, Customer Connect, Mail Handlers, Rural Reach and Submit a Lead programs into one, using a common portal for employees — and now retirees — to enter customer information. […]

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Gift for all seasons

The USPS-licensed Stamp Art 2024 Wall Calendar, which commemorates more than 175 years of American stamp history, is now on sale. The latest design features 12 monthly stamp collages and showcases seasonally appropriate stamp art, influential figures and moments throughout U.S. history. It also has space for writing and organizing notes, appointments and reminders. The […]

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Morale booster

Sherry Fabian, the Cambridge, NY, postmaster, described her work with Operation Adopt A Soldier in a recent issue of The Eagle. The nonprofit organization sends care packages of toothpaste, shampoo, socks, batteries, snacks and other items to deployed troops. Fabian started as a volunteer packing boxes alongside her son, who was fulfilling a community service […]

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Maui fires

All USPS employees on Maui have been accounted for after wildfires engulfed large swaths of the Hawaiian island this month, the worst natural disaster in the state’s history. Seven postal workers lost their homes, and the homes of two others were damaged. The town of Lahaina — once the capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom — […]

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Driver’s ed

The Postal Service is reminding employees who operate motor vehicles to be extra vigilant near schools and playgrounds as classes resume for the school year. While driving, remember to: • Slow down and obey speed limits. • Never pass a school bus with flashing red lights or its stop sign extended. Vehicles on both sides of […]

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Deal or no deal

To help mark USPS Ethics Awareness Week, the Postal Service wants employees to know about the rules regarding contracts with relatives. To avoid favoritism and other unethical conduct, USPS generally doesn’t contract with relatives of employees. If an employee’s relative submits a contract offer to the Postal Service, the offer may only be accepted if […]

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Top of mind

The Postal Service dedicated its Thinking of You stamps at the Great American Stamp Show in Cleveland on Aug. 11. “Think, for a moment, how wonderful it feels to receive a card for the special milestones in life — birthdays, holidays, birth announcements, invitations to weddings and parties, and everything we love to celebrate with […]

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Up in smoke

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar on quitting smoking. The session, “Tobacco Cessation,” will be held Aug. 22 at noon Eastern. Topics will include the health risks associated with tobacco use, how help from others can increase your chances of success when quitting, and available resources. Participants must register on the webinar […]

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A sense of belonging

To help mark USPS Ethics Awareness Week, the Postal Service is reminding employees they may not use the organization’s property for any unauthorized purpose. Misusing postal property violates federal ethics rules and can result in discipline, fines, garnishment of wages and termination of employment. Here are some things employees should keep in mind: • Although […]

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