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Perfect man, perfect time

The beloved host of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” is remembered as a media visionary in a new video from the Postal Service. “Fred Rogers is the perfect man at the perfect time,” says documentary filmmaker Morgan Neville, one of several Rogers’ fans who appear in the video. “He came along right at the time television came […]

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Route to efficiency

IdeaSMART works. Just ask Larry Imai. The Avondale, AZ, Postmaster used the idea-sharing platform recently to propose a way to reduce the amount of time letter carriers spend loading parcels into their delivery vehicles. “With the increase in parcels, I noticed it was taking longer to sort and route them,” Imai said. After learning about IdeaSMART, Imai […]

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Kevin Westphal, Buffalo, NY

Letter Carrier Kevin Westphal was recently delivering mail in Buffalo, NY, when he noticed that two apparent teenagers seemed to be following him. After Westphal saw the duo take parcels he’d just dropped off at two different addresses, he alerted his manager, who called police. Officers soon arrived and arrested the suspects. The Postal Service […]

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An app for that

Postal Service leaders have a new tool to sign up Informed Delivery users. Executives have been asked to complete an enrollment form and then download an Informed Delivery enrollment app. These executives can use the app to sign up both employees and residential customers from a USPS-provided mobile phone or tablet. “It’s great. I love […]

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Such a good feeling

The Postal Service shares highlights from the recent Mister Rogers stamp dedication ceremony in a new video. “Fred Rogers had an uncommon sense of how young children absorb ideas about civility and morality,” Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan says. “The gentle voice, the slow pace, the sense of security gave us the unmistakable feeling that […]

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Need to know

Tax Day tips. A special section on is devoted to helping customers meet this year’s tax filing deadline, which is Tuesday, April 17. The section includes mailing tips, a list of products and services, links to pages with Post Office hours and cybersecurity guidelines, and more. Tax Day is April 17 this year because […]

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Anthony Brancato, Cheektowaga, NY

Letter Carrier Anthony Brancato was recently delivering mail in Cheektowaga, NY, when he discovered an older customer in crisis. The man had fallen, suffering a head injury. Brancato helped the customer to his feet, then located one of the man’s family members who lived nearby and could provide further assistance. The customer later mailed a […]

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Don’t do this

Postal Service employees will soon receive new guidance on avoiding violations of the Hatch Act. The law prohibits postal and other federal employees from engaging in political activity while on duty, while wearing a uniform, while on federal property or while inside a federal vehicle. Beginning the week of April 2, USPS will provide employees […]

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Hi, neighbor!

Gordon Morison will never forget the day Fred Rogers visited his neighborhood. Morison, an assistant Postmaster General at the time, was interviewed by the beloved TV host in a “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” segment that aired in 1984. The two discussed stamp designs at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC, and then Morison showed Rogers how stamps […]

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Do the write thing

Spring is in the air — and so is the spirit of letter writing. April is National Card and Letter Writing Month, an annual celebration of handwritten correspondence. To mark the occasion, the Postal Service is again collaborating with Scholastic Corp. to create an educational program for third- and fourth-graders. The lesson plans include teaching […]

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Need to know

On the way. More than 800 bargaining unit employees will soon receive recognition for their efforts to foster enthusiasm, involvement and commitment in their workplaces. The individuals have been designated as Engagement Most Valuable Players (EMVPs), one of several programs that recognize employees for their contributions to engagement. USPS is mailing lanyards, pins and certificates […]

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Miles ahead

It isn’t unusual for longtime Postal Service employees to be honored for driving 1 million miles without causing an accident, but 2-million milers are rarer. Arturo Gomez just joined the club. The National Safety Council recently recognized Gomez, a letter carrier at Laurel Heights Station in San Antonio, for driving more than 40 years, or […]

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Bonnie Clemmer, Hegins, PA

Hegins, PA, Rural Carrier Associate Bonnie Clemmer was recently delivering mail to a residence when she heard someone call for help. Clemmer spotted a customer on the ground beside a shed, so she rushed to his side and discovered that he’d been stranded for several hours after a tree fell on him while he was […]

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In remembrance

Postal Service facilities should fly flags at half-staff to honor U.S. Rep. Louise Slaughter, who has died. Flags should be flown at half-staff from Friday, March 16-Saturday, March 17, at sunset. To fly the flag at half-staff, hoist the flag to the peak for an instant and then lower it to the half-staff position. The […]

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Say it ain’t snow!

Spring is around the corner, but don’t tell that to Old Man Winter. Several states have experienced major snowfalls this month, including New England, which has been pounded by three big storms during the past three weeks. USPS has continued to deliver mail and packages in areas where it’s safe to do so, although some […]

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It’s him we like

Bob Sevel was paying his way through college as a photographer in 1987 when he landed a cool gig: Bowling Green State University’s commencement address. One of the speakers was Fred Rogers, who spent part of that May afternoon leading the graduates and faculty in singing his TV show’s theme song. After the ceremony, Sevel, […]

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Need to know

Staying current. If you’re on the go, you can keep up with the latest Postal Service news with Link mobile, the site’s mobile-friendly version. Link mobile offers the same content you receive when you read Link on a desktop computer, including news reports, benefits information and feature articles. You can access the mobile site at, where you can also […]

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Daniel Thompson, Maple Shade, NJ

Guests were enjoying a retirement dinner recently in South Jersey District when a moment of concern interrupted the air of celebration. Maple Shade, NJ, Customer Services Supervisor Daniel Thompson noticed that seatmate Michael Wright — a clerk and labor union official — was shaking as if he were laughing hard. “Are you all right, man?” […]

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Need to know

Have pin, will travel. If you’re a Postal Service employee with a Citibank travel card and you’re experiencing problems when making purchases with the card, it’s probably because you haven’t created a personal identification number (PIN). To set up your PIN, call the number on the back of your card (800-790-7206). You’ll be prompted to […]

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‘Proof’ positive

“Proof,” a new USPS video, shows how the organization is changing along with the business customers it serves. The 1-minute, 25-second video notes that the Postal Service delivers more than a half billion pieces of mail to customers every day. “These numbers aren’t our story alone. The real story behind these numbers is our partnership […]

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Garage tale

Brett Hatfield stopped carrying mail several years ago, but that doesn’t mean he stopped delivering for customers in Binghamton, NY. After putting down his satchel, Hatfield became a mechanic and transferred to the Binghamton Vehicle Maintenance Facility. He now leads a five-person team that helps keep 275 delivery vehicles operating safely. “The team of five […]

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Campaign mode

Deputy Postmaster General Ronald Stroman discussed the advantages of Informed Delivery at the recent Reed Awards, which honor political campaigning, consulting and management. Stroman, who is the Postal Service’s chief government relations officer, explained how campaigns can use Informed Delivery to make Political Mail more effective. “It’s a great way to combine hard copy direct […]

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Marie Rebuck, Hegins, PA

Hegins, PA, Retail Associate Marie Rebuck recently alerted an older customer to signs of a scam — protecting the woman from an $800 loss. The customer had purchased two postal money orders that day and said that a caller had instructed her to send them via Priority Mail Express to a distant location in return […]

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Pricing update

USPS has responded to a proposal to establish a modified system to regulate rates and classes for some postal products and services. Under a 2006 law, the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) must review the system used to regulate rates and classes for market-dominant products, including First-Class Mail and Marketing Mail. The goal is to determine […]

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Close call

Several USPS employees recently worked together to ensure an Indianapolis customer made an international flight that he was in danger of missing. In planning a business trip to Shanghai, health executive Kun Ma mailed his passport to the Chinese Embassy in Chicago and asked that it be returned to him, along with his visa, via […]

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