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Need to know

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.78 percent during the week ending Sept. 28, unchanged from one week earlier. Dakotas (99.16 percent) topped the districts, while Western (97.99 percent) led the areas. Scanning allows customers to track their packages and mail, and it helps USPS improve efficiency and network management. To see […]

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Pedal to the metal

The Postal Service dedicated its Hot Wheels stamps Sept. 29 at an automotive race in Fort Worth, TX. The stamps celebrate the pocket-sized, die-cast metal racing cars that Mattel Inc. introduced 50 years ago. “Right from the start, Hot Wheels were a thrilling experience. There wasn’t anything really like them on the market. Sure, there […]

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Engineering systems

Scott Bombaugh has been named the Postal Service’s acting vice president of engineering systems, effective Sept. 30. He will oversee engineering efforts focused on USPS automation systems and direct engineering and acquisition support functions. Previously, Bombaugh served as technology applications and development director. He joined the Postal Service as a mechanical engineer in 1988 and […]

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Richard Hoyt, Hudson, FL

Letter Carrier Richard Hoyt was recently delivering mail in Hudson, FL, when he noticed a disabled customer in distress. The woman, who relies on a motorized scooter, had just spilled chlorine on her leg and foot while maintaining her swimming pool. Hoyt rushed to the customer’s aid — grabbing a garden hose and washing off […]

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Active measures

USPS now has a better way to measure its service performance. Internal Service Performance Measurement (SPM) became the organization’s official reporting and recording system Oct. 1. It replaces External First-Class (EXFC), which was retired Sept. 30. Here’s what you should know: • Internal SPM will help USPS improve service. The system offers a more accurate […]

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All the right places

Mariam Bluiett wants to help USPS grow. This is why the Greater Indiana District business development specialist encourages employees to participate in the organization’s sales lead generation programs. “Sales leads help business development specialists to find revenue in all the right places, which boosts the bottom line of USPS,” Bluiett says. USPS offers several lead […]

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Shared responsibility

National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, held each October, allows Postal Service employees to brush up on their skills and learn how to protect USPS networks against potential cyberthreats. This year’s theme is “Cybersecurity is Our Shared Responsibility and We All Must Work Together to Improve our Nation’s Cybersecurity.” Here are some tips from the CyberSafe at […]

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Tag along

The Postal Service wants employees to remember the differences between Political Mail and Election Mail tags during this year’s election season. Red Tag 57, for Political Mail, should be used for any political campaign mailing by a registered candidate, campaign committee, and committee of a political party. This tag also can be used for a political […]

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Beverly Bohannon, Hackettstown, NJ

Letter Carrier Beverly Bohannon was recently delivering mail in Hackettstown, NJ, when she encountered a 5-year-old girl crying outside her residence. The child said she’d been asleep at home with her mother, and she’d woken up to find that she was alone. Bohannon comforted the girl and rang the doorbell — getting no answer — […]

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Mary Betts, Washington, DC

Come on, now! Willie Clemmons, the 91-year old Los Angeles mail handler who recently celebrated 68 years as a postal employee, is wonderful. If I could look as good as he does when I reach his age — shoot, I’d keep working for the Postal Service, too. […]

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Firsthand knowledge

Yvette Hixon has experienced the wonders of Informed Delivery firsthand. Hixon, Southern Area’s Dallas-based master black belt trainer, recently spent several weeks on pins and needles waiting to hear from her son Brandon, an Air Force enlistee who was away at basic training. She was overjoyed when she checked her Informed Delivery email and saw […]

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Writing on the wall

John Kennerk knows that words matter. This is why the Fort Wayne, IN, Processing and Distribution Center maintenance supervisor has placed motivational messages on the walls of his workplace. “The employees tell me they like them, and it also encourages them to walk further down the hallway, get engaged and start talking to the people […]

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More time

The deadline to complete two CyberSafe at USPS training courses has been extended to Sunday, Oct. 7. USPS granted the extension to accommodate employees who were affected by Hurricane Florence and those helping with the recovery efforts. Every employee with an ACE ID must complete the following courses by the new deadline: • CyberSafe Fundamentals […]

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Weathering storms

The Postal Employees’ Relief Fund (PERF) and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) are available to aid USPS workers affected by Hurricane Florence and other emergencies. PERF helps postal employees and retirees whose homes were significantly damaged by natural disasters or house fires. PERF isn’t an emergency relief organization like the American Red Cross or insurance companies […]

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Board leadership

Robert M. Duncan and David C. Williams have been elected chairman and vice chairman, respectively, of the USPS Board of Governors. The elections occurred Sept. 13 during an open meeting of the board’s temporary emergency committee (TEC). Also, Williams was appointed chairman, and Duncan, vice chairman, of the TEC. Both Duncan and Williams were recently […]

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Always improving

Tony Aldridge is always looking to improve. Aldridge, a mail handler at the Detroit Processing and Distribution Center, recently participated in USPS yellow belt training after noticing room for improvement in the way mail moves through the workroom floor. Detroit District offers this training to all employees, part of the Postal Service’s broader effort to […]

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Band of sisters

Yvonne Yoerger once imagined herself playing in the U.S. Air Force Band. Last month, she got pretty close. Yoerger, a USPS Corporate Communications manager and trombone player, took the stage with the surviving original members of the Women’s Air Force (WAF) Band at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC. […]

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Supply and demand

The Postal Service has implemented an initiative to improve collaboration with key suppliers and internal business partners. The Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) program emphasizes joint communication among participants, reduced risks to the supply chain, and high levels of supplier performance, innovation and value. In fiscal 2017, USPS spent more than $12.3 billion for transportation, supplies, […]

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Justin Falduts, Camp Hill, PA

Camp Hill, PA, Letter Carrier Justin Falduts was recently delivering mail to a customer’s home when he heard her screaming for help. As Falduts called 911, he discovered that the woman’s stair lift had malfunctioned while she was riding it — leaving her dangling precariously from the seat and unable to extricate herself. The Postal […]

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In case of emergency

USPS will release Honoring First Responders — a stamp that recognizes the firefighters, law enforcement officers and emergency medical professionals who respond to critical situations — Thursday, Sept. 13. The stamp will feature a representative digital illustration of three first responders as they race into action: a firefighter carrying an ax, an emergency medical services […]

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Need to know

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.93 percent during the week ending Sept. 7, down from one week earlier. Dakotas (99.22 percent) topped the districts, while Western (98.1 percent) led the areas. Scanning allows customers to track their packages and mail, and it helps USPS improve efficiency and network management. To see […]

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Playing it safe

A flurry of suspicious money order transactions over several days last month in Bethlehem, PA, left Postmaster Daniel Mazzeo more attuned to fraud prevention — and impressed with the diligence of retail associates on his team. Awilda Nunez was on duty at the Southside Branch when several individuals purchased multiple $1 money orders, claiming they […]

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Need to know

Flag notice. President Trump has ordered flags flown at half-staff Tuesday, Sept. 11, to honor victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. USPS facilities are required to fly the U.S. flag at half-staff this day, which is also known as Patriot Day. To fly the flag at half-staff, hoist the flag to the peak for an […]

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Donna Fuentes, McArthur, CA

McArthur, CA, Retail Associate Donna Fuentes recently grew concerned about a woman whose mail was piling up in her Post Office Box. Fuentes knew that the customer picked up mail regularly, so she started asking community members if they had seen the woman lately. A neighbor offered to check on her, and she was discovered […]

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Service with a smile

Rachel Lonsway understands the importance of customer service. The Flint, MI, letter carrier says she loves her job — especially interacting with people on her route. “I stay positive and always smile,” she says. “You never know when one of your customers may be having a bad day. Showing them a smile can brighten their […]

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