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Hurricane Laura

The Postal Service is responding to Hurricane Laura, one of the most powerful storms to strike the Gulf Coast in decades. The hurricane made landfall in Louisiana on Aug. 27, bringing torrential rain and damaging winds to the region. To protect employees and the public, USPS has suspended mail delivery and retail operations at several […]

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Honoring safety leaders

The Postal Service will soon honor districts that are role models in creating safe workplaces. The Safety Vision and Leadership Awards, which USPS introduced last year, will be presented again in the fall. The awards honor districts that exceed requirements in maintaining safe workplaces based on key criteria, such as reducing accident rates and improving […]

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That’s a wrap

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. The Postal Service plans to temporarily raise commercial domestic parcel product prices, beginning Oct. 18. When are the price increases slated to end? a) Dec. 27 b) Dec. 29 c) Dec. […]

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House hearing

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and USPS Board of Governors Chairman Robert M. “Mike” Duncan testified before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform on Aug. 24. The title of the hearing was “Protecting the Timely Delivery of Mail, Medicine and Mail-in Ballots.” The USPS Newsroom website has the opening statement and full written testimony […]

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Doing your part

Judy Wingo-Stalinger wants to help Postal Service employees become environmentally aware. In her role as one of two managers who oversee regional environmental compliance and sustainability teams, Wingo-Stalinger helps USPS facility managers follow local, state and federal environmental rules and regulations. This includes a variety of responsibilities, including the proper management, storage and disposal of […]

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Mental well-being

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn the importance of mental well-being and suicide awareness. Suicide is a serious public health crisis that can have lasting and harmful effects on individuals, families and communities. The session, “Mental Well-being,” will be held Tuesday, Aug. 25, at noon EDT. GEHA, a not-for-profit provider […]

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Points of order

Postal Service customers’ penchant for exclamation points is on display in the latest “Thank You for the Thank-You’s” video. The video — the 19th in a series — shows photos of messages that USPS employees have received from thankful customers during the coronavirus pandemic. One photo near the end of the video shows a handmade […]

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New York minute man

Letter Carrier Patrick Twohig was delivering mail one day last fall in a Staten Island, NY, neighborhood when a 9-year-old boy ran up to him. The boy pleaded for help for his mother, who was unconscious in their residence. Twohig immediately called 911, followed the boy to the woman’s side and performed CPR on her […]

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New resources

The Postal Service has new resources to help employees learn about Premium Forwarding Service-Commercial (PFSC) and other special services products. The Product Management Special Services Blue page features several updates, including a PFSC dashboard. PFSC allows businesses to use Priority Mail Express and Priority Mail to forward mail in bulk on a daily, weekly or […]

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Peak preparations

The Postal Service wants to ensure facilities have sufficient supplies of personal protective equipment and other coronavirus pandemic-related material as the organization gears up for the peak delivery season in the fall. In a memo last week, USPS encouraged facility managers to use August and September to build their inventories for the end of the […]

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Displays of gratitude

The Postal Service has four new stamps honoring two simple words that can mean so much: “thank you.” The Thank You stamps, to be released Friday, Aug. 21, can be used to mail cards, notes and other expressions of gratitude. USPS is introducing the stamps amid renewed awareness of the importance of offering gratitude, including […]

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Revenue review

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Which of the following is not one of the operating units established through the Postal Service’s recent restructuring? a) Commerce and Business Solutions b) Logistics and Processing Operations c) Processing and […]

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Susan Leopold, Eastwood, KY

I appreciated “Learning together,” the article about the Supervisor Mentorship Toolkit. I get excited when my mentees achieve their personal and professional goals. I also have a mentor for my own growth within the organization. I’m beyond grateful for his support and guidance. […]

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FSA reminder

The Postal Service is reminding employees that they can make changes to their flexible spending accounts (FSAs) through Aug. 29. FSA Feds, the organization that administers FSAs, is allowing changes during a 60-day period that began July 1. Changes are being permitted due to the coronavirus pandemic, although participants don’t need to be directly affected […]

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Dual-use boxes

Beginning Sept. 1, the Postal Service will no longer offer dual-use Priority Mail Express and Priority Mail boxes 1 and 2. The boxes were created to allow customers the option to mail packages using either Priority Mail Express or Priority Mail. The boxes also allowed customers to reduce the space needed to store packaging at […]

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Keeping cool

Van Singletary knows how dangerous heat exhaustion can be. “I’ve experienced it before and it isn’t pretty,” the Laguna Beach, CA, letter carrier says. “You don’t recover from heat exhaustion as quickly as you might think.” Laguna Beach — often featured on the TV series “Real Housewives of Orange County” — sometimes starts off with […]

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Thanking heroes

In a new Postal Service video, customers display their gratitude for dependable mail service during the coronavirus pandemic. One poster outside a USPS facility displays this message: “Thank you to our town heroes! Thinking of you and we are praying for you!” Another message — both heartfelt and heart-shaped — reads: “Thank you for delivering […]

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Jan Cepure, Lincoln, NE

As one of the retired nurses highlighted in “Full recovery” — and as someone who has used the mail to keep in touch for almost 60 years — I want to offer big thanks to the Postal Service for recovering our lost letters. You are wonderful! […]

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Dogs gone

Letter Carrier Jamie Layman was recently delivering mail in Bartonville, IL, when he saw two dogs attack a girl as she was walking home from school. Layman rushed to protect the girl, who is around 8 years old, and used repellent spray on the dogs until they ran away. The Postal Service employee then accompanied […]

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Path forward

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy distributed the following memo to USPS employees on Aug. 13: Today, I am in my ninth week as Postmaster General. I am grateful to everyone who has welcomed me, and I am thoroughly impressed by the dedication and commitment you have shown since I started June 15. Last week was extremely […]

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‘Retirement 101’

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar on preparing for retirement. The session, “Retirement 101,” will be held Tuesday, Aug. 18, at noon EDT. Aetna will conduct the webinar, which will help participants understand how benefits might work nationwide and overseas. Participants can also learn about tools and resources that are available before […]

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Open for business

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: The Postal Service is showcasing the (blank) employee sales leads program in August. a) Business Connect b) Customer Connect c) Rural Reach d) Submit a Lead 2. […]

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Marking a milestone

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the most comprehensive postal legislation since the founding of the republic — the law that transformed the Post Office Department into the Postal Service. President Richard Nixon signed the Postal Reorganization Act on Aug. 12, 1970, but as Publication 100, the Postal Service’s official history book explains, the […]

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Positive view

Michael Olsavsky believes that the Postal Pulse serves as an employee’s voice. The Altoona, PA, Postmaster encourages his employees to complete the USPS workplace survey because it offers an opportunity to help the organization understand what’s going right — and what needs to be improved. Olsavsky and other managers are encouraging employees to complete the […]

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Gift card savings

USPS is offering savings on Mastercard gift card purchases at select Post Office locations this month. From Aug. 8-21, customers and employees will receive $3.95 off the purchase fee of Mastercard gift cards valued at $100. Variable load gift cards are excluded. No coupon is needed. […]

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Photos video

The Postal Service is continuing to release videos of photographs. The images show handwritten messages from customers who express gratitude for postal workers’ service during the coronavirus pandemic. USPS released the latest such video last month on its social media channels, where the previous 16 installments in the “Thank You for the Thank-You’s” series were […]

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Blown away

Columbus, OH, Rural Carrier Jodie Craft was delivering mail one day last fall in nearby Galloway when she spotted a customer, James Mentel, who’d fallen in his driveway while raking and blowing leaves. Craft rushed to check on Mentel, who had been stranded for over an hour. The Postal Service employee immediately called 911, covered […]

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Direct discount

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: A new USPS program will offer a (blank) postage discount for all Every Door Direct Mail retail mailings, including flats, postcards and flyers. a) 5 percent b) […]

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Next levels

Although USPS relies on the Postal Pulse to help make workplace improvements, the survey isn’t the organization’s only tool. What else is available? Here’s what you should know: • The Postal Pulse survey results help determine Certified Engaged Teams. This special form of recognition is given to groups that create positive workplace environments. To achieve […]

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