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Upward mobility

More than 8,500 employees have signed up to receive USPS news on their personal smart phones and tablets through the new Link mobile site. The site, which debuted this month, is a mobile-friendly version of Link, the Postal Service’s daily news service. USPS introduced Link mobile to serve employees who don’t have access to postal […]

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Fast food nation

More grocery delivery services are springing up, aiming to satisfy growing consumer demand for convenient shopping experiences. Most retailers allow customers to place orders online and have them delivered later that day or the next morning. Some companies work with services like USPS, which is testing grocery deliveries in New York City, San Diego and […]

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Security alert

Reminder: Employees should report all information security incidents or suspicious online activity. Examples include: The loss, theft or destruction of Postal Service computer equipment or mobile devices. The misuse or improper disposal of digital or hard copy files containing sensitive or sensitive-enhanced information, such as an employee, customer or supplier’s driver’s license number or payment […]

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What’s MTESC?

The Mail Transport Equipment Service Center (MTESC) is an integrated network of facilities that manages mail transport equipment, including sacks, trays, pallets and wheeled containers. The MTESC processes, repairs, stores and distributes equipment to postal sites and large-volume mailers. […]

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Lesley Greenwell, Pocatello, ID

Pocatello, ID, Rural Carrier Lesley Greenwell was on her route recently when she spotted a truck engulfed in flames. Greenwell stopped to see if the occupants needed help. They told her they were okay but had no cell phone reception, so Greenwell drove to the nearest house and asked the resident to call 911. Greenwell […]

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All’s fair

Post Offices across the nation are holding springtime passport fairs, helping customers get ready for the summer travel season while generating revenue for USPS. The fairs often are held on weekends and allow participants to apply for passports without having to make an appointment. “A lot of people can’t make it to the Post Office […]

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High notes

The Postal Service will honor one of the nation’s most celebrated jazz singers when it issues the Sarah Vaughan stamp March 29. Vaughan’s musical talent was nurtured in church, where she sang with the choir. Her voice covered three octaves, allowing her to effortlessly stretch a single syllable into several. Vaughan was still in her […]

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Know your limits

Reminder: It’s everyone’s responsibility to help keep Postal Service information safe. Employees should adhere to USPS security standards when using Postal Service computers and devices. The Cyber Safe at USPS team suggests these tips: Don’t upload unauthorized software onto Postal Service computer equipment, including games and screensavers. Don’t make unauthorized configuration changes. This includes changes […]

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Fix up

The Postal Service has launched a site to expedite requests for non-emergency repairs at USPS facilities. The Facilities Response Line Self Service site can be accessed through the Essential Links section on Blue. To submit a request, supervisors can log onto the site and complete a form detailing a repair to any facility owned or […]

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Price change update

The exigent price surcharge will be removed, effective Sunday, April 10. Stamp orders must be submitted before Saturday, April 2, to ensure they are processed and shipped before prices change. To avoid in-transit discrepancies, Stamp Fulfillment Services will not ship any regular orders from April 6-9. […]

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Heather Trimble, Winfield, IA

Winfield, IA, Postmaster Heather Trimble was working at a nearby Post Office recently when a rural carrier associate suddenly became ill. The carrier, David Snavely, told Trimble he was having chest pains, then passed out. She called 911 and stayed with him until paramedics arrived, performed an electrocardiogram and determined Snavely was having a heart […]

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Back on the beat

“The Inspectors” had a big week: The series was renewed for a second season and nominated for several Daytime Emmys. CBS announced March 22 the half-hour drama will return this fall for a second season of 22 episodes. Two days later, the series received six Daytime Emmys nominations, including acting nods for stars Jessica Lundy and Terry […]

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The Postal Service will issue a 5-cent nondenominated stamp April 28. The USA stamp, announced this week, is designed primarily for nonprofit organizations. The stamp features a patriotic design that encompasses the abbreviation “USA” in blue with a bright red star on a white background. “Nonprofit org” is printed across the bottom of the stamp, which […]

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In the spotlight

Several Postal Service employees stepped into the spotlight at this year’s National Postal Forum, which concluded March 23 in Nashville. Three employees were recognized for their contributions to Business Connect, a sales program that encourages Postmasters and other managers to meet with small businesses in their communities. The honorees: Grulla, TX, Postmaster Anita Chapa; Ray City, […]

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Juggling act

When USPS Labor Economist Michael Billingsley decided to pursue a master’s degree, he knew it wouldn’t be easy. Billingsley, who works in Labor Relations, had to weigh juggling work, school and family. “We think we can’t make time, but it can be done,” said Billingsley, who received his master’s in applied economics from the University […]

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Super mail

The new movie “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” pits two superheroes against each other, although both characters are united in their appreciation of mail. Bruce Wayne is a stamp collector, according to the comic book editors who participated in the dedication of the 2014 Batman stamps. Superboy also appreciated philately. In a 1947 comic […]

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Gary Hartwell, Pearisburg, VA

Pearisburg, VA, Letter Carrier Gary Hartwell was delivering a package to a woman’s home recently, but as she approached the door, she collapsed. Hartwell caught the woman, preventing her from hitting the ground. A neighbor helped him seat her on a sofa. After calling 911, Hartwell continued on his route. The woman was hospitalized but […]

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Pushing the limits

USPS is taking new approaches to delivery to better serve business customers, postal executives said this week. The organization is continuing to test new kinds of deliveries, such as groceries and bottled water. These tests have sparked significant operational changes, including adopting non-traditional delivery times and flexible carrier scheduling. “We are evolving by pushing the […]

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Irresistible force

The Postal Service has honored the team behind a direct mailing that was designed to boost tourism in South Dakota. Nahan Printing, designer Lawrence & Schiller and the state’s tourism department received the award at the National Postal Forum, an industry conference being held this week in Nashville. The “Black Hills & Badlands” mailpiece featured […]

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Words of comfort

Helga Kissel didn’t hesitate to say yes when the disaster relief organization CARE asked her to write a letter of encouragement to a Syrian refugee. In 1946, at age 16, Kissel and her mother were displaced by the bombing of Berlin and fled to Bavaria. “When you’re that young, you want to lead an ordinary […]

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Scanning scorecard

Western Area and Arkansas District topped the scanning scores during the week ending March 18. Western (97.49 percent), which regularly leads the areas, once again finished first. Southern (97.3 percent) was second for the fourth straight week, while Great Lakes (97.2 percent) climbed one spot to take third. Arkansas (98.17 percent) led the districts for […]

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Paper, please

Although banks, credit card companies and other businesses are aggressively pushing customers to switch from paper to digital statements, a new study suggests these efforts do more harm than good. Paper statements benefit older customers and allow families of incapacitated consumers to better manage financial records, according to the report from the National Consumer Law Center. […]

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