Lori Gaither-Gordon, Hartford, CT
‘Blessed to work’
Employee celebrates 60 years of service
Financial results
Corbett discusses first-quarter numbers
Class act
Harvey rewards letter-writing students
The Horne identity
The list: 6 Lena Horne facts you didn’t know
Need to know
NPF, Informed Delivery and Link updates
Lean success
Lean Six Sigma helps employee improve health
Richard Ripke, Bethpage, NY
Ronald Schumacher, Herrin, IL
You matter
#PostalProud initiative thanks employees
Fixing losses
Employees asked to help identify shortfalls
Flower show
Video highlights Love Flourishes ceremony
Shipping smiles
Students send care packages to soldiers
Marjorie Daley, Bangor, CA
Ronald Nash, Minneapolis
Carrying on
After fleeing war, employee finds career with USPS
Need to know
Flag notice, Postal Bulletin preview
Civics lesson
Voting by mail increases turnout, research shows
News quiz
How strong is your recall?
Brian Hassett, Albany, NY
Deborah Amsbaugh, Polk City, IA
Sick call
Employees reminded of reporting procedures
Citizen Aileen
Michigan employee achieves longtime goal
Presidents Day
Annual holiday will be observed Feb. 19
Need to know
Scanning, travel and museum updates
Naseem Elias, Sterling Heights, MI
Michael Arden, New York City
Write for each other
USPS employee, wife recall ‘courtship by mail’
Gallantly streaming
New stamp honors U.S. flag
Greater visibility
More businesses using new system