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Bright future

Virginia Genao recently achieved one of her major goals: She became a U.S. citizen. “The process was hard, but I was determined,” said Genao, a Midlothian, VA, rural carrier. “Citizenship was the only way for me to have a secure future.” Co-workers celebrated with Genao, who was previously a human resources manager in her native […]

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Container enthusiasm

You probably visit it every day, but how much do you know about your mailbox? To help mark Mailbox Improvement Week, here are five facts. 1. Curbside mailboxes have been around for more than a century. In 1896, when the Post Office Department began experimenting with rural free delivery (RFD), some customers used homemade wooden […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. True or false: Informed Delivery is part of the Postal Service’s broader strategy to add digital capabilities to mail, making it more valuable, predictable and accessible. a) True b) […]

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Dany Mam, Fort Collins, CO

City Carrier Assistant Dany Mam was recently delivering mail in a Fort Collins, CO, neighborhood when she spotted a car moving erratically before backing into a fence. Mam rushed over to check on the driver, whom she had seen shaking uncontrollably as the incident unfolded, and found that the he was incoherent. The Postal Service […]

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Mail moment multiplier

The Postal Service is on a mission to showcase the value of mail, Acting Chief Customer and Marketing Officer Jacqueline Krage Strako told more than 4,000 customers at the National Postal Forum (NPF) this week. To achieve this goal, USPS will develop a marketing campaign to promote mail to the nation’s businesses. The campaign will […]

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Need to know

Scanning snapshot. The Postal Service’s national scanning rating was 97.9 percent during the week ending May 4, up from one week earlier. Dakotas (99.21 percent) topped the districts, while Western (98.23 percent) led the areas. Scanning allows customers to track their packages and mail. It also helps USPS improve efficiency and network management. To see […]

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Data driven

USPS uses data not only to ensure operations run smoothly, but also to help businesses make better use of the mail, Enterprise Analytics Vice President Isaac Cronkhite told the National Postal Forum (NPF) this week. “Our mission is to provide the right information to the right people, at the right time,” Cronkhite said. The Postal […]

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Thanking employees

In addition to meeting with business customers at the National Postal Forum (NPF) this week, Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan took time to thank employees who worked in retail operations and the USPS exhibit booth. Brennan visited a special Post Office set up inside the conference hall for attendees who need postal supplies or to […]

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Industry insights

Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan’s keynote address at this week’s National Postal Forum (NPF) is featured in a new video. Brennan announces Informed Delivery has reached nearly 10 million users and discusses how USPS is using the mail notification service to add digital capabilities to mail, making it more valuable to consumers. She also discusses […]

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Margaret Tousseau, Sunnyvale, CA

Letter Carrier Margaret Tousseau was recently delivering mail in a Sunnyvale, CA, neighborhood when she noticed smoke inside a home. Tousseau knocked on the front door and rang the bell, but got no response from the woman who lives there, so she immediately alerted a neighbor. When the resident couldn’t be reached by telephone, 911 […]

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Long run

Mack Mata Jr. was strolling through downtown Carlsbad, CA, on a fall day in 1960 when a “Help Wanted” sign hanging in the Post Office’s window caught his eye. He applied and soon found himself taking the postal exam alongside 200 other applicants at a local high school. A few days after Thanksgiving, he was […]

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Day by day

Postal Service employees across the nation are helping the organization move closer to its goal of reaching 10 million Informed Delivery users. Informed Delivery allows consumers to digitally preview their incoming mail and manage their packages from computers, tablets and mobile devices. The free feature is a major component of the Postal Service’s strategy to […]

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Need to know

Casting call. The deadline for employees to submit audition videos for the Postal Service’s next TV advertising campaign is Monday, May 7, at 5 p.m. EDT. To audition, create a video in which you state your name, location, position, how long you’ve been employed by USPS, and why you enjoy working for the organization. Use […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Fill in the blank: The Postal Service’s new self-service kiosks have improved screens that offer customers an experience similar to using (blank). a) Informed Delivery b) Informed Facility c) […]

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Taking flight

The brave souls who first carried mail across the skies a century ago changed the world, postal leaders told attendees at this week’s United States Air Mail stamp dedication ceremony. “The Wright brothers opened this country’s eyes as to what could be possible,” said USPS Supply Management Vice President Susan Brownell. “Fifteen years later, with […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. How much total revenue did USPS generate by processing passport applications during the previous fiscal year? a) $164,900 b) $1.6 million c) $16.4 million d) $164.9 million 2. True or […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. Who established the Task Force on the United States Postal System? a) Congress b) President Trump c) Postal Regulatory Commission d) All of the above 2. What was the […]

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In remembrance

President Trump has ordered flags flown at half-staff to honor former first lady Barbara Bush, who died this week. Flags should be flown at half-staff until sunset Saturday, April 21, the day of interment. To fly the flag at half-staff, hoist the flag to the peak for an instant and then lower it to the half-staff position. The […]

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Postal system review

USPS has provided its view on the April 12 announcement that the Trump administration has established a task force to review the postal system. In a statement, the organization notes Congress structured USPS to pay for its operations through the sale of products and services without receiving any tax revenues. Fundamental statutory reforms are needed […]

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News quiz

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end. 1. How many Postal Service employees were attacked by dogs last year? a) 2,464 b) 6,244 c) 6,422 d) 6,424 2. Among those with some college education, how much does […]

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Where does it hurt?

More than 6,200 Postal Service employees were attacked by dogs in 2017. To help mark National Dog Bite Prevention Week, here’s a list of the cities with the most dog attacks against employees last year, along with the number of attacks recorded in each location. 1. Houston (71) 2. Los Angeles (67) 3. St. Louis […]

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Angelia Knight, Atmore, AL

Letter Carrier Angelia Knight was recently delivering mail to a residence in Atmore, AL, when she discovered a customer collapsed on the front porch. Finding no one else at home, Knight called 911 and comforted the woman until emergency responders arrived. The customer, who had suffered a stroke, was evaluated at a local hospital before […]

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Down dog

Dogs attacked 6,244 Postal Service employees last year — more than 500 fewer than the number attacked in 2016 but still far too many, the organization’s leaders say. The decline is linked to safety measures that USPS introduced in recent years, including Package Pickup and Mobile Delivery Device features that alert letter carriers to dogs […]

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Delivering data

Did you know the Postal Service handles almost half the world’s mail volume? Or that 318 employees were honored for their heroism during the previous fiscal year? Or that the organization receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations? If any of […]

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Label lookout

The Postal Service is reminding employees of the differences between Political Mail and Election Mail tags. Red Tag 57, for Political Mail, should be used for any political campaign mailing by a registered candidate, campaign committee, and committee of a political party. This tag also can be used for a message mailing by a political […]

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Out front

Grand Rapids, MI, Postmaster Annette McMillan recognizes the importance of generating revenue for the Postal Service — and she makes sure her employees know it, too. “The employees like making a difference,” McMillan said. “I let them know that we all have a responsibility to increase revenue, and that the sales people cannot do it […]

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