Arizona District strengthens training for CCAs

Arizona District strengthens training for CCAs
Employee’s avocation shifts career, life trajectory
Digitized mail services growing, Fast Company reports
Publication profiles Manhattan plant manager
New sorting equipment exceeds expectations
PRC issues ruling on 2014 price increase
USPS issues Fanciful Flowers stamped card
Employee’s request fuels child’s love of reading
Lean Leader program graduates inaugural class
Real Mail Notification offers customers daily email alerts
At Netflix, DVDs-by-mail are down — but not out
Top Customer Connect district shares success secrets
After tornadoes, carrier’s arrival signals return to normalcy
Jockeying for top rankings continues
Contract driver gets help for sick firefighter
Bigger mailboxes are a hit, CBS reports
Postal-themed TV drama to debut this fall
Texas employee spruces up Post Office grounds
Traditional retailers offering same-day deliveries
Employee helps woman find missing money
Employee hailed as ‘superhero’ after sidewalk rescue
Lean Innovation Challenge honors organization, efficiency
Innovative concept helps USPS quickly deliver parcels
Minnesota employee moonlights as musician
New innovations aim to revive letter writing
Start planning now for retirement, experts say
Inspection Service crackdown recovers lost equipment
New issue features tips for avoiding heat stress
USPS issues statement on access to retail products, services
Some postal employees could be affected, agency says