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Safe and secure

As the anniversary of 9/11 approaches, the Postal Service reminds employees to remain vigilant about workplace security. You can help keep your workplace secure by always wearing your ID badge and locking building doors to prevent unauthorized entry. Locked doors are occasionally opened to let employees and mail in and out. At all other times, […]

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Heroes’ corner

Detroit Letter Carrier Evangeline Johnson was delivering mail recently when she noticed smoke coming from the back of a house. “Something didn’t feel right,” said Johnson. She rushed into the backyard and saw the rear of the home was engulfed in flames. Johnson called 911 and knocked on the door to alert the residents. The […]

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Delivered by sea

A retired German postal worker recently discovered the world’s oldest message in a bottle while vacationing off the northern European coast. Marianne Winkler and her husband found the bottle while walking along Amrum Island in the North Sea. The bottle contained a postcard promising a reward of one shilling if returned to the Marine Biological […]

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Picking up

More retailers are allowing online shoppers to pick up their orders in stores, a practice that appeals to consumers who want to avoid shipping costs. Forty-one percent of retailers offer in-store pickup services, but the number is expected to almost double during the next three years, according to a recent survey by Boston Retail Partners. […]

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Mobile devices

If you have a Postal Service mobile device, you must configure the settings to enable the passcode lock and auto-lock options. For assistance, call the Information Technology help desk at 800-877-7435. Follow the instructions, then say “technical assistance” and “mobile device” when prompted. […]

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Time to plan

September is National Preparedness Month, held each year to encourage people to prepare for natural disasters and other emergencies. The reliability and resiliency of the Postal Service are vital to the country, especially in emergency situations, and a key element is the individual preparedness of all postal employees, both at work and at home. “Your […]

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Heroes’ corner

As soon as Belton, SC, Rural Carrier Roxanne Nalley got out of her vehicle to deliver a package to a customer, she noticed a strong gas odor coming from the house. The homeowner told Nalley that her eyes had been burning ever since gas was delivered to her home the day before. The tank had […]

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Where do I fit?

Have you started a Postal Service career job within the last few years? If so, the date you began your career appointment determines which Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) category covers you. If you were hired after Jan. 1, 2013, and have no previous federal service — or if you had less than five years […]

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Survey says

Postal Service employees regularly shut off lights and recycle paper, but many say they would like to do more to promote sustainability, a new survey has found. More than 9,300 participants completed the voluntary questionnaire, which was distributed to 40,000 employees earlier this year. The newly published results show more than 90 percent of respondents […]

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What’s MPE?

Mail processing equipment (MPE) is used to perform functions such as canceling, sorting and culling. The Postal Service uses more than 8,500 pieces of automated MPE to sort almost half the world’s mail. […]

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Increasing investments

The Postal Service has approved investments of more than $1.5 billion since last October, Chief Financial Officer Joe Corbett reports in his latest “Dollars and Change” video. The new vehicles include left-hand drive extended capacity cargo vans, minivans, service vehicles and 2-ton mixed delivery and collection trucks. Equipment investments include new package sorting machines and […]

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Dear Mr. President

The White House has introduced a website to highlight handwritten letters to President Obama, along with stories about the writers. The first featured letter comes from Natoma Canfield, a cancer survivor in Ohio who wrote about her experiences in the health care system. Another letter comes from Kathy Kahn and Julie Johnson, a married couple […]

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In the know

USPS recently began deploying Informed Visibility, an online system that will offer up-to-the-minute information and insights into the mail. Informed Visibility will provide access to reports, performance metrics and personalized dashboards. The goal is to help employees manage operations, refine processes and adjust workloads. The system, which is being deployed in multiple phases through next […]

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