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Need to know

Tax Day tips, bottled water reminder

Woman holding tax forms
The Postal Service offers a list of tax filing resources on

Tax Day tips. A special section on is devoted to helping customers meet this year’s tax filing deadline, which is Tuesday, April 17.

The section includes mailing tips, a list of products and services, links to pages with Post Office hours and cybersecurity guidelines, and more.

Tax Day is April 17 this year because April 15, the usual day, falls on Sunday, and the following day is Emancipation Day, a legal holiday in Washington, DC, the federal government seat.

Bottled water reminder. USPS facilities that purchase 5-gallon bottled water service from Nestle and DS Waters are being reminded that the current eBuy2 requisition is for six months (March 31-Sept. 30).

This means the eBuy2 requisitions should be processed and approved before Friday, April 20, to avoid a lapse in service.

Purchasers must place orders “on catalog” using the eBuy2 application. Sites not served by Nestle or DS Waters can purchase “off catalog.”

Nestle-marketed brands include Arrowhead, Calistoga, Deer Park, Ice Mountain, Ozarka, Poland Spring and Zephyrhills.

DS Waters sells its products under the following brand names: Alhambra, Belmont, Crystal Springs, Hinckley Springs, Kentwood Springs, Sierra Springs and Sparkletts.

For more bottled drinking water information, including step-by-step ordering instructions, refer to the following Material Logistics Bulletins:

For additional information, email Purchasing and Supply Management Specialist Sijo Sunny or call 214-819-7118.

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