Holiday fact sheet available

Holiday fact sheet available
Site shows how firms use mail
Glenn’s postal connections remembered
Tips offered to avoid online shopping scams
To honor Glenn, flags should be flown at half-staff
Employees working to deliver holidays
Benefits period ends Dec. 12
Tips offered to avoid attacks, accidents
Newsroom site offers seasonal information
Employees aiding families in need
USPS offering gift card promotions
Open season options include FSA enrollment
Latest issue highlights driver safety
Employees find missing package for war hero
Great Lakes takes first place among areas
Spanish-language holiday TV ad debuts
High-deductible health plans offer tax benefits
New video highlights online safety
Program trains new employees
Inspection Service offers holiday tips
Seasonal selection includes recent favorites
Video touts ‘health plan checkups’
Sender of Civil War-era letters identified
USPS seeks proposals from suppliers
Top leaders praise employees in video
Tips offered for safe online shopping
Facilities must fly flag at half-staff
‘Engage’ highlights creative workplaces
USPS ad receives rave reviews
Employees highlight CFC on TV