Test your recall of this week’s stories

Test your recall of this week’s stories
New stamps showcase wondrous creatures
Scanning update, mail sacks reminder
Chicago squad handles range of repairs
Employee concludes career with praise
Creatures known for keen senses
The list: Top 10 food drive locations
Best practices: Clean workplaces essential
Employee flexes muscles in strength competition
‘America’s Got Talent,’ stamp updates
Film follows marathon racing employee
Plant reduces ‘missent’ parcels
Portraits, Postal Pulse and promotions
Library to host LexisNexis training webinars
Employee helps feed his community
‘The Inspectors’ honored, mail stats released
How well do you remember what you read?
Mobile mammogram services offered
Equipment helps facility save money
The list: 8 Disney stamp releases
Scanning stats, feedback requests and more
Informed Delivery benefitting employees
USPS completes historic project in LA
New stamps honor Disney department
USPS retiree to appear on ‘America’s Got Talent’
Disney Villains stamps honor Ink & Paint Department
Best practices: Promoting employee recognition
Food drive collects 75 million pounds
Research notes importance of engagement
Learn to prevent malware infections