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Staffed up

The Postal Service’s processing and distribution operation has added thousands of employees and more than 100 package sorting machines and other pieces of equipment in preparation for this year’s holiday delivery season. More than 5,300 precareer employees have been converted to career status and more than 15,000 temporary employees have been hired since October for […]

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The nose knows

Do you know colleagues like Jeffrey Wilson, a letter carrier who averted a gas leak disaster in a Rochester, NY, neighborhood? We want to know about them, too. USPS is seeking nominees for the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which honors employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. The program is based on […]

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Holiday housekeeping

A new Lean Six Sigma campaign by the chief retail and delivery officer’s organization aims to get retail outlets shipshape for the holidays. USPS and other organizations around the world use the popular business methodology to boost efficiency and reduce waste. The “6S” initiative uses six steps, each beginning with an S, to ensure that […]

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‘Sharp eye’

A sales lead from a rural carrier in Maryland has resulted in a shipping deal worth nearly $55,000 for the Postal Service. June Davis, who works at the Glenn Dale Post Office, noticed that the package volume for a business on her route was increasing. She submitted the company’s information through Rural Reach, a program […]

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‘Holiday Ready’

The Postal Service’s new holiday TV ad began airing Nov. 1. The commercial, titled “Holiday Ready,” takes customers on a road trip showcasing postal employees in festive-named locations across the United States while spreading the message of USPS delivering for America. “From Holiday Hills, IL, to Rudolph, WI; from Santa Claus, IN, to Snowflake, AZ; […]

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The heat is on

James Lange, a rural carrier associate, was delivering mail on a scorching July day in Omaha, AR, when he spotted a customer in distress in a yard outside a residence. Lange rushed to check on the man, called 911 and comforted him until emergency responders arrived. The customer was hospitalized for treatment of a heart […]

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High achievers

Here’s a look at Postal Service employees who received appointments or recognition recently: • Joy M. Hawkins, the Central Massachusetts Processing and Distribution Center plant manager, was named the Northwest Rochester, NY, Processing and Distribution Center acting plant manager. • Earl L. Johnson Jr. was named addressing and geospatial technology director. He previously served as […]

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Opening soon

Open season, the annual period when Postal Service employees can change their health benefits or enroll in a new plan, begins Monday, Nov. 14. A variety of health, vision and dental coverage is available through the following plans and programs: • Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program; • USPS Health Benefits Plan (USPSHBP), for noncareer […]

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What floats your boat?

Tammy Braley, a complaints and inquiry clerk at the Charleston, WV, Post Office, was recognized in the fall issue of The Eagle magazine for her volunteer work. Braley lives in the nearby community of St. Albans, where she organized the Keep It Beautiful Walk, in which volunteers pick up litter, pull weeds, plant flowers and […]

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Scam stopper

Do you know colleagues like Bobby Broder, a retail associate from Wisconsin who prevented an older customer from being victimized in a sweepstakes scam? We want to know about them, too. USPS is seeking nominees for the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which honors employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. The program […]

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Meal ticket

A sales lead from a mail handler in California has resulted in a marketing deal worth more than $80,000 for the Postal Service. Manuel Villavicencio, an equipment operator at the Santa Clarita Processing and Distribution Center, was having dinner with his daughter, who works at a local college. She told him that the school was […]

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Political prohibition

Like it does every election season, the Postal Service is reminding employees about the Hatch Act’s rules on misusing their government positions. The Hatch Act is a law that prohibits postal and other federal employees from engaging in partisan political activity while on duty, while wearing a uniform, while on federal property, or while inside […]

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Home alone

Rural Carrier Michael Elkins was making deliveries on a recent Monday in Mount Gilead, NC, when he grew concerned about an 86-year-old customer who lives alone and had not picked up her Saturday mail as usual. As Elkins approached her house to check on the woman, he heard her normally quiet dog barking in distress. […]

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Rising to the top

Here’s a look at Postal Service employees who received appointments or recognition recently: • Jay L. Smith was named new business acquisition director. He previously served as enterprise and key accounts director, a role now held by Michael J. McInturf, who previously served as retail and healthcare accounts director. Mark W. Worrall was named the […]

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Keeping the flame alive

The Postal Service dedicated its latest Forever stamp, a celebration of Hanukkah, on Oct. 20 at Temple Emanu El in Chagrin Falls, OH. The eight-day Jewish observance commemorates the reclamation of the Second Temple of Jerusalem in the second century B.C. after its desecration by soldiers. Oil was needed to resanctify the temple, but only […]

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Runaway pride

Do you know colleagues like Allen Dix, a rural carrier from Virginia who rescued a farmer critically injured by a runaway tractor? We want to know about them, too. USPS is seeking nominees for the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which honors employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. The program is based […]

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Seeding the ground

A sales lead from a letter carrier in California has resulted in a local shipping deal worth almost $18,000 for the Postal Service. While delivering mail on his route, Raymundo Ortiz, who works at the Gilroy Post Office, took an opportunity to talk with the owner of a seed warehouse who was looking to save […]

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The beacon’s call

Sophia Torres saw the light. The rural carrier was so taken by her experience filling in on a vacant route in Montauk, NY — whose 18th-century lighthouse was commemorated in a stamp last year — that she filed for a permanent transfer. “It may seem like the end of the world,” Torres said of the […]

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Ditch switch

Rural Carrier Associate Keith Cooper was recently delivering mail in Point, TX, when he came upon an 83-year-old customer sprawled out in a ditch near her mailbox. Cooper rushed to aid the woman, who had fallen two hours earlier while gathering kindling for the winter. He safely helped her stand up, at which point her […]

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FEHB and Medicare

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn about the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program and Medicare. The session, “Medicare and FEHB,” will be held Oct. 25 at noon EDT. Representatives from GEHA, a not-for-profit provider of health plans for federal employees, will conduct the webinar and explain how Medicare works […]

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New gigs

Here’s a look at some recent changes in the Postal Service leadership ranks: • Jake R. Campbell, letter and flat planning and implementation executive manager, was named to a special assignment in the facility modernization effort. James N. Dale Jr. was named acting letter and flat planning and implementation executive manager. • Naples, FL, Postmaster […]

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Building bridges

The Postal Service dedicated its new Kwanzaa stamp Oct. 13 during a ceremony in St. Louis. “USPS is honored to continue in the celebration of Kwanzaa — a communal tradition that has grown to hold special meaning to millions of people,” said Eddie Banner, the organization’s Kansas-Missouri District manager, who spoke at the event. The […]

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In a heartbeat

Do you know colleagues like Robin Bailey and Bonnie Przybocki, rural carriers from Gainesville, VA, who performed lifesaving CPR on a co-worker experiencing cardiac arrest? We want to know about them, too. USPS is seeking nominees for the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program, which honors employees who go above and beyond the call of duty. The […]

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Life’s challenges

The Postal Service wants employees to know about professionals who are available to provide confidential counseling, consultation and coaching services to help manage life’s challenges. The USPS Employee Assistance Program is a free, voluntary program that offers assessment, referral, short-term counseling and more to postal employees and their families. EAP provides 24/7 access to licensed […]

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Know before you go

The Postal Service wants employees and contractors to follow the rules when using USPS-issued devices to conduct business abroad. Employees and contractors must take these steps: • Complete the CyberSafe International Traveler course (course code 2020ITEC4579SS01) before traveling. • Request authorization for international business travel at least 21 days before the trip. • Request access […]

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Long on beauty

Dushore, PA, with a population of 552, is tiny by most standards. But in Sullivan County — which is also known as the “Gem of Endless Mountains” — the town is a humming metropolis. For starters, it has the traffic light — that’s right, there’s one light in the entire county. And on good days, […]

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