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Lost and found

Do you know colleagues like Donna Kessler, an Indiana letter carrier who came to the aid of a distraught little girl who was hopelessly lost after her first day of kindergarten? We want to know about them, too. USPS is seeking nominees for the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which honors employees who go above and […]

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National PCC Week

For the first time in three years, USPS leaders will meet in person with commercial mailers during National Postal Customer Council Week. The annual meetings are held across the nation each year to bring participants together to discuss strategies to grow the mailing and shipping industry, strengthen partnerships, learn about postal innovations and receive training. […]

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Opportunity taken

A sales lead from a bulk mail clerk in Maryland has resulted in a bulk mail deal worth more than $1.4 million in new revenue for the Postal Service. Rita Morgan, who works at the Gaithersburg Post Office, met a customer who seemed unsure of where to drop off her company’s mail. Morgan used the […]

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Exception to the rule

The Postal Service is offering employees another reminder about the rules for participating in political activities under the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act is a law that prohibits federal employees from engaging in certain political activity while on duty, while wearing a federal uniform or identification badge, while on federal property or while inside a […]

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Action figures

Do you know colleagues like Justin McClanahan, a city carrier assistant who rescued a driver trapped in an overturned car on an icy, isolated Kentucky road? We want to know about them, too. USPS is seeking nominees for the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which honors employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. The […]

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Climbing the ranks

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service leadership ranks: • Carlo D. Salazar, mail processing division support executive manager, was named to a special assignment in Processing and Maintenance Operations. • Reece L. Steelman was named the Richmond, VA, Processing and Distribution Center’s plant manager. He previously served as the Tulsa, OK, […]

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Snapshots of service

The Postal Service encourages employees who are military veterans or presently serving in the military to submit photos for inclusion in a video in honor of Veterans Day, Nov. 11. The photos may be old or new and may reflect participation in any branch or component of the military — Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast […]

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‘An engineering marvel’

The Postal Service dedicated its latest stamp, a celebration of the James Webb Space Telescope, at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum on Sept. 8. It is the most sensitive telescope ever deployed, designed to pick up infrared vestiges of the formation of the first stars and galaxies billions of years ago. “The James Webb Space Telescope […]

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Engaging clerk

Two sales leads from a retail associate in New York have resulted in more than $10,000 in new revenue for the Postal Service. Karen Gorczyca, who works at the Elma Post Office, talked with representatives from two local small businesses about their mailing needs. She then submitted leads through Clerks Care, a program that allows […]

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Shedding light

USPS has a message for employees and contractors: Don’t simply toss away light bulbs when they are no longer usable. Most light bulbs — including fluorescent, compact fluorescent, high-intensity discharge (HID), light-emitting diode (LED), neon and ultraviolet lamps — contain mercury, toxic metals and other hazardous materials. Consequently, the Postal Service considers these items universal waste that must […]

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Combined Federal Campaign

The Combined Federal Campaign, the federal government’s annual workplace charity drive, began Sept. 1 and runs through Jan. 14. All Postal Service workers, contractors and retirees can participate. The Combined Federal Campaign, also known as the CFC, allows individuals to contribute to thousands of charitable organizations, here and around the globe. Pledges are accepted online, […]

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Improving safety

Post Offices will soon receive kits that contain a supply of labels and information designed to better identify potentially hazardous items in the mail. The kits contain the new Label 876, HAZMAT Surface Only, which is for internal use and must not be distributed to customers. The new labels will help improve visibility into which […]

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Here, kiddie kiddie

Caleab Fronk, a city carrier assistant in Wayland, NY, was recently making deliveries when he learned that a local 7-year-old girl with special needs had been missing from her home for two hours. Fronk kept an eye out for the child, who had wandered off while searching for a family cat, and he soon spotted […]

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High achievers

Here’s a look at Postal Service employees who received appointments or recognition recently: • Thomas K. Daniels Jr. was named the Charlotte, NC, Processing and Distribution Center’s plant manager. He previously served as the Mid-Carolina Processing and Distribution Center’s plant manager. • Brandy N. Grant, the Greensboro, NC, Network Distribution Center’s in-plant support manager, was named […]

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From out to in

The Postal Service is resuming terminal handling services, a function that has been outsourced for decades, at two sites this year. This move will create 53 new craft positions and additional supervisory positions. Terminal handling services prepares inbound and outbound mail being shipped by air through the FedEx network for processing by USPS facilities. The […]

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Infrastructure insight

The summer edition of The Eagle, the Postal Service’s quarterly magazine, looks at improvements to the USPS network. The cover story explains the organization’s redesign of its processing, transportation and delivery infrastructure to improve working environments, service performance and operational efficiency. The improvements are part of Delivering for America, the Postal Service’s 10-year plan to […]

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Passing it on

A sales lead from a letter carrier in California has resulted in a local advertising deal worth more than $79,000 for the Postal Service. While delivering mail on his route, Johnny Luu, who works at the Woodland Hills Post Office, found a company’s flyer inside a mailbox. He passed the flyer onto his supervisor, who […]

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Outbound addition

The Postal Service has added USPS Returns and customer-sent packages to the Informed Delivery daily digest email. The email’s new Outbound section includes packages that have been mailed by the customer through USPS when those packages are within three business days of their expected delivery date. “This value-added enhancement will provide customers the convenience of […]

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Zero balance

Don’t mind Bonita Brown. She’s just doing her “hallelujah dance.” Brown has been celebrating ever since she learned that the outstanding balances for her federal student loans have been forgiven under a waiver that expires in October. Brown, a mail and package information systems specialist in Washington, DC, had approximately $30,000 left to repay on […]

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Don’t misuse it

The Postal Service is reminding employees that government property must not be used for any unauthorized purpose. Misusing USPS property violates the standards of ethical conduct for employees of the executive branch, which applies to all postal employees. Government property includes anything USPS owns or leases, such as vehicles, electronics and office equipment and supplies. […]

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In with the new

The Postal Service is replacing out-of-warranty ACE workstations, including laptops, desktops, monitors and printers. Under the modernization effort, the desktop units will be replaced with laptops and configured based on the user’s needs and assignments. Users will be required to package old machines and send them back to the Material Distribution Center in Topeka, KS, […]

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Slither thither

Dashawn Spratley, a city carrier assistant, was recently making deliveries in a Port St. Lucie, FL, neighborhood when he heard a customer screaming for help in her driveway. Spratley rushed to aid the woman, who had encountered a snake and fallen, fracturing her arm. The Postal Service employee safely redirected the snake, called 911 and […]

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A good eye

A sales lead from a letter carrier in Colorado has resulted in a shipping deal worth more than $500,000 for the Postal Service. While delivering mail to a company on his route, John Garza, who works at the Valmont Post Office in Boulder, noticed packages intended for a competitor piling up. He talked with the […]

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Job No. 1

The Postal Service is holding Ethics Awareness Week from Aug. 15-19 to educate employees about the importance of conducting themselves with integrity. Postal employees hold positions of public trust. The organization is routinely voted as the most trusted government organization. “Losing the public’s trust affects the business because postal customers have the option of utilizing […]

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Kudos for Kayla

Letter Carrier Kayla Berridge was making deliveries in a Newmarket, NH, neighborhood in January when she grew concerned about a customer in her 80s whose mail was piling up unusually. Berridge alerted the local postmaster, who asked police to check on the woman. Responders found the customer stranded on the floor in her bedroom, where […]

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USPS finances

The Postal Service has reported its financial results for fiscal year 2022’s third quarter (April 1-June 30). Here are some highlights: • Revenue. Operating revenue was $18.7 billion, an increase of 1.4 percent compared with the same quarter one year earlier. First-Class Mail revenue was essentially flat, while Marketing Mail revenue increased 9.4 percent. Revenue […]

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Climbing the ranks

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service leadership ranks: • Christopher A. Bruno, the Columbus, OH, Processing and Distribution Center’s distribution operations manager, was named the Detroit Network Distribution Center’s acting plant manager. • Joshua B. Dean, the Processing National Operations Control Center’s team lead, was named the Dallas Network Distribution […]

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Inspecting gadgets

What do today’s smart TVs, fitness equipment and home security systems all have in common They all can connect to the internet. This technology, known as the Internet of Things, refers to everyday devices that have an online connection — which makes them vulnerable to targeting by hackers. Although these devices can reveal as much […]

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Hurricane prep

The Postal Service wants to remind workers that the high season for hurricanes is here. Hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30, with most storms forming after Aug. 1. The storms can cause high winds, heavy rain, flooding and other dangerous conditions, with coastal areas most affected. Disasters happen whether you are prepared […]

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