Eastover, SC, Rural Carrier Demario Simmons
“When I start my day, my main priority is making sure I inspect my vehicle. In order to deliver to my customers, my vehicle has to be ready to go.” […]
“When I start my day, my main priority is making sure I inspect my vehicle. In order to deliver to my customers, my vehicle has to be ready to go.” […]
A Postal Service employee in Lisbon, ME, recently saved a customer’s home from destruction. City Carrier Assistant Richelle Dube was delivering mail when she spotted a fire on the man’s front porch. Dube summoned him to the door and told him to call 911. She then safely attempted to extinguish the blaze until firefighters arrived. […]
Hold the phone. Do you know how to look up employees’ mobile phone numbers? It’s easier than you might realize. To start, go to the Blue home page, choose “Essential Links” on the left side and scroll down to the “Phone directory” link. Fill in the information, then click the search button to find the […]
USPS is reminding employees to remain vigilant against malware attacks on electronic devices, including desktops, mobile phones and tablets. Malware is often used to steal sensitive information and compromise network systems. New malware threats are emerging every 4.2 seconds, according to new research by G Data, a security software company. To safeguard your devices, the […]
Congratulations to Anthony Giannone, the Bronx, NY, letter carrier who has accumulated more than 4,100 hours of sick leave. That is quite a commendable accomplishment. […]
Fargo, ND, Letter Carrier Danny Sandbeck II was recently training a new city carrier assistant on safe driving when an opportunity arose to display another Postal Service priority: compassion. Sandbeck spotted a woman whose motorized wheelchair had gotten stuck in a hole near a sidewalk, and no one was stopping to help her. He directed […]
“We’re doing everything we can to create a safe workplace to protect our most valuable asset — our fellow team members.” […]
Read More… from St. Louis Network Distribution Center Manager Pam Meehan
Johnnie Jameson has run his way into the movies. The Los Angeles letter carrier is the subject of “Mile 19,” a recent documentary that shows how he uses marathon racing to combat post-traumatic stress disorder. Jameson began running in the 1970s after serving in the Vietnam War, using his feet to ease his way back […]
Detroit District’s largest facility has taken a unique approach to reduce the percentage of parcels that are processed and dispatched to incorrect zones. Through the efforts of a special team of managers and employees, the Detroit Network Distribution Center has slashed the number of “missent” parcels by 55 percent, dropping from 3,300 to 1,400 parcels […]
Welcome home, Mr. Franklin. A portrait of the nation’s first Postmaster General recently returned to USPS headquarters in Washington, DC. The 7-foot painting of Benjamin Franklin was commissioned in 1918 for PMG Albert Burleson. The artist was Benedict Anton Osnis. The portrait adorned the PMG’s office until 1973, when USPS headquarters moved to L’Enfant Plaza […]
The USPS Library will host three training webinars on using LexisNexis, an online research database available on Blue. The sessions are open to all employees. Here’s the schedule: • Thursday, July 27, from 2-3 p.m. EDT: “Company and Financial” will demonstrate how to use LexisNexis Dossier to generate prospecting lists of companies customized by industry, […]
“American dream” was a beautiful story. Hilton Head Island, SC, Rural Carrier Associate Adrian Scott is an awesome worker. […]
“We truly are the eyes and ears of our communities and oftentimes are able to assist others in a time of need.” […]
Letter Carrier Donna Fowler was delivering mail recently in East Meadow, NY, when she spotted a fire between two homes. Fowler asked a resident to call 911, then located a bucket and water source and safely battled the blaze until firefighters arrived. A couple whose property was at risk later contacted the local Post Office […]
Postal Service employees collected 75 million pounds of food through Stamp Out Hunger this year, the third-highest total in the drive’s history. Combined with last year’s record haul of 80.1 million pounds, this makes the two-year total approximately 155.1 million pounds — Stamp Out Hunger’s highest-ever back-to-back collection. The drive has collected almost 1.6 billion […]
Postal Service employees who feel engaged are more likely to be safer on the job, new research suggests. Engaged employees are almost one-third less likely to be involved in a safety incident at work, while disengaged employees account for 19 percent of all USPS workplace safety incidents, according to the data from Gallup. Here’s what […]
Hackers are increasingly using malicious software to gain unauthorized access to computers, networks and systems. Cybercriminals recently launched a global ransomware attack to extort funds from companies in more than 60 countries. To prevent attacks, the Postal Service reminds employees to follow these guidelines: • Keep anti-virus software updated. Employees with USPS equipment should connect […]
Summertime brings colorful fruits and vegetables, grilled meats — and sickness, if you’re not careful. Knowing how to prepare, store and cook summer foods can help keep you and your family safe. In addition to washing your fruits and veggies, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends you store food properly. For example, according […]
The story about Doris Jenkins at the Topsail Beach, NC, Post Office was so enjoyable. I was stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina from 1980-83. I never made it to the roller rink, but it certainly would have been fun. […]
“The safety of all employees is always our top priority.” […]
Novato, CA, Letter Carrier Carlene Miller had brought mail to a disabled customer’s home for more than a decade. But the most important delivery she made was the help she provided recently after the woman fell out of her motorized wheelchair and became trapped in her bathroom. When Miller heard the customer crying out for […]
Adrian Scott’s supervisor was surprised when he asked for a day off recently. Scott, a rural carrier associate at Fairfield Station on Hilton Head Island, SC, usually accepts all available work assignments. He initially didn’t explain why he was unable to work — but as the day approached, he couldn’t contain his enthusiasm. After months […]
To celebrate Independence Day, “The list” looks at the first appearances made by five patriotic symbols on stamps. 1. Bald eagle. A symbol of both USPS and the nation it serves, the bald eagle first appeared on 10-cent and 30-cent stamps in 1869. These were among the first stamps to feature an animal as a […]
Warmer weather heralds the start of barbecue season. Eating healthy at summer cookouts isn’t easy, but if you focus on small changes, you can manage your weight while still having fun. The USPS Wellness team is offering these tips: • Eat more veggies. If you attend a barbecue, think about adding vegetables to your plate. […]
Bravo to Lexington, KY, Carrier Technician Gerald Patrick. His quick actions saved a woman from a burning house. Good deeds like this make me proud to work for the Postal Service. […]
“Rest at night, stay alert and look out for other drivers.” […]
Letter Carrier Kimberly Jones was delivering mail recently in Billings, MT, when she saw an older customer sitting in a driveway, leaning against a snowbank. Jones stopped to check on the woman, who explained that she’d slipped after being dropped off following an appointment. She’d been stranded for nearly half an hour. After the customer […]
A photo featured in Link last month is stirring fond postal memories among three New Jersey employees. The 1977 image, which accompanied an article about Railway Post Offices (RPOs), showed a group of clerks aboard a train that served a New York City-to-Washington, DC, route. Donna Reel was happy to see her grandfather, Frank Harper, […]
Paycheck memories. A Rochester, NY, employee who recently marked his 50th year on the job brought a special memento to his anniversary party: His first paycheck. James Lyons has worked as a letter carrier since 1967. Back then, he was paid $2.59 per hour. At his party, Lyons offered some friendly advice to USPS newcomers. […]
Technology support scams, which involve hackers impersonating tech specialists who trick people into thinking their device is infected, prey on users’ fears of losing important information or damaging their equipment. In 2015 alone, scammers posing as well-known software tech support companies conned consumers out of $1.5 billion, according to research by Microsoft Corp. To avoid tech support […]