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FedEx field

Rural Carrier Associate Alexis Baker was recently delivering mail in Manito, IL, when she came upon a FedEx truck that had overturned, coming to rest in a corn field. Baker immediately called 911 and rendered first aid to the injured driver. Emergency responders soon arrived and took over. “Her co-workers appreciate the dedication Alexis exhibits […]

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USPS finances

The Postal Service has reported its financial results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2022 (Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2021). Here are some highlights: • Revenue. Operating revenue was approximately $21.3 billion, a decrease of 0.9 percent compared with the same quarter last fiscal year. Shipping and packages revenue decreased 7.9 percent, while Marketing Mail […]

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Zero tolerance

The Postal Service is committed to cultivating a positive and safe work environment that’s free of threats, intimidation, bullying and violence for all employees. To help fulfill this commitment, a threat assessment team is available to respond to threats, assaults and potential violence at all USPS locations. These teams are located at district and area […]

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Climbing the ranks

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service leadership ranks: • Robert J. Francis was named international processing operations director. He previously served as international processing operations and service improvement manager. • Adrienne E. Marshall was named Election and Government Mail Services director, a newly created position at USPS headquarters in Washington, […]

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Bray saves the day

Rural Carrier Associate Kourtney Bray was recently delivering mail in Holland, NY, when she spotted a truck in flames outside a customer’s residence. She immediately called 911 and remained on the scene until firefighters arrived to extinguish the blaze before it could spread to the detached garage and the house. Bray also phoned the customer […]

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Safe driving

USPS is reminding employees to always follow proper procedures when operating postal vehicles to prevent roll-away and runaway accidents. Roll-away accidents are incidents where a vehicle rolls away with the engine off. Similarly, runaway accidents involve vehicles that roll away with the engine running. Both pose significant dangers that could result in property damage and […]

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Handler with care

The USPS Small Business Solutions team is highlighting the Mail Handlers employee lead generation program throughout February. The organization’s 50 districts will celebrate mail handlers for their participation in the program — with new time clock flyers, and short stand-up talks on three of the month’s four Mondays. The Mail Handlers program allows mail handlers […]

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Platinum status

The Postal Service has again earned climate registered platinum status from the Climate Registry, a nonprofit that helps organizations track their greenhouse gas emissions. USPS earned the recognition with publicly reported emissions data for calendar year 2020 that were verified by a third party. The data help the organization track the effectiveness of its climate […]

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Kitchen catastrophe

City Carrier Assistant Marc Dunlap was recently delivering mail in a Sioux City, IA, neighborhood when customers expressed concern about a smoke detector beeping at an older neighbor’s home. As one customer called 911 and the other attempted to reach the woman by phone, Dunlap saw smoke pouring out of her residence. He realized time […]

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Tough sledding

The Postal Service is keeping the mail moving after a winter storm walloped a swath of states in the mid-Atlantic and New England last weekend, causing widespread travel disruptions and dropping more than 2 feet of snow in many areas. Power outages, flooding and whiteout conditions affected much of the coast from Virginia to Maine […]

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Color of the heart

The first Friday in February is National Wear Red Day, which is held annually to raise awareness of heart disease, the leading cause of death among Americans. Common risk factors for heart disease include smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes, family history of coronary heart disease and increased age. You can […]

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High achievers

Here’s a look at Postal Service employees who received appointments or recognition recently: • Melinda S. Doleshal, a senior talent management specialist, was named field human resources director for Central Area and Western Region. • Jennifer A. Goldstein completed an assignment as acting retail and Post Office operations field support director and resumed her duties […]

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Buying time

Jennifer Lee, a rural carrier associate in Coweta, OK, was recently on her way home from work when she came upon the scene of a collision between a motorcycle and a car. When 911 was called, Lee stopped to render aid to the gravely injured biker, performing CPR on him, restoring his pulse and stabilizing […]

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Winter driving

The Postal Service wants employees to drive safely during winter, a time of year that presents unique challenges. Wet and icy road surfaces; longer periods of darkness; and poor visibility from snow, rain and fog create driving hazards during winter. To stay safe, here are some tips: • Maintain your vehicle and tune up the […]

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Caring clerk

A sales lead from a retail associate in Fort Worth, TX, has resulted in a shipping deal worth nearly $56,000 for the Postal Service. Rosie Serrao was helping customers at the Jack D. Watson Post Office when she met a business customer who was looking for a cost-effective way of shipping. Serrao submitted a lead […]

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‘A woman of great courage’

The stamp honoring 19th-century sculptor Edmonia Lewis — the 45th in the Black Heritage series — was dedicated Jan. 26 in Washington, DC. “Edmonia Lewis was a woman of great courage, talent and perseverance who broke through gender, race and class barriers,” said Chief Retail and Delivery Officer Joshua D. Colin, one of the speakers […]

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Necessary Means

Marissa Means, a rural carrier associate in Kerens, TX, was delivering mail one day last summer when she heard someone yelling for help. She soon spotted a customer who’d fallen off his lawn mower and was bleeding profusely from multiple lacerations he’d sustained. Means immediately called 911 and remained on the scene until emergency responders […]

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Sculpting a life

A stamp honoring 19th-century sculptor Edmonia Lewis — the 45th in the Black Heritage series — will be released Jan. 26. Lewis, the first African American and Native American sculptor to earn international recognition, challenged social barriers and assumptions about artists in mid-19th-century America. Born in Greenbush, NY, in 1844, she spent most of her […]

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Rising to the top

Here’s a look at Postal Service employees who received appointments or recognition recently: • Walter M. Daniels, Retail and Delivery Operations capability and proficiency manager, was named the Retail and Delivery Operations Command Center’s acting manager. • Cincinnati Postmaster Karen L. Garber resumed her position after completing a detail assignment as Ohio 2 District’s peak […]

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Royal mail

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Just ask Queen Elizabeth II. The monarch recently received a letter and photo from Katelyn Sutherland, a Kentucky mom whose young daughter, Jalayne, dressed as the queen for Halloween. It seems Elizabeth liked what she saw — so much so that she instructed one of her aides to […]

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Walker helps faller

Letter Carrier Erroll Walker was recently delivering mail in a Pittsburgh neighborhood when he noticed an older customer walking unsteadily alongside a roadway. As the woman stepped up onto a curb, she fell, striking her head and experiencing a seizure. While another pedestrian called 911, Walker rushed to assist the customer, drawing on his military […]

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COVID-19 tests

The Postal Service will deliver 500 million rapid at-home COVID-19 test kits to households across the nation, beginning this month. USPS will ship the kits through a partnership with the White House, which has set up, a website where people can order the kits for free. “The United States Postal Service is proud to […]

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Winter health

The Postal Service wants employees to take precautions to avoid frostbite, hypothermia and other winter health hazards. Here’s what you should know: • Frostbite occurs when skin and the underlying tissue freeze after being exposed to extreme cold for long periods. The fingers, toes and feet are most commonly affected, but other extremities such as […]

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Big reach

The Postal Service has designated Jan. 24 as Rural Reach Day, which celebrates the organization’s lead-sharing program for rural carriers. USPS districts will hold events to thank rural carriers for contributing to the Rural Reach program, which has generated more than $817 million in estimated annualized revenue since it began in 2008. For this year’s […]

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He’s not joshing

Letter Carrier Josh Williamson was off duty one night last summer at a Louisville, KY, bar when a crisis erupted: A man wielding a loaded gun entered the establishment. Williamson and an acquaintance sprang into action, safely disarming and restraining the man until police officers arrived and took him into custody. “The judge called this […]

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Fitness facts

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn habits that lead to healthy lifestyles. The session, “Weight Loss Myths and Facts,” will be held Monday, Jan. 24, at noon EST. Representatives from GEHA, a not-for-profit provider of health plans for federal employees, will share detailed information on weight loss. Participants must register […]

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New gigs

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service leadership ranks: • Tennessee District Manager Christopher L. Alexander retired Dec. 31 after 37 years with USPS. Omar R. Coleman, National Operations Command Center director in Washington, DC, was named Tennessee District’s acting manager. • Kevin J. Augustine, the Knoxville, TN, Processing and Distribution […]

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Board elections

The USPS Board of Governors unanimously elected Roman Martinez IV and Anton G. Hajjar its chairman and vice chairman, respectively, Jan. 12. Martinez will be the board’s 25th chairman. He succeeds Ron A. Bloom, whose term on the board expired in December. Martinez joined the board in August 2019 and has served as vice chairman […]

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