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Victory squared

The stoic presidential portrait on the new John Fitzgerald Kennedy stamp has received praise for the photographer who captured it. But the iconic shot almost didn’t happen. Ted Spiegel was 26 years old and on assignment for the state of Washington in 1960. Then-Sen. Kennedy was holding a presidential campaign rally at Seattle’s Victory Square. […]

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Measuring service

The Postal Service is continuing to use technology to improve operations. Through a new service performance measurement program, USPS is using the data collected by employees’ handheld devices to identify and correct areas that need improvement. This effort is part of Informed Visibility, a USPS platform that provides businesses with analytics that allow them to […]

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Need to know

Shop talk. The growth of online shopping across the nation is uneven, new research shows. Online purchases are rising in states such as California and Texas, but shopping is stagnant in places like Idaho and South Dakota, according to a recent Washington Post report on the data. Generally, consumers in affluent states shop more online. […]

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Special delivery

A Los Angeles actor struck an emotional chord with TV viewers after delivering a moving performance as a mail carrier on a recent episode of NBC’s “This Is Us.” In a scene that aired on the popular family drama this month, Bill Chott plays a carrier who is delivering a package to a customer’s home […]

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Joyce Darling, Deadwood, SD

When Deadwood, SD, Highway Contract Route Driver Joyce Darling recently noticed that a customer hadn’t picked up his mail for a couple of days, she became worried and called the sheriff’s office. The man had suffered a massive stroke. He was hospitalized and died several days later. His son, a retired letter carrier, later contacted […]

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New appointment

Gregory S. Crabb has been appointed vice president and chief information security officer, effective March 18. Crabb has been acting in the role since July 2016. He is responsible for protecting Postal Service employees, customers, infrastructure and information systems from digital threats. Additionally, Crabb will work with the Inspection Service on investigative responses to cybercrimes […]

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Easy and quick

Bernie Siegel is a retiree who relies on Informed Delivery to check his mail when he’s out of town. “Especially being away for an extended period, there’s a big advantage for me,” Siegel says in a new video. “It’s easy, quick and efficient — I have no trouble with the website. It works every time.” […]

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Need to know

Can we talk? Communications is critically important to leaders at every level of an organization. If you can’t communicate effectively, it’s hard to get any job done. To strengthen communications within the Postal Service, Learning and Development has introduced several courses to help managers learn to better communicate with employees, customers and others. One example: […]

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Stephen Ingrassio, Geneva, NY

A 91-year-old postal customer in Geneva, NY, doesn’t always get mail, according to Letter Carrier Stephen Ingrassio. “Fortunately, he did on this day,” Ingrassio said. That was the day recently when Ingrassio heard a cry for help as he approached the man’s home. The postal employee discovered that the man had fallen and cut his […]

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Double duty

Herald Birchfield has a unique perspective on what it means to serve and protect his country. For 18 years, Birchfield has worked as a postal inspector while also serving as a colonel in the U.S. Army. “I consider the work I do for the Postal Service to be just as important as any other position […]

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World leader

The Postal Service has received a Climate Leadership Award, a prestigious honor that recognizes organizations and individuals who are addressing climate change. USPS, one of 17 awardees this year, was honored in the supply chain leadership category. The organization has helped highway route contractors and other suppliers reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The Postal Service […]

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Ready for summer

Parents across the nation are getting ready to send their kids to summer camp, and experts are reminding them to remember the importance of care packages. Most camps have rules about what parents can and can’t send. Many prohibit food, electronics and large packages. “They don’t want anything that will create a mess,” Malcom Petty, […]

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Cyler Stewart, Cedar Rapids, IA

Letter Carrier Cyler Stewart noticed a burning smell in the air recently as he delivered mail in Cedar Rapids, IA. He couldn’t detect the source of the odor at first, but as he continued on his route, he approached a house and saw flames shooting out of an exterior electrical box. Stewart called 911. Firefighters […]

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Fast fix

When a Virginia newspaper began experiencing delivery problems recently, Richmond District managers responded quickly. The Southside Messenger was receiving customer complaints that its weekly newspaper was arriving later than usual. Capital Metro Area Marketing Manager Tammy Edwards contacted the paper’s managers to address their concerns. “We want happy customers satisfied with their delivery,” said Edwards. […]

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Bright lights

Highlights, a beloved children’s publication for more than 70 years, continues to rely on the mail to reach readers. The family-owned magazine was designed by Garry and Caroline Myers, child psychologists and teachers, to educate children through stories with positive examples. “The philosophy was ‘fun with a purpose,’” Christine French Cully, editor-in-chief of Highlights consumer […]

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Need to know

Green memories. A recent “CBS Evening News” report focused on the pivotal guide that African-Americans relied on for more than 30 years to ensure their safer travels. The Negro Motorist Green Book was first published in 1936 by Victor Green, a New York City letter carrier, to help guide African-Americans to minority-friendly establishments. Using information […]

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James Rowley, Eau Claire, WI

James Rowley, a postal support employee clerk, was delivering Priority Mail Express shipments recently in Eau Claire, WI, when he saw a woman fall off a bicycle. He pulled over and found her unconscious, but she soon woke up. Seemingly unaware of injuries to her face and teeth, she said she wanted to get back […]

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Hello, Nebraska

The Postal Service has released a stamp to mark the 150th anniversary of Nebraska’s statehood. The stamp highlights an image from the banks of the Platte River as sandhill cranes fly overhead at sunset — a spectacle unique to the Cornhusker State. The image was taken by award-winning conservation photographer Michael Forsberg. “Michael Forsberg’s stunning […]

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Kennedy mystique

The new stamp that commemorates the 100th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s birth isn’t the first time the Postal Service has honored the 35th president. Here’s a look at four other JFK-related stamps, courtesy of “The list.” 1. Kennedy Memorial stamp. This 5-cent stamp was issued May 29, 1964 — the first birthday following the […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. How many mailpieces did USPS process and deliver from Oct. 1, 2015-Sept. 30, 2016? a) 135.9 billion b) 153.9 billion c) 159.3 billion d) 193.5 billion 2. To encourage […]

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