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You don’t go, girl

Jeanne Norris, a highway contract route driver, was delivering mail on a spring day last year in the tiny desert community of Inyokern, CA, when she spotted a toddler wandering alone on a road. Norris immediately stopped to check on the girl, who didn’t know where she was. There were no houses nearby, so Norris […]

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Next chapter

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn the ins and outs of menopause and how to manage symptoms. The session, “Menopause: The Next Chapter,” will be held Thursday, April 29, at noon EDT. Representatives from Blue Cross Blue Shield and the Virginia Hospital Center will conduct the webinar and provide an […]

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See and say

A California employee’s keen eye has resulted in a shipping deal worth almost $100,000 for the Postal Service. David Savillon, a La Crescenta letter carrier, noticed a company on his route had parcel pickups ready for a competitor. Savillon approached the owner and asked if he would like to speak with someone at USPS about […]

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Grace notes

Mary Steinbicker puts her own stamp on Minnesota nice. Last year, the Minnetonka resident sent out a postcard a day as part of a resolution/retirement project she designed to send kindness and cheer through the U.S. Mail. Steinbicker retired as a children’s librarian in January 2020 and knew she needed a project to start her […]

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Small-town tragedy

McCrory, AR, with a population of around 1,700, is “a small town where everyone knows everyone,” according to the local Postmaster. It’s no surprise, then, that Rural Carrier Associate Jenifer Taylor got word of an accident at a residence on her route, soon after she’d finished work. Concerned by the news, Taylor rushed to the […]

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Caution rules the day

The Postal Inspection Service wants to remind all USPS employees to remain vigilant during protests, demonstrations and other public disruptions. Keeping yourself and your colleagues out of harm’s way should be your top priority. Following are tips on how to keep calm and carry on if there is chaos or suspicious activity around you: • […]

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In remembrance

Postal Service facilities should fly the U.S. flag at half-staff to honor Walter Mondale, the former vice president who died April 19. Flags should be flown at half-staff until sunset on the day of interment. This date has not been announced. To fly the flag at half-staff, hoist the flag to the peak for an […]

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New gigs

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service leadership ranks: • Gregory K. Curtis, the Ybor City, FL, Processing and Distribution Center’s plant manager, was named the Birmingham, AL, Processing and Distribution Center’s acting plant manager. • Len DeLeon, a Seattle Processing and Distribution Center distribution operations senior manager, was named acting […]

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A real eye-opener

With its art deco font and Jazz Age-inspired illustrations, the new Espresso Drinks stamps hark back to the heady days of early 20th-century cafe culture. Here are five facts about the revered Italian technique that helped fuel the era and steam-powers some of our favorite pick-me-ups today: 1. Espresso is a process, not a bean. […]

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McMillon and life

City Carrier Assistant Anthony McMillon was making deliveries on a hot day last summer in a Rochester, NY, neighborhood when he spotted an older customer in need: The woman, who lives alone, had apparently fainted in her garden and couldn’t stand up on her own. McMillon immediately called 911, helped her get on her feet, […]

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In remembrance

President Joe Biden has ordered U.S. flags flown at half-staff to honor the victims of this week’s mass shooting in Indianapolis. Flags should be flown at half-staff until April 20 at sunset. To fly the flag at half-staff, hoist the flag to the peak for an instant and then lower it to the half-staff position. […]

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Reaching out to victims

The U.S. Office for Victims of Crime has chosen April 18-24 for this year’s National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. An informational kit including a poster, brochures and counter card display was shipped to more than 11,000 Post Offices last month and should already be on display. Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic has brought with it an […]

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Goodwill act

A sales lead from a Texas employee has resulted in a shipping deal worth more than $200,000 for the Postal Service. So Yeon Kim, a mail handler at the North Texas Processing and Distribution Center in Dallas, knew of a company that ships customized meals. She submitted a lead through the Mail Handlers program, which […]

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Is your future secure?

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar on long-term care insurance and retirement planning. The session, “FLTCIP 3.0 — Plan Now for a Secure Future,” will be held Thursday, April 22, at 2 p.m. EDT. The administrators of the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP) will conduct the webinar, which will explore […]

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Freewheeling misadventure

Rural Carrier Kevin Wescott was making deliveries one day last summer in Freeport, ME, when a 94-year-old woman riding an adult tricycle approached him. She seemed distraught and confused, so Wescott assured her he would help her. He immediately called 911 and comforted her until emergency responders arrived. Authorities determined that the woman resided at […]

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Climbing the ranks

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service’s leadership ranks: • Carol Ruszala, the San Mateo, CA, Accounting Service Center’s acting manager, was named acting senior accounting services director at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC. • Victoria Stephen, emerging business technology director at headquarters, was named the Next Generation Delivery Vehicle program […]

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Salvage mission

The first Earth Day in 1970 was a watershed moment in the United States, a people-powered movement that inspired real political change. Here are six facts about the observance, held each year on April 22: 1. It spurred politicians to act. The sheer number of involved citizens that took to the streets — an estimated […]

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Rhoades warrior

Rural Carrier Chad Rhoades was recently driving to work in Buckhannon, WV, when he witnessed a vehicular collision that sent a logging truck crashing into the side of a mountain. Rhoades and another passerby immediately stopped to rescue two occupants from the truck, which had burst into flames. The victims were mobile but injured, so […]

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Votes are in

The Postal Service’s Hawkeye District was recently honored for processing and delivering a record-setting number of absentee ballots during last year’s general election. The district received the National Association of Secretaries of State Medallion Award, which recognizes individuals, groups and organizations for outstanding service and dedication. “The Postal Service stepped up and helped ensure we […]

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Past is prologue

A lead from a California employee has resulted in a shipping deal worth nearly $100,000 for the Postal Service. Jeff Walker, a retail associate in Pleasanton, knew of a clothing company that was shipping through a competitor. He submitted a lead through Clerks Care, a program that allows retail associates, call center agents, and machine […]

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Know your benefits

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn about Medicare and the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program with Blue Cross Blue Shield. The session, “Medicare, FEHB and Blue Cross Blue Shield,” will be held Friday, April 16, at noon EDT. Christel Bull, a federal account manager with CareFirst Blue Cross Blue […]

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Oh mow!

Letter Carrier David Cirasuolo was recently delivering mail in a Yorkville, NY, neighborhood when a saw a customer lying in the street. Cirasuolo rushed to check on the man, who had fallen while mowing his lawn and couldn’t stand up on his own. The Postal Service employee safely helped him get back on his feet. […]

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In remembrance

Postal Service facilities should fly the U.S. flag at half-staff to honor Alcee Hastings, a U.S. representative from Florida who died April 6. Flags should be flown at half-staff until sunset Wednesday, April 7. To fly the flag at half-staff, hoist the flag to the peak for an instant and then lower it to the […]

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Creature feature

National Wildlife Week runs April 5-9. Here are four facts about this 83-year-old observance, designed to remind Americans of the importance of conserving our natural treasures: 1. A cartoonist laid the groundwork. We have Jay Norwood “Ding” Darling, an editorial cartoonist and conservationist, to thank for the first National Wildlife Restoration Week, as it was […]

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High achievers

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service leadership ranks: • Felipe Flores, Western Pacific Area’s operations support manager, was named processing operations senior division director. • Garrett Hoyt, client services manager at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC, was named acting rural delivery manager. • Fontell E. Peart, an operations specialist at […]

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Change of handhelds

The Postal Service is rolling out thousands of new touch-screen mobile delivery devices (MDDs) to letter carriers across the nation. Approximately 15,000 Post Offices will receive 200,000 new devices during the rollout, which began in late March and will continue through September. By then, every letter carrier will have one of the new scanners. This […]

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