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Cards for Dallas

A North Carolina boy is using the mail to comfort police officers following the recent mass shooting in Dallas. Gavin Mayo, 9, is encouraging people to send cards and letters to the Dallas Police Department. His goal is to mail 12,000 messages, or 1,000 for each of the officers killed or injured during the July […]

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Back on track

The Philadelphia Post Office has slashed its operating expenses by adopting a new system to track workers’ compensation costs. The office had more than 275 employees who were injured and not available for duty. “We were paying for worker compensation benefits for these employees out of work as well as for their replacements to cover […]

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Skimming for dollars

Sometimes a credit card reader isn’t what it appears to be. Scammers are using “skimmers” — small, hard-to-detect devices that are placed over factory-installed credit card readers — to steal information. The devices look like legitimate card readers. However, when a consumer unwittingly swipes a credit card, the skimmer allows criminals to collect PIN numbers and […]

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Process change

Accounting Services is introducing an updated eIWS online forms application. Units will no longer mail postal forms to the Scanning and Imaging Center (SIC). The eIWS online forms page on the Accounting site has a complete list of postal forms and additional information. […]

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Marlon Williams, Detroit

First came the screams. Then came the gunshots. Detroit Letter Carrier Marlon Williams could tell the sounds were coming from a nearby street where he’d just delivered mail, and he knew someone was in danger. After he rushed back to the block, Williams encountered a bloodied woman. She said she’d just shot her family dog, […]

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Speak up

Postal Service workplaces will soon receive a new poster that encourages employees to report fraud, crimes and other forms of misconduct. Poster 204 is distributed by the Office of Inspector General (OIG), an independent agency that conducts investigations and audits postal programs. The poster is part of the OIG’s efforts to ensure efficiency and integrity […]

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Career lift

When Andrew Carson joined the Postal Service in 2011, he never expected that he’d one day become a top mechanic at the Columbia, SC, Vehicle Maintenance Facility (VMF). “At that time, I didn’t know what a VMF was,” he said. Carson was hired as a casual mail handler. He later applied for a position as a […]

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Role play

You’ve heard of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. How about a day to bring your boss to work? That’s what Hot Springs, SD, Postmaster Marcia Kenobbie experienced recently when Letter Carrier Jeffrey Beougher gave her a chance to look at his other job — as a member of the South Dakota National […]

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Bridging the divide

The Postal Service is using technology to bridge the divide between physical mail and the digital world, New Products and Innovation VP Gary Reblin says. For example, Informed Delivery — a My USPS service now being tested — sends customers an email each morning with images of the mail they’ll receive later that day. “What […]

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Finding LMS courses

To find a Learning Management System (LMS) course within the learning portal, look under the navigation bar on the left side of the page. Enter the course number in the search field. Next, select “Find” and your search results will appear. […]

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Rita McQuinn, Sherborn, MA

I was so impressed with Indianapolis Letter Carrier Howard Stevenson’s dedication to the Postal Service. You could tell he loved his job. His uniform was impeccable and he portrayed the image of professionalism that represented the Postal Service in such a positive light. […]

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Stamp and deliver

The Postal Service dedicated the Jaime Escalante stamp July 13, saluting the beloved math teacher who used unconventional methods to inspire his students. “We celebrate Mr. Escalante for his charmed ability to create calm within a landscape of calamity,” said Network Operations VP Robert Cintron, who spoke at the ceremony in Washington, DC. “As a […]

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Moving forward

Legislation to reform the Postal Service moved forward in Congress this week. The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which oversees postal matters, unanimously approved a reform bill July 12. “This vote sends a strong signal that the bipartisan leadership of the committee intends to bring postal reform legislation to the floor of the House […]

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Special achievement

The Postal Service was honored last week for its efforts to bring addressing into the digital age. Addressing and Geospatial Technology, a USPS office that uses technology to improve address management, received a special achievement award from Esri, a company that makes geographic software. The Postal Service was selected from a pool of more than […]

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Scanning scorecard

The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.47 percent during the week ending July 8, down from the previous week. Thirty-eight districts and one area met or exceeded the national average. Dakotas (98.38 percent) led the districts for the fifth consecutive week, while Western (97.77 percent) finished first among the areas. Scanning allows customers to track […]

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Next generation

Thirty-five college students from across the nation are spending their summer interning for the Postal Service, part of the organization’s efforts to invest in the future of its workforce. During the 10-week program, 17 interns are working in area offices, while 18 are based at headquarters in Washington, DC. “This program benefits everyone involved,” said […]

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Jean Foree, Lincoln, NE

As a pile of uncollected mail grew over four days recently, so did Lincoln, NE, Letter Carrier Jean Foree’s level of concern. She could detect no sign of activity at the customer’s home, and neighbors said they’d not seen the woman in several days. After discussing the situation with her supervisor, Foree asked police officers […]

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Years running

After competing in more than 270 races, Lansing, IL, Letter Carrier Jamie Parks and his wife Lynn are about to dash into the record books. On July 11, they will celebrate a milestone in their 25 years of running together. The couple, who run up to 40 miles per week, will also log their 25,000th-mile […]

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Back in time

Postal Service employees and customers are taking a step back in time, thanks to the new Soda Fountain Favorites stamps. The stamps, which were released June 30, showcase classic sweet treats like root beer floats, banana splits and hot fudge sundaes. A special dedication in Occidental, CA, this week featured a display of classic cars, […]

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Jason Miller, Homosassa, FL

When he recently came upon a raging brush fire, Homosassa, FL, Letter Carrier Jason Miller knew that calling 911 wouldn’t be enough to ensure that nearby residents were out of harm’s way. As emergency responders made their way to the scene, Miller rushed from door to door to alert residents to the danger. It took […]

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