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Good measures

Do you understand what “sampling” is and how it helps USPS measure its service performance? If not, here’s what you should know:  • Sampling helps the Postal Service know how it’s performing. Because USPS scans millions of mailpieces each day, it would be tough to count each scan and use that information to determine service […]

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Keeping current

USPS wants to have the current mailing address for all employees. If you need to update your information, five methods are available: • LiteBlue. Use any computer to go to and enter your employee identification number and password. Select the “Change of Address” option in the rotating carousel in the center of the page. Select “edit” […]

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Crime time

The Postal Inspection Service marked its 243rd birthday last week. Here are five facts about the organization and its employees. 1. The Inspection Service is one of the nation’s oldest law enforcement agencies. The organization traces its roots to Aug. 7, 1775, the earliest recorded date that William Goddard served as the first surveyor of […]

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Jenny Mileski, Wells, MI

Retail Associate Jenny Mileski was on her way to work on a bitterly cold day in Wells, MI, earlier this year when she spotted a little girl sitting alone on a snow bank beside a busy highway. Mileski stopped to check on the child, who appeared to be around 9 years old and struggled to […]

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Ready, set, gopost

The Postal Service is continuing to offer gopost lockers where customers can ship and receive packages. The latest gopost location, Pine Street Station in San Francisco, opened in July. USPS also operates gopost units in New York, New Jersey and Virginia. Each gopost unit contains dozens of secure lockers that customers can use to receive […]

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The Postal Service has introduced HERO, a system that will allow you to manage your career development activities from a single online platform. Here’s what you should know: • HERO is one platform with multiple capabilities. You can use HERO to receive training, apply for job openings, enter performance goals and more. Hiring and other […]

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Release the Dragons!

Dragons, four stamps that celebrate the high-flying, fire-breathing creatures that have roamed imaginations for millennia, will be released Thursday, Aug. 9. The mythological creatures have appeared in legends and folklore in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and other parts of the world. They’re often described as lizard-like animals with four legs, sharp claws, scales, wings […]

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Sky high

To help mark the arrival of this year’s second United States Air Mail stamp, which will be issued Saturday, Aug. 11, here are five more facts about airmail service. 1. A “Flying Schoolgirl” was among the pioneering pilots. Katherine Stinson became the first woman to fly U.S. Mail when she dropped mailbags from her plane […]

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Tracey Johnson, Ridgeland, MS

Rural Carrier Tracey Johnson was recently delivering mail in a Ridgeland, MS, neighborhood when she spotted a little boy by himself alongside a street. He started crying when she stopped and asked him where his mother was. Johnson picked up the boy to comfort him while she called 911 and the local Post Office, and […]

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Making progress

The percentage of USPS employees who report feeling “engaged” has climbed 8 points during the past three years, the results of the latest Postal Pulse survey show. Twenty-five percent of employees who participated in the survey said they feel engaged, meaning they are involved, enthusiastic and committed to their work. This is up from 23 […]

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Over here

To help celebrate last week’s release of the World War I: Turning the Tide stamp, here are five facts about U.S. Mail during the Great War. 1. Mail volume grew significantly. World War I began July 28, 1914, and ended Nov. 11, 1918, although the United States didn’t enter the war until April 1917. During the […]

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New look

The Postal Service has redesigned the Priority Mail Express label to ensure delivery accuracy. The new, single-ply label 11-B/11-F was introduced in July. It replaces the current, three-ply Priority Mail Express label 11-B/11-F. The redesigned label is expected to eliminate delivery challenges that result when the bottom copy is illegible because senders fail to press […]

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On the run

Kevin Johnston doesn’t run races to win — he runs because it makes him feel good. “I enjoy running because you meet so many people,” said the Marion, CT, Postmaster, who recently completed 169 races as a member of the Run 169 Towns Society. The society is composed of runners who race in every town […]

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Don’t know ZIP?

The Post Office Department introduced its Zoning Improvement Plan Codes — otherwise known as ZIP Codes — in July 1963. Here are five things you may not have known about the five-digit codes that revolutionized mail sorting and delivery. 1. Each ZIP Code is like a series of addresses. The first digit represents a broad […]

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Questions and answers

Reminder: If you have questions about your benefits, the Postal Service has answers. You can go online to post your questions and get answers from the Benefits and Wellness team. You can ask about health plans, retirement options, flexible spending accounts, commuter programs and other benefits-related topics. The discussion board is part of the IdeaSMART platform, […]

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Up for the count

The U.S. Census Bureau recently tested Informed Delivery’s ability to raise awareness of the agency’s questionnaires. Informed Delivery allows users to receive digital previews of their incoming mail. The free feature has more than 11 million users and is adding about 135,000 new subscribers each week. During the test, residents in Providence, RI, received questionnaires […]

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In ‘Focus’

In her latest “Business Focus” video, Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan urges employees to stay safe during hot weather. She reminds everyone to complete required safety training that includes guidance on staying cool and tips on recognizing signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. “Building awareness and guarding against heat-related illnesses ensures that we all […]

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Susan Dragicevich, Encino, CA

Letter Carrier Susan Dragicevich was recently delivering mail in Encino, CA, when she noticed two strangers outside a customer’s residence. Knowing that the homeowner was on vacation, Dragicevich grew suspicious when the men ran into the backyard as they saw her approaching. The Postal Service employee called 911 and safely observed the scene from a […]

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Touching base

The soldiers who work inside a U.S. Army Post Office (APO) in Poland say mail remains the most reliable way to communicate with their faraway loved ones. While email and other electronic communication help keep soldiers in touch with family and friends, Cpl. Angelica Corral said there’s nothing like receiving a package from home. “You […]

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Measure for measure

USPS will soon begin using an improved system to measure its service performance. Internal Service Performance Measurement (SPM) will replace External First-Class (EXFC), a system that relies heavily on support from an outside organization. EXFC will be retired Sept. 30, and Internal SPM will become the Postal Service’s official service reporting and recording system Oct. […]

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At your service

Want a quick way to access PostalEASE, the TACS Help Desk and other common USPS applications? My App Box, an online tool, allows employees to access more than 430 applications with just a few clicks. To access the tool from a postal computer, click the Windows icon in the lower left-hand corner of your screen and […]

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Postal primer

The Postal Service traces its roots to July 26, 1775, when the Second Continental Congress appointed Benjamin Franklin as Postmaster General. To help mark the occasion, here are 12 things to know about USPS, courtesy of Postal Facts. 1. USPS receives no tax dollars for operating expenses. The organization relies on the sale of postage, […]

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Michael Figler, Rochester, NY

Letter Carrier Michael Figler was recently delivering mail at an apartment complex in Rochester, NY, when he came across an unconscious woman with no pulse. Figler called 911 and performed CPR on the woman until emergency responders arrived and took over. The woman regained consciousness at a hospital and was able to visit with family […]

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Deep diving

Alex Gegax wanted to make it easier for letter carriers and others to learn about new loading and delivery procedures when USPS implements them. “Whenever the Post Office rolls out a new procedure, supervisors aren’t always given the tools to communicate the change,” said Gegax, a Las Vegas carrier technician. “They sometimes have minimal understanding […]

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