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Good morning, starshine

The Postal Service dedicated its Sun Science stamps June 18 during a ceremony that celebrated the ongoing exploration of Earth’s nearest star. “We hope these amazing stamps will help generate the same sense of wonder and curiosity about our star that inspired our ancestors and the scientists at NASA to want to better understand the […]

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Stay stocked

USPS wants Post Offices to ensure they have an adequate supply of burial flags on hand for customers who request them. Through the organization’s Burial Flag Program, all retail Post Offices serve as a burial flag repository. Employees must use the eBuyPlus system to order U.S. flags for the program. Flags will be shipped from […]

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In good supply

USPS has presented its Supplier Performance Awards to 13 firms that have collaborative business relationships with the organization. The annual awards — announced May 25 during a virtual ceremony — honor suppliers that contribute to the Postal Service’s positive bottom-line savings, increased revenue or performance results. Award recipients were recognized in four categories: • Supplier […]

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Walking the walk

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn techniques that combine physical exercise with the stress-reducing benefits of meditation. The session, “Walking Meditation,” will be held on Wednesday, June 23, at noon EDT. GEHA, a not-for-profit provider of health plans for federal employees, will conduct the webinar and discuss focusing on the […]

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Collision decision

Archer, IA, Retail Associate Richard Ludeke was off duty on a spring day two years ago when catastrophe struck: He and his wife, Miriam, were traveling in their vehicle on Iowa Highway 60 in Carnes when they witnessed a collision that left a 21-year-old motorist, Mindi Wikstrom, fighting for her life in a ditch. The […]

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Solar power

The Postal Service will celebrate the massive, radiant star that sits at the center of our solar system with the June 18 release of the Sun Science stamps. The only star that humans can observe in detail, the sun is a vital source of information about the universe. The Forever stamps will feature 10 stunning […]

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Flex time

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. When does the special enrollment period for the Federal Flexible Spending Account program end? a) June 30 b) July 15 c) July 31 d) Aug. 15 2. True or false: The […]

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The art of Emilio

The Postal Service celebrated the art of Emilio Sanchez last week by dedicating new stamps that showcase four of his colorful architectural lithographs and paintings. The Miami ceremony was held on June 10 — the centennial of Sanchez’s birth, which Roman Martinez IV, vice chairman of the USPS Board of Governors, called “a perfect occasion […]

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Bite-proof your life

The theme for this year’s National Dog Bite Awareness Week is “Be Aware: Any Dog Can Bite,” and with 85 million pet dogs in the United States, that is no small threat. The Postal Service wants to remind customers and employees to follow best practices when dealing with dogs. Customers with dogs should: • Keep […]

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Dads and grads season

USPS is offering several promotions at select Post Offices in time for Father’s Day and graduation season. From June 5-18, customers and employees will receive $2 off the activation fee of Visa gift cards valued at $50 and $100. Variable load gift cards are excluded. No coupon is needed. Through June 20, customers and employees […]

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Let’s talk about men

Postal Service employees can participate in an upcoming webinar to learn about how prevention and early detection is an important part of routine health maintenance. “Men’s Health” will be held Friday, June 18, at noon EDT. The session is part of National Men’s Health Week. Blue Cross Blue Shield and the Virginia Hospital Center will […]

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Griffin’s mission

Letter Carrier Richard Griffin Jr. was recently delivering mail in a Madison, WI, neighborhood when he spotted someone lying on the ground. Although there were passersby, no one stopped to check on the person. Griffin knew he had to step up. He found that the individual was exhibiting signs of a seizure, so he immediately […]

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When two paths cross

Two longtime pen pals who wrote a New York Times bestseller about their friendship have embarked on a virtual tour of the nation’s classrooms to teach students about the value of letter writing and mail. Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda, co-authors of “I Will Always Write Back” with Liz Welch, an award-winning journalist and memoirist, […]

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Distinctive vision

The Postal Service will celebrate the works of acclaimed artist Emilio Sanchez with the release of four stamps on June 10. Sanchez (1921-1999) combined naturalism and abstraction to create architectural paintings and lithographs that presented subjective interpretations of reality. His work, which can be found in permanent collections around the world, often depicts a single […]

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It’s about time

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: Emergency federal employee leave is available to USPS employees through (blank) or until the government fund to cover the cost of the leave is exhausted. a) June […]

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Spring report

The USPS Office of Inspector General (OIG) completed 1,331 investigations during the six-month period that ended March 31.   These investigations led to 531 arrests and more than $152.7 million in fines, restitutions and recoveries. This amount includes roughly $30.2 million that was returned to the Postal Service.   The data is included in the […]

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Safety and peace of mind

The Postal Service wants employees to remind customers of the many resources available when they ship cremated remains through the mail. Customers who use their own packaging must follow the guidelines detailed in Publication 139, How to Package and Ship Cremated Remains, available on The publication provides general instructions, packaging information and Label 139 […]

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New vice president

Judy de Torok has been named Corporate Affairs vice president, a role in which she’ll work closely with the Postal Service’s industry, mailing and shipping partners. De Torok, who will report to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, will be responsible for formulating stakeholder engagement strategies in support of Delivering for America, the Postal Service’s new 10-year […]

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Saluting a Samaritan

The U.S. Department of Justice has honored a Postal Service employee who helped locate a child who had wandered away from home. Keith Rollins, a Washington, DC, carrier technician, was driving on an interstate on a rainy morning in February 2020 when he spotted what turned out to be Ethan Adeyemi, a 2-year-old who had […]

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Greene means stop

Letter Carrier Mary Greene was delivering mail on a rainy morning last fall in Fond du Lac, WI, when she came upon a 2-year-old boy crawling in the middle of a road. Greene immediately stopped, picked up the toddler and sheltered him in the postal vehicle while she called the local Post Office. Customer Services […]

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Mail delivery

Delivery of First-Class Mail, Marketing Mail and Periodicals showed improvement in May as Postal Service operations continue to recover from challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. Compared with fiscal year 2021’s second quarter (Jan. 1-March 31), May’s numbers showed: • A 9.5 percentage point improvement in First-Class Mail deliveries, with 87.6 percent being delivered […]

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FSA changes

The Postal Service wants employees to know about recent changes to the Federal Flexible Spending Account program that have created new options for participants. The program, also known as FSAFEDS, allows employees to make pretax payroll contributions to cover their family’s health, dental, vision and day care expenses, saving approximately 30 percent on out-of-pocket costs. […]

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Leading Edge

USPS is installing a new version of the Microsoft Edge web browser on Windows-based ACE workstations, eliminating the need for employees to switch from one browser to another in order to use different programs. The new version of Microsoft Edge — which will become the Postal Service’s default browser — is more than a browser. […]

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Big country

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: The National Rural Letter Carriers Association represents approximately (blank) rural carriers nationwide. a) 113,000 b) 133,000 c) 311,000 d) 331,000 2. What’s the name of the new […]

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FedEx flip

City Carrier Assistant Kara Dahl was recently delivering mail in Menomonee Falls, WI, when she came upon the scene of an accident that left a FedEx truck overturned. Dahl immediately stopped, determined that a bystander had called 911, and rushed to check on the injured driver. The man asked the Postal Service employee for help […]

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Mobile security

The Postal Service will soon permit only approved apps on USPS-issued mobile devices, part of the ongoing effort to protect the organization from malware and other cyberthreats. Starting June 9, only authorized apps will appear on USPS-issued Apple and Android smartphones and tablets and be available for download from the Postal Service’s mobile app store. […]

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Breeding ground

“News Quiz” is a weekly feature that lets you test your knowledge of recent Link stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Where did the Postal Service dedicate its Heritage Breeds stamps? a) Little Falls, NJ b) Los Angeles c) Mount Vernon, VA d) None of the above 2. Fill in the blank: […]

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