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Lars Edleblute, York, PA

City Carrier Assistant Lars Edleblute recently helped avert a tragic outcome when an autistic child ran into traffic on a highway in York, PA. Edleblute was loading his vehicle to begin his route when he heard the boy’s mother frantically screaming and saw her running toward the four-lane thoroughfare. The carrier then spotted the boy […]

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Kelvin Gordon, Ridgeland, SC, and Ricardo Reed, Hilton Head Island, SC

After a tractor-trailer driver transporting mail fell ill during a recent break along Interstate 95 in South Carolina, emergency responders contacted USPS for assistance. Ridgeland Postmaster Kelvin Gordon secured the truck and made arrangements for its journey to continue, while Hilton Head Island Postmaster Ricardo Reed checked on the driver at a nearby hospital, helped […]

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Pride and true

Retail associates are expressing their commitment to the new #PostalProud initiative to promote good customer service. The latest effort highlights six “retail moments that matter,” including making a good first impression and recommending products and services that meet customers’ needs. “Our employees are embracing the initiative and see value in the #PostalProud talks, which break […]

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Coming soon

The Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance program (FEGLI) will host an open enrollment period from Sept. 1-30. This is FEGLI’s first open enrollment in 12 years. FEGLI provides group term life insurance for federal employees and retirees, as well as many of their family members. Eligible Postal Service employees can enroll and elect any available […]

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MDDs: Yeah, you know me. Or do you? Mobile Delivery Devices (MDDs) can scan packages and other mail. Did you also know the devices can perform several other safety-related tasks? The latest MDD models can: Accept text messages. Supervisors use this feature regularly. Notably, it was used to warn letter carriers of civil unrest in […]

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Spend wisely

Online shopping has become a popular way to purchase items without encountering the hassles of traffic and crowds. However, the internet has its own risks, so it’s important to protect yourself when shopping online. Here are some tips: Beware email requests. Legitimate businesses don’t send emails asking for personal data, but hackers often do. Pay […]

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‘Mail by the pail’

The little boat with its own ZIP Code has sailed into the pages of The New York Times. The J.W. Westcott II, a tugboat that delivers mail and packages to ships passing through Detroit, was the subject of a photo essay in the newspaper this week. The article describes how the boat — ZIP Code […]

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Ted Porter, Nampa, ID

Two Nampa, ID, parents are grateful that City Carrier Assistant Ted Porter was in the right place at a frightening time: when their son became critically ill after ingesting synthetic marijuana with a friend after school. “I was just delivering the mail when I heard a young boy asking for help,” Porter said. Finding him […]

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Training video

Employees can view a new PS Form 2240 training video on the Accounting site. The video demonstrates how to fill out PS Form 2240, Pay, Leave, or Other Hours Adjustment Request, and submit it online. Employees shouldn’t mail PS Form 2240 to the Scanning and Imaging Center. […]

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Head of the class

The Postal Service has made significant improvements in First-Class Mail performance, another example of the efforts to strengthen customer service throughout the organization. During fiscal 2016’s third quarter (April 1-June 30), USPS raised its First-Class Mail national composite score by more than 6 percentage points. The score measures on-time deliveries and other service standards for […]

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Shaping the culture

The Postal Service has shown more than 5,000 managers and supervisors how to improve their workplaces since the USPS engagement ambassadors program began in the spring. The ambassadors are a team of 26 employees who are divided among the seven areas and headquarters. Each ambassador travels throughout their assigned territory, conducting classes for managers and […]

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LED there be light

The Albany, NY, Post Office has a whole new look these days — and the makeover is helping USPS become more sustainable. Before: The facility’s 24-hour dimly lit lobby made it difficult for customers to see, particularly when accessing PO Boxes at night. After: Since replacing fluorescent tubes with LED lighting panels, the location is […]

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Postal Bulletin

With the new school year about to start in many communities, the Postal Bulletin’s latest issue reminds employees to keep an eye out for children when driving USPS vehicles. The cover story encourages employees to take extra precautions when driving in school zones or near playgrounds. Drivers should also: Adjust mirrors to see around their vehicles. Stop […]

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Travis Elliott, Sacramento, CA

Letter Carrier Travis Elliott was delivering mail in Sacramento, CA, recently when he heard someone screaming for help. He soon found a 90-year-old customer who had fallen in her driveway and couldn’t get up. Elliott assisted the woman, whose daughter later called the Post Office to express her appreciation and let him know that her […]

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Vote of confidence

The importance of Election Mail and Political Mail can’t be overstated, Customer Engagement and Strategic Alignment Manager Delores Lyle says in the latest “Point of View” video. “The Postal Service plays a critical role in delivering voting information, ballots and political advertisements across the nation,” says Lyle, who fills in for Consumer and Industry Affairs […]

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Focus on customers

USPS is committed to providing excellent service in the nation’s rural communities, PMG Megan J. Brennan said last week during a visit to North Dakota, where she met with employees, business customers and community members. The PMG was joined by U.S. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, as well as DPMG Ronald A. Stroman and Dakotas District Manager […]

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In the black

Reminder: Members of Congress are banned from sending Franked Mail mass mailings during this year’s “blackout” period, which began Aug. 10. Mass mailings contain 500 pieces or more. The blackout begins 90 days before a general election. Franked Mail is identified by the member’s facsimile signature — the frank — in the upper right corner […]

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Mobile defense

Online scammers are finding new ways to target smartphone and tablet users. For instance, scammers use text messages or emails as phishing lures that lead to malicious sites or trick users into downloading and installing malware. Scammers also use software to infect devices with malicious codes that provide access to cellular services or account information. […]

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Jersey girl

Sometimes a picture is worth more than a 1,000 words. Just ask Cynthia Harris. The New Jersey librarian was at a flea market in 1989 when she bought an old postcard of the high school her mother attended. It sparked a lifelong passion. “I haven’t stopped since,” Harris recently told The Jersey Journal. A former […]

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Kim Rodrigues, Hudson, NH

Kim Rodrigues was used to exchanging a “hello” or a wave with a favorite customer whenever she delivered his mail. But that didn’t happen one day recently when she saw him motionless on his lawn mower. The Hudson, NH, rural carrier instantly knew something was wrong. Rodrigues approached the man and found him semiconscious and incoherent, […]

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